February 18, 2025
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Your zodiac sign and horoscope are related to the planetary movements! The starGuide, interprets the planets’ movements to help you gain awareness of what you can expect to happen and your current mental, emotional and spiritual state. Live a more self-aware life!​ 

Horoscope: February 18, 2025 – February 27, 2025

starGuide Sun in Pisces and New Moon in Pisces


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Feb 18 – Mar 20: Sun in Pisces

Pisces is the 12th and final sign in the zodiac wheel, representing the end of a yearly zodiac cycle. We are more innovative during the Aquarius season and not scared to be different and original. We hold our freedom in high regard. We experimented with life and experienced new things. As we enter the season of Pisces, we become more compassionate and receptive. We are less aware of rules and boundaries, and we open up our hearts and souls to the world. Personal freedom becomes less of a focus, and connecting with the world is the goal.

Feb 27: New Moon in Pisces

The New Moon in Pisces will happen in your 12th house. You will feel more tempted to be on your own, spend some time by yourself and reflect, and won’t be in the mood for company and socializing. There can be a lot of emotions that surface this day, be sure to let them out and do not keep them caged in. Meditation will be a great tool on this day, as there will be some unconscious thoughts that will need some attention and sorting through that have been causing you to have negative emotional reactions.




Feb 18 – Mar 20: Sun in Pisces

With the Sun in Pisces, you’re being asked to set aside your usual focus on stability and lean into the softness of your emotions. This energy is here to remind you that your dreams and desires are just as important as your plans and goals. Let yourself slow down and connect with what feels meaningful. Pisces calls you to trust the flow instead of forcing the outcome, guiding you toward deeper connection and a sense of purpose that can’t be rushed.

Feb 27: New Moon in Pisces

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This is a time to think about visions that feel just out of reach but keep calling to you anyway. This is your chance to dream with no rules, no timelines, no “shoulds.” Ask yourself: if you let go of practicality for a moment, what would truly light you up? Set intentions that aren’t tied to logic but to the kind of life that feels like yours and yours alone. Pisces tells that your dreams aren’t too big, they’re just waiting for you to believe in them.


Feb 18 – Mar 20: Sun in Pisces

Pisces is a mutable sign, meaning we will be much more flexible and willing to adapt to changes around us. Pisces marks the end of a zodiac season and represents an accumulation of all the lessons we have gone through while the Sun moved through the previous zodiac signs. It is beneficial to take time out from 18 February, when Pisces season starts, and reflect on what you have experienced over the last 11 months. Avoid taking on too many responsibilities, as this is a vital time for self-reflection and self-care.

Pisces is a water sign, and when the Sun is in a water sign, we are more willing to let our tears flow. If there are any negative emotions you need to release, do not keep them in, and allow yourself to be vulnerable and to cry. Whenever you cry, you release pent-up, stagnant energy and emotions; therefore, it can be highly beneficial. Allow yourself time alone and feel instead of suppressing your feelings. Pisces season is a prime time to release and process your emotions so that they do not burden you in the future.

Feb 27: New Moon in Pisces

During the new moon in Pisces, it is crucial to become more aware of the image you are projecting to the world and how you make yourself appear. You can often create a different impression through your dress, style, and expression than who you really are. It is vital to connect with an authentic style that is true to you during this new moon. Before you embark on any new endeavors, it is essential to know who you are and express yourself authentically, or you might get stuck in a situation where you have to continuously be someone you are not because others think you are someone you potentially might not be.




Feb 18 – Mar 20: Sun in Pisces

With the sun now in Pisces, it is a reminder to nurture yourself as deeply as you nurture others. Reconnect with your dreams and let your imagination guide you. It’s less about holding it all together and more about letting go of what’s weighing you down. Allow yourself to be softer, more fluid, and open to what feels healing and expansive. Pisces encourages you to trust that you don’t have to carry everything alone, sometimes surrendering is the bravest thing you can do.

