March 31, 2025
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The Astrological Associations with the Wands Suit

The Astrological Associations with the Wands Suit of the Minor Arcana

The Wands suit in the tarot is part of the Minor Arcana and this suit represents ambition, creativity, determination, strength, spirituality, and base energy. It also represents intuition, passion, and a unique way of thinking. The element that the Wands suit is associated with is fire, which is associated with the signs Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius.

However, each card in the Wands suit is associated with different signs of the fire element as well as planets depending on the decan. Let’s begin to delve into the Wands suit!

The Ace of Wands

The Ace of Wands represents all fire signs which again are Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. Anytime this card comes up in a reading, it represents a spark of creativity, as well as courage, and an enthusiastic mindset. This is a card that represents confidence and self-empowerment. It’s the card that emerges when you need to be brave and become a risk-taker to get what you need and want.

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Whenever this card in reverse, it is an indication that the passion and desire are there, but before anything should be started, there needs to be time to figure out how to go about to attain goals as well as how to start.

The Two of Wands

The Two of Wands is associated with Mars which is the first decan and Aries, and it represents self-empowerment, courage, and being bold. This card comes up in a reading to remind you to step into your personal power so you can use your gifts in a way that will show off your greatness.  This also is an indicator that you have a goal and now is the time to begin to plan and prepare the journey on attaining it.

Whenever this card is in reverse, it shows that you are not taking the appropriate risks that need to be taken to attain the goal. And you have to figure out what is holding you back.

The Three of Wands

The Three of Wands is associated with the Sun which is the second decan and Aries, and it represents opportunities presented to you, leadership, and exploring new things. This card emerges in a tarot reading when it is time to create a vision and a new perspective so you can see the big picture clearly which will help ease and erase any fear you feel. Then it shows you how to go after your goals which also hints that you will need to take risks and go into unknown territory to go after what you want because sometimes that is the only way to attain goals. You never attain them while you are in your comfort zone.

When this card comes up in reverse, it means just that – you are stuck in your comfort zone. What is holding you back?

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The Four of Wands

The Four of Wands is associated with Venus which is the third decan and Aries, and it represents celebration, being prosperous, partnership, success, as well as freedom. This card coming up in a reading is an indicator that you had broken free of some bad habits and now you are reaping the rewards of personal growth and freedom. This card also comes up whenever there is an actual celebration happening. Either way, it reveals a joyful time.

When this card comes in reverse, you feel cut off from your friends, you would rather stay home than to attend any celebration and feeling like an outcast.

The Five of Wands

The Five of Wands is associated with Leo and the first decan, Saturn. The best way to describe this card as if you were enjoying the party represented in the Four of Wands and someone came to crash it. This card represents conflicts, strife, competition, challenges, and arguments. Really, what it represents is that people are not getting along and no one is willing to work together. Competition is an issue as well, but this card also doesn’t mean that there are real major obstacles. Just annoyances due to scuffles, disagreements, and competition. It just means as well that the game has to be step up to find a way to work through these issues.

The card in reverse is an indication of arguments being done and a resolution being found which is great. But sometimes it means that you are too tired to fight anymore and even if the fight isn’t over, you have finished anyway because you have had enough.

The Six of Wands

The Six of Wands is associated with Leo and is in the second decan which means its ruling planet is Jupiter. This card represents pride and victory as it is very similar to the Chariot in the Major Arcana. This is a good sign if you see this card and you are working at attaining a goal. It means it is on its way for you! It is within your reach and you will be able to achieve it. Just be careful not to boast when you are about to get what you have been wanting to get.

When this card is in reverse, it means you are not using your leadership skills and you are not living your dreams. You can always change that, however.

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The Seven of Wands

The Seven of Wands is associated with Leo in the third decan which is Mars. When this card comes up, it is very similar to the 5 of Wands. It represents conflict, aggression, valor, and defense. However, the difference between this card and the 5 of Wands is that the 5 of Wands is about a conflict such as crashing a party. With the 7 of Wands, it comes up if you are having to become aggressive for standing up or advocating for something, or someone could be aggressive with you. Sometimes it is necessary to rock the boat if it is for a good reason.

When this card shows up in reverse, it shows that you are not living your truth and you are doing so out of fear of being tired of having conflicts.

The Eight of Wands

The Eight of Wands is associated with the last fire sign of the zodiac which is Sagittarius and it is in the first decan. The planet that rules this card is Mercury. When this card shows up, it is an indication of something quick. It can be an indication of travel by flight, getting some news that will require you to act fast, or anything that is relevant to the saying it is now or never. It can also represent very fast progress as well.

When this card shows up in reverse, it is an indication of things being stuck and not moving. Or it may mean losing your chance due to a lack of action.

The Nine of Wands

The Nine of Wands is associated with Sagittarius and the second decan planet, the Moon. this card is associated with resilience, perseverance, and defense. This card shows up as a warning that you may get hurt and will have to be defensive, and it could be physical or emotional. Either way, you have to keep going no matter how tough things get. Failure is not an option no matter how tough things get.

If this card comes in reverse, it is an indicator that you are not being strong enough or stubbornness.

The Ten of Wands

The Ten of Wands is associated with Sagittarius in the last decan which is Saturn. This is a card that represents overextending yourself, taking on more than you can handle and burdens in general. It is a good time to delegate if this card shows up so you can remove some of what is on your plate. It is overflowing.

When it shows up in reverse, it is a sign that you are nearing a breakdown by having too many things on your plate. You definitely need to get some help in this case.

The Page of Wands

The Page of Wands represents the fire element in general. This card represents enthusiasm, creativity, courage, and confidence. This card can represent a youth that is of a fire sign or it represents a creative opportunity opening up for you. It can represent an opportunity that can ignite your passion.

When this card shows up in reverse, it can represent delays and setbacks which makes goals you wanted to attain more difficult to get.

The Knight of Wands

The Knight of Wands represents both the fire and water elements, but if this represents a young individual in a reading, it usually represents those with the Knight of Wands quality or those with the fire sign. This card represents someone who is charming, adventurous, confident, and one with a lot of passion. This can indicate someone who you know that matches these characteristics or you have these characteristics in a particular situation. Depending on the spread, it may or may not be a positive thing.

When this card comes in reverse, it can indicate setbacks, being too passive or overly confident as well as arrogance.

The Queen of Wands

The Queen of Wands represents the fire and water elements and represents a woman who has a fire sign as well as the qualities of the Queen of Wands. These characteristics are confident but not arrogant, energetic, optimistic and easy-going. This can either describe someone you know that is relevant to the reading or the qualities that you must possess in a certain situation.

The reverse meaning is being overbearing and being overwhelmed by life.

The King of Wands

the King of Wands represents both the fire and water elements and also can indicate a man that has a fire sign, or someone who has the qualities of the King of Wands. The qualities ar boldness, inspiring, charismatic, passion, and creativity. The King of Wands is both inspiring and forceful and when this card comes up in a reading, it indicates these are the traits you need or already have in a particular situation. Or it can represent someone else.

When this card comes in reverse, it can mean a lack of motivation as well as lethargy. it can also indicate rudeness or being held back because of the opinions of others.

Those are the astrological associations of the Wands suit. The next article will be about the astrological associations of the Swords suit.