July 26, 2024
Free Horoscope
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Your zodiac sign and horoscope are related to the planetary movements! The starGuide, interprets the planets’ movements to help you gain awareness of what you can expect to happen and your current mental, emotional and spiritual state. Live a more self-aware life!​ 

Horoscope: August 4, 2024 – August 29, 2024

starGuide New Moon in Leo, Venus in Virgo, Mercury Retrograde in Virgo and Mercury Retrograde in Leo


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August 4: New Moon in Leo

The Leo new moon sparks your creativity. Expect a sudden burst of inspiration. That old passion project? Dust it off. Your boldness will wane and you’ll find yourself wanting to work behind the scenes. Go with it. Your masterpiece is being written in the shadows.

August 4 – August 29: Venus in Virgo

Venus in Virgo activates your work and health. Your usual high gear gives way to detail. At work, work with meticulous colleagues, their insights will be gold. In health, small habits trump big efforts. Love shows up through practical acts of service. Find beauty in the details and value in the everyday.

August 5 – August 28: Mercury Retrograde in Virgo

Your quick decisions will backfire big time and teach you the value of pause and reflection. Expect a comedy of errors in your daily routine like lost keys, double booked appointments and technology throwing tantrums. But don’t despair! This chaos is a gift in disguise. It’s forcing you to slow down and notice the details you usually blast past. By the end of this retrograde you’ll have developed a superpower: patience. Go with the mess, laugh at the mistakes and watch how your new found attention to detail propels you forward once the dust settles.

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August 14 – August 28: Mercury Retrograde in Leo

That great idea you were so sure about? It will seem as dull as last week’s leftovers. But don’t let your spark go out! This creative chaos is your chance to grow as an artist. Find the brilliance in the bloopers. Each creative “failure” is a stepping stone to your masterpiece. Embrace the rough drafts and the off-key notes as they’re the raw material of genius. By the end of the retrograde you’ll learn that true creativity isn’t about perfection but about the courage to keep creating.






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August 4: New Moon in Leo

This new moon in Leo disrupts your home life in the best possible way. An impromptu house party or family gathering could be a turning point. Look out for a golden opportunity hiding in plain sight, perhaps an old antique mistaken for junk or a chance encounter with a neighbor that leads to a new collaboration.

August 4 – August 29: Venus in Virgo

Your ruling planet Venus is in Virgo, shining a light on your creativity and romance. Artistic pursuits become a form of loving discipline – focus on skills not indulgence. In relationships, practical acts of love take center stage. You’ll be drawn to competence and attention to detail. Your lesson: True pleasure comes from intentional refinement and the art of gradual improvement.

August 5 – August 28: Mercury Retrograde in Virgo

Your usual routine will be turned upside down by a deluge of creative ideas – but with a catch. Half-finished projects will resurface and demand to be finished with new eyes. That novel you put aside? It’s time for a rewrite. The garden you neglected? It’s calling for a redesign. This retrograde will push you to perfect your passions but beware of overthinking. The key is to embrace imperfection as part of the process. By the end you’ll have turned procrastination into productivity and found the joy in the journey not just the destination.

August 14 – August 28: Mercury Retrograde in Leo

Family conversations will turn into comedic misunderstandings worthy of a sitcom. That DIY home project? Get ready for it to go hilariously wrong. But don’t let your stubbornness kick in just yet! This domestic chaos is your teacher in disguise. Find the joy in the juggling act. Domestic mishaps are an opportunity to learn adaptability and find new solutions. By embracing the chaos you’ll discover a new kind of harmony at home, one that can withstand any storm.




August 4: New Moon in Leo

Your silver tongue turns to gold under this Leo new moon. Words flow with precision and it’s the perfect time to pitch that wild idea or have that tough conversation you’ve been putting off. But beware your charm might lead you to promise more than you can deliver. Channel that charm into active listening and you’ll uncover a secret that changes everything.

