2025 is an absolutely enormous year, cosmically speaking. It’s certainly much more impactful than 2024, with four out of five outer planets ingressing into new signs. This shifts the energetic landscape in ways that will create a ripple effect, both personally and collectively. To add to that, the Moon’s Nodes, and thus, the Eclipses, are also shifting, reflecting even more change, more evolution, and more growth. There are two major retrogrades over 2025 aside from the usual, bringing up reflections around personal relationships and connections.
So, without further ado, read on to explore which of these energies may be impacting you and what they could mean:
2025 General Horoscope and Outlook
To begin with, January sees the continuation of the Mars retrograde, which started on December 6th and lasts until February 23rd. In the cosmic crybaby sign of Cancer, this is a retrograde that may tempt us to throw a tantrum and stamp our feet. Yet, this won’t help anything, and will, instead, create more defensiveness and aggression. Communicating our needs, remembering that feelings are not facts, and protecting what is dear to us is the way to get through the first part of 2025.
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The Moon’s Nodes then shift, on the 11th, into the axis of Virgo and Pisces. This is known as the “Healer’s” axis, collectively inspiring the need to heal both physically and emotionally. Letting go of addictions, creating healthier lifestyles, and balancing control with flow are what we may come to expect, especially during the Eclipses over March and September 2025.
Read more about each zodiac sign below…
March: A Cosmic Shift of Love, Intuition, and Self-Discovery
March 1st sees the retrograde of Venus, planet of love, beauty, and relationships, in the fiery sign of Aries and the sensitive sign of Pisces. Traveling across two signs, this will be a moment to review our connections, stay true to our values, and walk away from relationships not serving our highest potential. This may feel messy but is, in fact, a cosmic clean-up. Until the direct motion in April, we may also be tested when it comes to our finances and resources, making it important not to leap into any major decisions.
March also kicks off the first Mercury retrograde of the year, so from the 15th, we might expect the usual crossed wires and the urge to review, renew, and reflect. Mercury retrogrades in the three water signs during 2025 – Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio – urging the need for deeper introspection and connection to our intuitive faculties rather than the logical ones.
The 30th of March brings along the first of the major ingresses: Neptune into Aries. Neptune has been in watery, spiritual Pisces since 2011, bringing about a major spiritual journey for most of the collective. Now, in Aries, this planet of dreams and visions urges self-discovery, bold spiritual exploration, initiating creative pursuits, and the desire to change our body, our image, and our identity. It blends intuition and action but warns of over-idealism too. Here, Neptune will stay until a brief ingress back into Pisces to complete unfinished business on October 22nd.
Read more about each zodiac sign below…
Facing Fears, Expanding Hearts, and Revolutionizing Minds
Then, on May 24th, tough-love karmic planet Saturn also heads into Aries, hinting at the great conjunction of Neptune and Aries in early 2026. Leaving Pisces, where he’s been since March 2023, Saturn in Aries is perhaps not at his strongest. Here, he rebels against structure, yearns to take risks, but might be too scared to make that leap. There’s also a yearning to lead, pioneer, take charge, break down barriers, and establish our identities. We will need to overcome many personal insecurities, fears, and self-doubt before we do so, however. Taking reckless risks just to prove ourselves may prove to be the test with Saturn’s transit in Aries. Facing our fears head-on is the work, but that work may not be easy. Saturn, too, briefly slips back into Pisces to complete his own spiritual journey with boundaries and vulnerability, come September 1st.
In June, Jupiter heads into his exaltation sign of Cancer, from busy Gemini, bringing a softer, nurturing family feel into the picture. Emotions may run high, but at the same time, there’s a sense of deeper connection to those whom we love, want to protect, and cherish. This year-long transit is all about expanding our feelings, cuddling, nurturing, providing, and protecting.
Last, but by no means least, is the entry of rebellious, progressive, innovative Uranus into brilliant, clever Gemini. This is a long-awaited transit, seeing as Uranus has been particularly uncomfortable in placid, change-averse Taurus. Here, our minds are set free, technology improves, and revolutions in how we communicate unfold. This adds to the Pluto in Aquarius transit, which is already drastically altering the social and technological climate. Watch this space! The world is changing, and changing fast, over 2025.
You have a huge year coming along, Aries, so buckle up and get ready for a wild, bumpy ride. Your 2025 yearly horoscope kicks off with your ruler, Mars, being retrograde in your domestic sector, stirring the pot for trouble in paradise. It’ll be up to you to maintain your cool and protect what you hold dear.