Feb 27: New Moon in Pisces

This is a quiet yet powerful moment to step away from the emotions that don’t belong to you and reclaim what does. What feels aligned with the person you’re becoming, and what feels like it’s holding you back? Pisces invites you to imagine a life where you’re no longer weighed down by expectations but led by what fills you with quiet joy and purpose. Let your intentions reflect that freedom.



Feb 18 – Mar 20: Sun in Pisces

The Sun will enter Pisces and your 6th house on 18 February. This house rules over health and your awareness of the body. The Sun will show you your shadow side concerning this and how you have not been looking after your body in the best possible way for you to function at your highest energy. Bad habits might have to be cut, and you will form new, positive habits.

The Sun can also encourage long-hidden emotions regarding unhappiness at work to start rising. If needed, you will eventually move on to something more beneficial to you in the long run and something that genuinely makes you feel satisfied inside. No more oppressing and keeping in what upsets you. Time to liberate yourself and assert yourself to have access to your happiness!

Feb 27: New Moon in Pisces

During the new moon in Pisces, you could have some newfound, unexpected inspiration when it comes to a professional or creative project you have been working on. You might’ve been working on something for a while now, and you could feel stuck and unsure how to approach your project next. The new moon in Pisces will breathe a fresh breath of inspiration into your soul, and you can get out of the creative rut you have been stuck in for a while. Avoid oversharing your ideas during this time, as an ill-intentioned person might steal your idea and try to benefit for themself through it.




Feb 18 – Mar 20: Sun in Pisces

The Sun is in your relationship house, so it’s time to change your approach to relating. Instead of analyzing relationships like a spreadsheet, think of them as a quilt, full of stories, warmth, and imperfections. Not everything has to be perfectly aligned at first glance. What if you discovered something new about someone you thought you knew? Instead of jumping to conclusions, let the mysteries simmer and let curiosity be your guide.

Feb 27: New Moon in Pisces

The New Moon in Pisces reminds you that not all answers come from problem-solving. Sometimes, they appear in the stillness between questions. Give yourself the grace to let your thoughts wander without purpose. Drop the labels and let your emotions flow like unscripted poetry, free, raw, and resonant. Try reframing your downtime as a critical part of your growth process. Reflect on how moments of stillness add to your narrative rather than interrupt it.




Feb 18 – Mar 20: Sun in Pisces

During Pisces season, it’s your turn to release the need to keep everything perfectly balanced and dive into your feelings. This energy is asking you to soften into your own dreams and desires. Let yourself explore the spaces where logic doesn’t have all the answers and creativity takes the lead. Pisces tells us that it’s safe to let go of perfection and just be, trusting that your inner world holds the beauty you’re looking for.

Feb 27: New Moon in Pisces

There will be significant contemplation regarding adjustments that need to be made in your daily routine, work, and home during the new moon in Pisces. The new moon is taking place in your 6th house. Awareness of how current routines you have formed might not be beneficial to you will come to you. You want to live a more harmonious, peaceful life at home and will be focused on taking the necessary steps to get the joy you deserve.




Feb 18 – Mar 20: Sun in Pisces

Your creative well is bubbling over with inspiration. The ideas that have been brewing are ready to come out and play. Trust your instincts as you shape these ideas into something beautiful. Remember, the best art is often created in the unknown. Don’t confuse intensity with clarity. Not everything needs to be fully formed before you start. This is a time to explore, to experiment, to enjoy the process. View your work as a form of improvisation, unscripted and full of potential.

Feb 27: New Moon in Pisces

This new moon in Pisces is an invitation to dream wildly and unreasonably, beyond the limits you’ve quietly placed on yourself. It’s not a time to fix or even heal, but to let your imagination run free without needing it to make sense. What’s calling to you that you’ve dismissed as too much, too impractical, or too vulnerable? This is your chance to claim it. Set intentions that scare you a little because they feel so personal. Trust that your deepest desires aren’t weaknesses, they’re the path to your next breakthrough.