August 4 – August 29: Venus in Virgo

Your scattered energy finds focus in creating order. Repurpose and organize creatively. Family dynamics shift as you become the practical problem solver. Surprise yourself by enjoying domestic tasks you’d normally avoid. Remember grounding yourself doesn’t dull your spark. A tidy environment actually fuels your need for mental stimulation.

August 5 – August 28: Mercury Retrograde in Virgo

Your usual charm will fail you as words come out backwards and inside out. But don’t worry! This communication chaos is your ticket to developing superhuman listening skills. Home becomes a hotbed of revelations, a misread recipe becomes a new culinary invention or a misheard conversation uncovers a family secret. Embrace the silence between the words. In the quiet moments you’ll find profound truths hiding in plain sight. By the end of the retrograde you’ll be a master of reading between the lines making you an even more powerful communicator.

August 14 – August 28: Mercury Retrograde in Leo

You’ll find yourself speechless at the worst times or accidentally starting arguments when you meant to give compliments. Your neighborhood will become a maze of misunderstandings. You might show up to the block party a week early or join the wrong community group. But don’t let your dual nature get out of sync! This communication chaos is your class in listening. Miscommunication is an opportunity to deepen your understanding.






August 4: New Moon in Leo

The Leo new moon shines on your financial sector but not in the way you’d expect. Instead of focusing on material gain you’ll be drawn to explore the concept of emotional currency. How do you value yourself? A chance encounter with a street performer or a child’s innocent question could trigger a major shift in your self worth. This will change your approach to both love and money.

August 4 – August 29: Venus in Virgo

Your emotional expression becomes more precise and practical. Writing projects flourish especially those that capture life’s small but big moments. In your community you’ll shine as the neighbor with advice and solutions. Empathy can be expressed through words and actions, not just emotional displays.

August 5 – August 28: Mercury Retrograde in Virgo

Expect chaos in your local community. You might join the wrong book club or show up to the neighbor’s BBQ a week early. But these mistakes are blessings in disguise. Each miscommunication is an opportunity to connect deeper through shared laughter and understanding. Your finances will have a few hiccups – double check those bills! But revisiting old budgets could uncover hidden resources.

August 14 – August 28: Mercury Retrograde in Leo

Your budget will fall apart in unexpected places or you’ll find yourself splurging on something flashy that doesn’t fit your style. But don’t hide in your shell just yet! This financial frenzy is your path to a more authentic relationship with money. Find value beyond the price tag. Most financial hiccups are an opportunity to re-evaluate what matters most to you. By the end of the retrograde you’ll have a new sense of worth – one that balances material comfort with emotional fulfillment.





August 4: New Moon in Leo

You’re usually comfortable in the spotlight but now you’re drawn to the role of the behind the scenes puppet master. Your power grows when you step back and let others shine. A small act of kindness sets off a chain reaction that comes full circle and elevates you in ways you never imagined. Embrace the paradox, your roar is loudest when whispered.

August 4 – August 29: Venus in Virgo

Venus in Virgo challenges your love of grandeur. You’ll find unexpected charm in subtlety and precision. This period is a time to revalue what you truly value. Material possessions will lose their appeal as you discover value in efficiency and practical skills. Relationships thrive when you show love through small acts of kindness not grand gestures. Learn to roar softly. Your charm now lies in your ability to notice and appreciate what others overlook.

August 5 – August 28: Mercury Retrograde in Virgo

Your golden touch will turn to rust. That impulse buy? It’ll malfunction big time. But don’t let your hair go gray just yet! This retrograde is your personal finance guru in disguise. You’ll find value in what you’ve overlooked, and that “junk” in your attic could be a goldmine. Redefine your worth beyond material wealth. By the end you’ll be a master of resourcefulness turning setbacks into comebacks with style. Your roar will carry more weight when backed by substance not just sparkle.

