October 24, 2024
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Ask Astrology

A tarot spread is a ritual way to lay out the tarot cards when you perform a reading. The simplest spread is a one-card reading, usually done to answer yes or no to your question or to get an insight about a situation, or simple guidance for your day.

Spreads can range from as little as 1 card to all 78 cards, should you so choose to use the entire deck to answer a question, which can be done if you consider that the impact of any question really applies to all areas of your life.

However, most readings range from 3 to 10 cards and generally focus on just a few areas of life, like romance, career, family, and self-development. AskAstrology provides a sequence of card designations you can use to make your own spreads.

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Using the Cards Properly

Use any tool in life, like tarot cards or a hammer, with honesty and correctly. It’s important to use tools properly. You should not use a hammer to drive a screw into a board and you should not use tarot cards to “invade” someone’s private thoughts or feelings.

Of course, we want to know if he or she really loves us or if our boss will give us the raise, but those are not questions for the cards, those are questions for your lover or your boss. Proper tarot questions are self-focused even when they involve another person.

The best question for the cards involving your partner would be, “how do I feel about the way my partner treats me?” and the best question for a promotion is, “what do I need to know if I get the promotion (or do not get the promotion)?”

Positions and Assignments in the Spread

Cards can be laid out any way you want. You can create a heart shape using the position of the cards for a romance reading. Not the positions matter so much as to what assignment you give to each card draw. Is the first card “the present” or “what you need to know now?” or should it be “your concern for the matter?”

The AskAstrology card assignments can be used to do 1 or 10 card readings for any question. You can follow the sequence we provide or mix them up in any way you want.

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Be creative! Tarot is an art form used for spiritual and psychological purposes. It involves creating and using cards for guidance and insight.

You can be creative about how you lay the cards out, especially if you decide to do a six to ten-card reading. You could arrange ten cards to form a heart for love readings and an arrow pointing up for career questions.

As you add cards, you add more information. More information isn’t always better; sometimes it adds unnecessary details or causes confusion instead of helping. When thinking about your question, also trust your intuition to decide how many cards are best for your reading.

Card Designations for Spreads

Without a doubt, questions about Love and Romance are often at the forefront of various esoteric or psychic practices. “Will I meet the one?” “Am I with the right person?” “What do I need to do to attract my ideal match?” Questions about career come in second.

Here are various card designs you can use for your readings, specially made for you by AskAstrology.

One Card Spread

  • Card 1 is “what you need to know right now!”

The Question: “Should I go on a second date with him/her?”

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The Answer:

Knight tarot card

Follow your heart! Or,

tarot card 9 of spades

No, absolutely not! Protect yourself! Or,


Only if you can afford to or they can afford you.

Two Tarot Cards Spread

  • Card 1 is “what do you need to know right now!”
  • Card 2 is “future guidance”

The Question: “Should I move in with him/her?”

The Answers:

tarot card the devil tarot card 7 of spades

You really want to throw caution to the wind, but will likely regret it later.

Three Tarot Cards Spread

  • Card 1 is “what do you need to know right now!”
  • Card 2 is “future guidance”
  • Card 3 is “past experience”

The Question: “Should I divorce my husband/wife?”

The Answers:

judgment, the hermit, 4 of cups

Take time alone to think about your marriage. Reflect on the happy moments to see if it can be saved, or if it is really beyond repair. This is an important decision that requires careful consideration.


Four Tarot Cards Spread

  • Card 1 is “what do you need to know right now!”
  • Card 2 is “future guidance”
  • Card 3 is “past experience”
  • Card 4 is “a message from spirit”

The Question: “How do I improve my relationship with my adult son?”

The Answer:

tarot cards ace of spades, whell of fortune

You need to see him as an equal and discard old thinking for new. What is a past adventure you shared that you could enjoy again that could become a new way for you to connect. Spirit reminds you that you can only control your half of the relationship.

5 Tarot Cards Spread

  • Card 1 is “what do you need to know right now!”
  • Card 2 is “future guidance”
  • Card 3 is “past experience”
  • Card 4 is “a message from spirit”
  • Card 5 is “the unseen revealed”

The Question: “How can I be happier?”

The Answer:

tarot cards the tower the king

You need to make a radical change that requires you to rise to a higher level of action. Remember when you were fully in charge of your life, you need to realize that suffering is normal in life, and you need to make it your goal to become aware that your personal material success is key to your happiness now.

6 Tarot Cards Spread

  • Card 1 is “what do you need to know right now!”
  • Card 2 is “future guidance”
  • Card 3 is “past experience”
  • Card 4 is “a message from spirit”
  • Card 5 is “the unseen revealed”
  • Card 6 is “the lesson of the matter”

The Question: “How do I bring more romance into my life?”

The Answer:

high priestess, the knight, 2 of spades

Accept that you are different and you will have to look far beyond your local environment to meet your soul mate. In the past you worked hard on your quest and need to do so again, with intense focus. You will have to be honest about what you really want; and be specific, so you can be at peace with your decisions and not look back with regret.

7 to 10 Tarot Cards Spread

And here are the remaining options for 7 to 10 cards; you can mix and match as well as lay them out in whatever creative way you choose.

  • Card 1 is “what do you need to know right now!”
  • Card 2 is “future guidance”
  • Card 3 is “past experience”
  • Card 4 is “a message from spirit”
  • Card 5 is “the unseen revealed”
  • Card 6 is “the lesson of the matter”
  • Card 7 is “the unexpected”
  • Card 8 is “the impact on others”
  • Card 9 is “take this action”
  • Card 10 is “the heart of the matter”