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February sees Venus go retrograde in your sign, which may not be a bad thing for you at all. The longer-than-usual visit of the planet of beauty and love may have you feeling better about yourself than ever. More importantly, the ingress of Neptune and Saturn in your sign over 2025 is monumental: you’re stepping up to new responsibilities, Aries. The pressure is on to weave your ideals and dreams together with reality to create the life you’ve always imagined.
Taurus, you’ve had a very wild couple of years. Since around 2026, Uranus has been transiting your sign, reflecting constant change and unpredictable shifts. In the end, you’ve come to a place where you’ve realized your freedom. You’ve realized that you can cope with change better than you thought.
Your 2025 horoscope brings a sense of peace and stability after all the chaos, as Uranus finally leaves your sign in July, with only a brief revisit over the last few months of the year to wrap up unfinished business. You’re a whole new person, Taurus. It’s high time that you celebrated your metamorphosis. Finances are now your focus as you find exciting, creative ways to earn more money over the course of the year. Taking good care of your health will support you in your efforts in the year ahead.
Gemini, you’ve had the gift of Jupiter transiting your sign since around May 2025. This is coming to an end on June 9th, and Jupiter says goodbye, leaving the gifts of expansion and growth in his wake. Maybe you’ll even feel a little relieved to see him go, Gemini — you’ve had a lot on your plate.
Nevertheless, your 2025 yearly reading still offers a great deal of excitement. You see, Uranus is entering your sign for the first time in around eighty years, so you’ve probably not been alive to yet feel what this is like. Expect sudden, rapid, liberating change, thrills, spills, and absolute chaos. Expect your identity to become freer, more expressive, more — well — you. This is a year for the books, promises your 2025 yearly reading. Plus, with both Saturn and Neptune finally leaving their signs, there’s a huge amount of responsibility and confusion that will lift from your shoulders.
It’s a great year for you, promises your 2025 yearly reading, Cancer. You see, Jupiter, planet of gifts, growth, and expansiveness — the ‘good luck’ planet — enters your sign as of June 9th for about a year. This is about to bring you all kinds of great opportunities in the year to come, opportunities that you simply can’t pass up, Cancer. This is your year to spread your wings and fly high.
With both Saturn and Neptune leaving their signs and entering a new zone of your chart, you may also feel a building sense of responsibility and a possible desire for more meaning. Yet, this is a very slow process, Cancer, and the protection of Jupiter should help you get through any tricky moments. Even if 2025 begins on a wobbly footing with Mars retrograde in your sign for a few weeks, you’ll soon regain your footing and retake control of your life.
Leo, the biggest news for your 2025 yearly reading is the opposition of Pluto to your sign, an aspect that either already happened for some of you, or will happen at some point in the next two decades. This is a transit that reorganizes your relationships, corrects any imbalanced power dynamics, and generally brings a powerful transformation your way. You’re ready for it, Leo.
Saturn and Neptune’s entry into one of your fellow fire signs also promises a year ahead that allows you to step into a more responsible role — the role of visionary, creative, leader, and pioneer. You were born for this, Leo. Your destiny is right here, right now, says your yearly horoscope. If spiritual development isn’t on your agenda, it should be — along with travel and personal growth. This is the year where you might make some important strides, Leo.
There’s a whole lot going on for you this year, Virgo. Your 2025 reading promises a shift in your destiny, especially when it comes to your relationships. You’ve already been navigating several relationship themes since around 2011, working through possible deceptions, betrayals, disappointments, fairy-tale moments, and reality checks.
In short, you’ve worked hard, Virgo, and now’s the time when your work is about to pay off. Some of you may see your soulmate arrive in 2025, due to the eclipses in your sign in March and September. You may get married, engaged, form a powerful new partnership, and find the balance between your own desires and those of your relationship. Things are bound to be far less difficult, promises your year ahead reading for 2025, Virgo, so take heart. If you’ve been facing health issues, these are likely to fade away now, as will major professional pressures you may have been dealing with.
This is a big year for your relationships, Libra. Your 2025 year ahead horoscope is very much focused on the connections you make with others, whether these connections are new or old. If you’re single, the arrival of Saturn, planet of commitment, in your love sector may herald a very serious new partnership. Neptune also arrives here in March, which may very well be a soulmate-like connection.
