October 17, 2024
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The Suit of Swords represents human thought, communication, and logic. The Fool’s journey through this suit begins with the “discovery of choice” in the Ace of Swords and concludes with strategy and decisiveness represented by the Queen and King of Swords.

The Swords Cards in a Reading

When a card from the suit of Swords appears in a reading, it commands the querent and reader to analyze and understand their question or concern. Like all human experience, there are positive and negative moments. These cards address the positive and negative “mind” archetypes we all pass through at some time or another in our life journey.

Swords Tarot Cards and Astrology

The court cards in each suit represent the element and three of the signs. The Page of Swords represents the element of air and the unfocused, but powerful energy of human thought and imagination. The figure in the card is often depicted as an adolescent, and rightly so, since adolescence is filled with a strong energy that is “all over the place”.

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The Knight of Swords represents Gemini, which is the mutable air sign of the Zodiac. Curious Adaptable Air energy fuels their Primary Drive. Their Life Path energy operates best-doing tasks that stimulate their minds in a variety of ways; they must learn how to focus-on-demand to manifest their best results.

The Queen of Swords represents Aquarius, which is the fixed air sign of the Zodiac. Unconventional Stable Air energy fuels their Primary Drive. Their Life Path energy operates best when they are authentic and unrepentant; they must learn quiet fortitude to manifest their best results.

The King of Swords represents Libra, which is the cardinal air sign of the Zodiac. Analytical Active Air energy fuels their Primary Drive. Their Life Path energy operates best when acting logically; they must learn to mix in feelings to manifest their best results.


Swords Tarot Card Meanings


Ace of Swords

The Ace of Swords represents new thoughts, new ideas, and new decisions. This card appears in a reading when it is time to decide, think outside the box, or use logic to address a relationship or situation.

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Two of Swords Rider Tarot

Two of Swords

The Two of Swords represents detached decision-making. When this card appears, you need to “be at peace” with your choices. There is no need to “look back” at past choices. Rather you need to assess what choices you need to make going forward.

Rider Tarot Threee of Swords

Three of Swords

The keywords for the Three of Swords are sorrow and frustration. This card is the archetype for situations and relationships where we get something we want, but there is a serious problem. A simple example would be getting your dream job but having a terrible boss. When this card appears in a reading, you must learn how to manage a difficult situation.

4 of swords Rider Waite tarot

Four of Swords

The Four of Swords represents the mind “at rest”. When this card appears in a reading, you need to find a way to enter a meditative state regarding a relationship or situation. Detaching and finding a quiet place to contemplate will help you address your concern.

5 of swords Rider Waite tarot

Five of Swords

The keyword for the Five of Swords is defeat. We all face setbacks; they are inevitable. How we handle them and go on is the real mental test. Failure is an important life lesson, both the nature of it and how we understand what the defeat means for us and others.

6 of swords Rider Waite tarot

Six of Swords

The Six of Swords represents moving from “one shore of thinking” to “another way of understanding.” This card appears to remind us that we must “cross the in-between” before we are fully out of an old way of thinking and adjusted to a new way of thinking.

7 of swords Rider Waite tarot

Seven of Swords

The Seven of Swords represents either theft or a lack of appreciation, which requires taking one’s talents elsewhere. If you see the card and think of the figure as stealing ideas, then where do you face a betrayal, or who are you betraying? If you see the card and think you are under-appreciated, then you should consider taking your talents elsewhere.

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8 of swords Rider Waite tarot

Eight of Swords

The keywords for the Eight of Swords are anxiety and doubt. One of the worst limitations we face is doubt. because we find our mind is working against us. We receive this card when we need to make a significant change to our thinking because we are caught in a terrible, negative loop.

9 of swords Rider Waite tarot

Nine of Swords

The Nine of Swords represents cruelty, and is a warning card. When this card appears, you need to protect yourself and be on guard, especially against people who will try to make your doubt yourself and who want to see you fail. It can also be a card you draw that is demanding you address any cruelties you have inflicted on others.

10 of swords Rider Waite tarot

Ten of Swords

The keyword for the Ten of Swords is ruin. We all face some situation or relationship that becomes broken beyond repair. This card calls on us to look at a situation or relationship that is headed towards ruin or already ruined. You need to make entirely new decisions and realize there is no fixing the problem (but by moving on).

Page of swords Rider Waite tarot

Page of Swords

The Page of Swords represents the open mind and imagination, which can be wonderful and overwhelming. Thoughts are flying around and need focus. It is great to have many ideas, but unhelpful if none of them lead to any concrete decisions, or constant indecision.

Knight of swords Rider Waite tarot

Knight of Swords

The Knight of Swords represents the focused mind, on a quest to take an idea and see that it is achieved. When this card appears in your reading, be decisive and act accordingly. This is no time for doubt.

Queen of swords Rider Waite tarot

Queen of Swords

The Queen of Swords represents detached, strategic thinking. She is the chess player thinking five or ten or fifteen moves ahead. She will not be swayed by emotion, only by logic and analysis. When she appears in a reading, you need to follow your head, not your heart.

King of swords Rider Waite tarot

King of Swords

The King of Swords represents wisdom and intelligence. He is the “final arbitrator”. When this card appears in a reading, then you assert yourself as the one in charge of the decision-making. If you realize the card is about reacting to a decision from someone with more power than you, then how do you need to “answer” the situation?