Feb 18 – Mar 20: Sun in Pisces

When Pisces season starts on 18 February, it is a time when you will shift your focus to your home life and family relationships. It is important to address emotional concerns during Pisces season, as to have a truly happy and functional home life, emotions need to be addressed. Often others can act as if everything is OK, showering everything in blankets of positivity, denying that anything negative exists, or refusing to address anything negative.

Often you can also be guilty of doing this. Always being positive and pretending that bad things don’t exist do not help you solve problems, as you never face your shadow side when you adopt this mentality. Look to find healthy ways to get your family members to open up this Pisces season, and tell them they do not always have to pretend that everything is OK.

Feb 27: New Moon in Pisces

The new moon in Pisces will likely push you into a whole new direction. You might want to change your current home situation and find a solution that benefits you and all the members of your household. You might want to move to a different house or find a new routine and lifestyle that makes you happier at home.

A new moon in your 4th house of home and family points to a fresh start in this area of your life. How can you change things to clear out any stagnance and resistance in your life? Be clear and concise about what you want at home and expect from others. Connect with the emotional needs of others, and find ways to find a home life that makes everyone happy and comfortable.




Feb 18 – Mar 20: Sun in Pisces

This energy calls you to focus less on the tangible outcomes and more on what your heart truly craves. Pisces asks you to step into a space of feeling and creativity, where not everything needs a plan. Let this be a season of exploring the softer side of your strength, the part of you that can dream, reflect, and trust that slowing down doesn’t mean falling behind.

Feb 27: New Moon in Pisces

The Pisces New Moon comes to shake loose the rules you’ve been living by, especially the ones that keep you from dreaming freely. You’ve been so focused on the next step that you might’ve forgotten to ask yourself what you actually want. Set intentions that reflect the parts of you that long for connection, creativity, and a little chaos. Your dreams don’t have to be productive to be worth pursuing, they just have to be yours.




Feb 18 – Mar 20: Sun in Pisces

The Sun is transiting your 2nd house in Pisces from 18 February. You might not have been very responsible lately regarding how you treat your money and resources, or you just haven’t given it too much thought. Your sense of self-value is also something that has been confusing you, leaning between an inflated ego and a broken-down self-esteem.

The Sun will allow you to see the shadow side you possess in terms of not valuing yourself and not treating your resources as you should. During this time, you can lose a lot of possessions, which could leave you feeling less valuable, but the key to this transit is to not base your value onto your external environment and belongings. Instead, you will realize how you are worthy, even if you own absolutely nothing.

Feb 27: New Moon in Pisces

The New Moon in Pisces will be in your 2nd house of the five senses and resources. You might feel your feelings becoming highly sensitive and more receptive, and you will become more aware of how your physical environment affects you emotionally. This is an excellent time to set your financial goals for this year and to reflect on how you spend the resources you acquire.




Feb 18 – Mar 20: Sun in Pisces

With the sun now in your sign, this is your moment to stop holding space for everyone else and hold it for yourself. This season isn’t about being everything for everyone, it’s about diving deep into your own desires and letting them guide you unapologetically. You’re being asked to honor your inner world as the masterpiece it is, imperfections and all. Don’t rush to explain or justify who you are; just let your presence, your dreams, and your quiet power speak for themselves. This is your season to take up all the space you need.

Hurtful feelings that you or others have been suppressing might arise that include and affect your value and trust. You might feel unloved or unwanted due to something someone said. It will be vital to work on your self-image as if you have a negative self-perception, you can feel hurt due to your appearance. Try not always to see things as bad, and learn to form a positive perception.

Feb 27: New Moon in Pisces

This new moon will push you to reinvent and relook at many facets of your self-expression, appearance, and personality. Others might come to you for advice and inspiration, as they will feel you are highly knowledgeable and experienced in a particular field. You can be overwhelmed on this day, and it is vital to use this energy to focus on reinventing yourself. The world will be demanding, but you need to find the strength within you to say no and focus on what is important today, which is you.