You’ll just have to make sure, Libra, that dreams are balanced with reality. Don’t project a fantasy onto someone, but don’t look at all their flaws either. It’s make or break time. Double up or quit, advises your 2025 reading. There may be some big responsibilities coming at you in other areas, and you may feel a little uncertain about your direction. Accepting these responsibilities and allowing yourself to surrender will be the way you navigate the year ahead successfully.
2025 may start on an uncertain footing as Mars, your co-ruling planet, is retrograde until around February. This may reflect issues with travel or education, making it important not to lose your cool, Scorpio. This isn’t how the rest of the year will turn out, so don’t worry too much. Take your time with things and be patient with yourself and the situations developing.
By February, you’re feeling much better. Plus, the good news is that the hard work you’ve been doing around your relationships is likely to be much, much easier as Uranus, Saturn, and Neptune all leave your relating sector after many years of testing, turmoil, lessons, and change. You can heave a huge sigh of relief now, Scorpio. You’ve made it. You’ve passed the challenges. You’re now left with a much clearer picture of what — and who — you want. The focus is now on your material world — your work, finances, and resources. Get on it.
Jupiter, your ruler, is set to change signs in June, Sagittarius, switching from a relationship-focused energy to an area of your chart linked to finances, abundance, and being emotionally, physically, and spiritually supported. This may be a natural progression for one thing to the next, where you’ve met someone — romantic or professional — and now’s the time for you to take this connection one step further. It’s the kind of year, Sagittarius, that promises all you desire if you just reach out for it. The only danger here would be getting a little too greedy or attaching too much emotion to the gifts you’re getting.
Your home life is also set to improve, seeing as Saturn and Neptune leave this sector, relieving the pressure, duty, and responsibilities you may have been feeling here. This brings you a huge sigh of relief as you turn your attention toward relationships and connection. Single Sagittarians: your 2025 horoscope may offer you a new connection, a new romance — one that could be very impactful and long-lasting, although perhaps also a little wild and unstable. If you’re hoping for a child or to create, the next few years are the time to set the stage.
The biggest cosmic news for you, Capricorn, is the move of your ruler, Saturn, into a new sign and sector of your chart. The last few years have been quite the learning curve — literally — for you. You may now be finishing a course of studies, completing a book, healing the relationship with your family, or healing the relationship with your siblings. The list goes on. It’s been a challenge to overcome the mental insecurities, but look where you are now, Capricorn.
Now, seeing as Saturn heads into another sector of your chart connected to family, you may be exploring the concept of moving, relocating, restructuring your home, your family dynamics, and your physical space. This can be a little testing, Capricorn, as you may take on extra responsibilities or feel a little unsupported. You’re being asked to create your dream home and family, but to be realistic about it, too. The more effort you put in, the more it will pay off, promises your yearly 2025.
Aquarius, since 2023, you’ve been welcoming the powerful transit of Pluto in your sign. This is likely to change you from the inside out at some point in the next two decades. The pressure is building for you to shed your old skin. You’ve done the inner work, and now’s the time for this to reflect in your outer world.
Uranus moves into your domestic zone, which could come as relief if you’ve been feeling unstable in this area or moving around often. You could be welcoming a new area of stability. Your relationships are bound to get more exciting as Uranus highlights this sector, bringing exciting new connections or sudden surprises. Money is about to get much better too, as Saturn heads out of this zone. You seem to have been doing the hard work of restructuring your income and finances, so rest assured that this planet is likely to leave you a parting gift. Well done, Aquarius. Going forward, your 2025 horoscope suggests that studying, teaching, or coaching may be very lucrative for you.
Pisces, you’ve had such an enormous transformation over the last couple of years, what with Saturn and Neptune in your sign. Since 2011, you’ve been learning important lessons around boundaries, around self-development, and around who you really are. There have been some big highs and lows, and now that you’re at the end of this journey, there seems to be a big victory awaiting you. Your hard work and dedication are paying off. You’re a whole new person, Pisces. Things are about to get a lot less difficult for you, hints your 2025 reading for the year ahead.
With your co-ruler, Jupiter, moving into your creative sector in June, you may find yourself embracing passions close to your heart. This is an ideal time for connection, for romance, and for collaboration. Your other ruler, Neptune, shifts into your financial sector, where he’ll stay for many moons. If you’ve been hoping to make an income from your creative skills or your healing abilities, this is the time, Pisces.