July 27, 2024
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Love Horoscope:  29 July – 4 August 2024

Your love horoscope for next week, when it comes to love, romance, and dating, based on your astrology sign. Select your sign to discover more about your love horoscope:

Aries Love Horoscope:

Aries weekly love horoscope

There’s a new beginning on the horizon for you soon, Aries. The New Moon in Leo offers the potential of a delicious new connection in the coming months – if you’re looking, that is. With this in mind, go ahead and put yourself out there. Mingle. Sign up for that dating app, go to that party. Your chances are higher than ever for meeting someone special. Love is in the air, Aries.

For the Aries who are spoken for, this New Moon is one that may invite some important conversations about dating, pleasure, and physical connection. Not to worry, Aries – all these areas are going to feel very positive for you. The chemistry between you should be stronger than ever, and you may even want to start thinking about making a baby or embarking on some other kind of creative project together. Right before the New Moon, on Friday, the square between Venus and Uranus might throw a few things into disarray when it comes to love. This is temporary, Aries, so don’t react too quickly.

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Taurus Love Horoscope:

Taurus weekly love horoscope

Your ruler, Venus, moves into your romance sector from Sunday onwards. It’s been an entire year since she’s visited this zone, so get ready for an enjoyable, pleasurable time, whether you’re coupled up or single. Dating should feel delicious. Crushing on someone comes without effort. Yes, there will be a part of you that still feels a little fussy, but this isn’t a bad thing at all. You have standards, Taurus. Nothing wrong with this. Just don’t be so critical that you end up missing someone wonderful right under your nose.

The New Moon on Sunday is also a great one for your relationships, Taurus. It unfolds in your domestic sector, indicating that the next several months might see you enjoying a change of scenery. That is to say, enjoying a change in your home space. Maybe you’re inviting a partner to come and live with you. Or maybe you and your sweetie are looking at a new space to suit the both of you.

Gemini Love Horoscope:

Gemini weekly love horoscope

Oops. Did you just say that? Yes. Yes, you did. Can you take it back? Unlikely. But perhaps you said what was needed at that moment. Don’t beat yourself up too much. Just learn for the next time. You don’t want to go around burning your bridges with lovers, now do you, Gemini? This storm does die down by the weekend, when the New Moon unfolds in your communication sector. You’ll be looking at better ways to hold big conversations with your sweetie in these next few months.

Venus, planet of love and romance, changes signs and heads into your family sector on Sunday, too. This bodes very well for all things domestic, Gemini. If you and your honey have been having a few issues here, rest assured they’ll smooth out. The only thing to look out for is the tendency to nitpick on things that don’t really matter in the long run, Gemini. Try not to be too critical.


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Cancer Love Horoscope:

Cancer weekly love horoscope

The upcoming New Moon this weekend is all about boosting your self-confidence, Cancer. Make it your mission in these next few months to shine bright. Not only will this make you feel good about yourself, but it will also draw the right kinds of love interests your way. Looking after yourself means that you’ll be more selective and know your worth instead of settling.

If you’re also with someone, the same applies. These next few weeks are all about building your skills so that you feel independent and capable. It’s always attractive when our partners work on themselves, don’t you think, Cancer? Venus, planet of relationships, moves into your communication sector as well, bringing sweet, gentle, kind words to your love life. You’ll still be able to think and choose critically, yet you’ll do it with more tenderness than usual. Asserting your desires in a loving way is exactly the right thing to do, Cancer.

Leo Love Horoscope:

Leo weekly love horoscope

The New Moon in your sign is lovely, Leo. It signifies the start of a powerful personal journey that’s all about you. If you’ve been pondering whether or not to remain single, then this is the sign you’ve been waiting for. If you’re feeling as if a certain connection is weighing you down, don’t be afraid of calling it quits. The chances are strong that you’ll end things on a good note. The force is so strong to be with just yourself, that you can’t help but choose you right now.

If your partnership is healthy, then rest assured there’s no need to end anything, Leo. Maybe you just need to negotiate the terms and conditions of your connection. Maybe you need to speak to your partner about how important it is for you at the moment to put your dreams first. You will always have room for the relationship in your heart. You are the sign of romance, after all. But for now, it’s all about you, Leo.

Virgo Love Horoscope:

Virgo weekly love horoscope

Hip, hip, hooray, Virgo! Venus, planet of love and romance, moves into your sign from Sunday onwards. You’re ready to shine brightly now. To glow. To be attractive, sexy, desirable, yummy. You’re usually the type of person that’s fairly reserved and shy, but under these auspices, you’re much more likely to be feeling like putting yourself out there. Your confidence will be soaring, so take advantage of this time, Virgo. It’s not all that often that you get to explore and enjoy these feelings of desirability and sensuality so openly.

Of course, this transit will most benefit the Virgos who are single, seeing as it’s one that tends to draw plenty of attention your way. Nevertheless, even if you are in a relationship, you’re still going to come across in a way that your partner just can’t resist. Enjoy the attention, Virgo. You really do deserve to feel this good.

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Libra Love Horoscope:

Libra weekly love horoscope

Friday sees your ruler, Venus, going into a bit of a tussle with Uranus, Libra. The energy between them reflects some chaos in your love life, especially when it comes to tricky issues such as finances and your physical connection. Maybe things change all of a sudden, confusing you and maybe having you feel uncertain about your relationship. Don’t worry, Libra – this will pass quickly.

Once this passes, Venus moves on into the sector of your chart connected to clandestine connections and love behind the scenes. Maybe you and your sweetie are removing yourselves from the world a little so that you can focus on one another. Or, perhaps it’s a case of you embarking on a forbidden affair with someone totally unavailable, Libra. This is worst-case scenario, however, so don’t panic. If it does happen, step away. Don’t cause yourself unnecessary pain, Libra. You deserve far, far better. Next month sees a major shift of energy and big lessons learned.

Scorpio Love Horoscope:

Scorpio weekly love horoscope

Friday has a tricky alignment of Venus and Uranus, where you may find yourself in a situation in which love is, well, uncertain. Things are shifting, and fast. Maybe it’s due to work, or some other external situation. It doesn’t seem to be anybody’s fault, Scorpio. It’s a true testament to the durability of your connection as to whether or not you can come through these changes intact.

Fortunately, Venus changes signs and moves into your friendship sector just as the New Moon unfolds in your career zone. This is all happening on Sunday, Scorpio. There are changes in work, which could be an indication of a new job in the months to come, or a new role or position. You may meet someone special through the work you do, Scorpio, or be more inclined to go out and meet new people, make friends, and find love through those circles. Don’t shy away from networking or socializing – this is your time to put yourself out there, Scorpio.

Sagittarius Love Horoscope:

Sagittarius weekly love horoscope

Venus moving into Virgo, your career zone, can be interesting. One the one hand, Sagittarius, you’re far less inclined to date right now, but much more likely to throw yourself into work. This is okay, seeing as there will be plenty of opportunities to get ahead in the next few months. Your focus may just naturally turn away from love and towards work matters, especially if things are a bit tricky there at the moment.

However, if you are going to focus on love, then you may meet someone special through the work you do. Yes, it may not be the ideal romance to start, but give it time, Sagittarius. Don’t force it. If you’re already in a relationship, the New Moon in Leo over the weekend helps you to commit to studying something together, which is always a great way to bond. You could also be planning a long journey over the next few months, Sagittarius, which will help your relationship grow.

Capricorn Love Horoscope:

Capricorn weekly love horoscope

Venus moving into a fellow earth sign is always good news for you, Capricorn. She’s more at home in the element of earth and brings blessings of stability and practicality to your love life. You’re more inclined to enjoy some fun and pleasure right now, Capricorn, but in a way that’s responsible and careful. The New Moon in your trust zone on Sunday helps to strengthen the ties that bind, so if you’ve been feeling a little wary, rest assured that your trust levels will rise.

For the single Capricorn, Venus in Virgo may bring someone to you from a foreign country, someone very interesting and with an intelligent outlook on life. If you are looking, cast your net far and wide, Capricorn. Don’t be afraid of meeting new people. If you’re coupled, try and spend some time enjoying one another. Things are about to get much more physical, so plan accordingly, Capricorn.

Aquarius Love Horoscope:

Aquarius weekly love horoscope

It’s time for some relationship adjustments this week, Aquarius. Venus moves into your shared resources sector, asking you and your honey to be more practical about your connection. The New Moon in your relationship zone on Sunday indicates a new phase for you in these months to come. You might be contemplating whether or not to stay or go. This New Moon is full of promise, so don’t decide anything immediately.

The tension between Uranus and Venus is short-lived, Aquarius. Try not to let it rattle you too much. Changes are inevitable, but change isn’t bad at all. It’s just different. Perhaps your schedules are shifting, or one of you needs to prioritize work, or maybe someone has to move. Talk about the changes, Aquarius. Keep the lines of communication open. Don’t feel afraid of any potential transition, even if it does mean you have to release the past and begin a new adventure.

Pisces Love Horoscope:

Pisces weekly love horoscope

Look, Pisces, this upcoming Venus in Virgo isn’t the best transit for your love life. However, it’s also not the worst. You may just need to focus on the practical side of love rather than the fantasy of it. Make your connection workable, something tangible. Of course, this can be terribly boring for you, but it is necessary. The New Moon on Sunday unfolds in your work zone, so you’ll find yourself focusing on this area in the months to come, too.

If you’re single, the best way to use this energy is to work on yourself, Pisces. On the little things, the things that seem trivial. The reality is that it’s the details that make or break relationships. If you’re with someone, then try to make it a priority to sort out the everyday aspects of your connection. Don’t forget that Venus also rules over money, so have a good chat about finances if that’s been a bone of contention.



By Margarita

Margarita Celeste is a passionate, practicing Astrology & Tarot Teacher and Consultant living in sunny Cape Town, South Africa. She has been interested in the deep symbolism of the stars and planets ever since she can remember and specializes in Relationship and Psychological Astrology. You can reach Margarita via her website: margaritaceleste.com.