August 14 – August 28: Mercury Retrograde in Leo

Expect wardrobe malfunctions, social gaffes and moments where you feel like you’re speaking a foreign language. This identity crisis is your ticket to real self-discovery. Find authenticity in the awkwardness. Embarrassing moments are an opportunity to strip away the layers of your public self and connect with your true self. By embracing your imperfections you’ll develop a more authentic charm that outshines any polished performance.






August 4: New Moon in Leo

This Leo new moon hits your sector of secrets so you’ll be forced to confront the lies you’ve been telling yourself. That perfectionism you wear like armor? It’s choking your potential. An unexpected mistake will blow your carefully constructed facade to smithereens but don’t freak out. This is your chance to rebuild on a foundation of radical self-acceptance. It’s time to love the beautiful mess you are, flaws and all. Your power lies not in perfection but in your ability to grow from your mistakes.

August 4 – August 29: Venus in Virgo

With Venus in your sign your self-criticism turns to self-refinement. You’ll exude quiet confidence that others find irresistible. Your analytical nature will be your greatest charm as you blend practicality with poise. In love allow yourself to be loved for who you are with flaws and all. This transit reminds you perfection isn’t the goal; continuous mindful improvement is where true beauty lies.

August 5 – August 28: Mercury Retrograde in Virgo

Your life will be a mess. Your schedule will go haywire, your to-do lists will spontaneously combust and your plans will unravel faster than a cheap sweater. But this chaos is your ticket to growth. Each mishap is a chance to flex your adaptability muscles. Find perfection in imperfection. By embracing the mess you’ll discover solutions you’d never have thought of in your usual orderly state. You’ll emerge from this retrograde not just surviving but thriving in the unknown.

August 14 – August 28: Mercury Retrograde in Leo

Your logical mind will turn into a march of forgotten memories and half-baked ideas. You’ll find yourself lost in nostalgia or wrestling with old fears you thought you’d buried. But don’t freak out! This mental mess is your gateway to self-awareness. Each confusing thought or feeling is a puzzle piece of your psyche waiting to be figured out.






August 4: New Moon in Leo

The Leo new moon lights up your house of friends and long-term goals but it’s not all smooth sailing. Prepare for a harsh reality check as you realize someone you thought was a close friend has been undermining you behind the scenes. This will hurt but it’s the wake up call you need. It’s time to stop putting others first and learn to say no. Your people pleasing has held you back for far too long. Embrace the discomfort of setting boundaries and your future self will thank you.

August 4 – August 29: Venus in Virgo

Venus in Virgo brings a time of inner beauty. Your outward focus turns inward and you’ll be fine tuning your inner world. Solitude will be productive, not lonely. You may find yourself drawn to behind the scenes work or secret acts of kindness. In relationships unspoken gestures will carry more weight than grand statements. Cultivate inner harmony with the same discipline you apply to outer balance.

August 5 – August 28: Mercury Retrograde in Virgo

Your usual diplomatic skills will sound like gibberish. Expect a parade of ghosts from your past – exes in your DMs, long lost friends appearing out of thin air. But don’t panic! This chaos is your subconscious spring cleaning. Those recurring dreams? They’re puzzle pieces to your growth. Embrace the imbalance. In the wobble you’ll find balance. By the end of this retrograde you’ll be a master of finding harmony in discord and a more effective peacemaker.

August 14 – August 28: Mercury Retrograde in Leo

Group texts will become full of errors, you’ll find yourself double-booking or showing up to the wrong events. Your diplomacy will short circuit and you’ll have unexpectedly blunt conversations. This social chaos is your lab for real connections. Awkward interactions are an opportunity to move beyond small talk and form real relationships.






August 4: New Moon in Leo

This new moon will set your career on fire but not in the way you think. A public failure or embarrassment you’ve been dreading will be your greatest asset. Your vulnerability which you’ve been so careful to hide will be a source of great power and connection. An opportunity to lead will arise from the ashes of this seeming disaster but only if you’re brave enough to show yourself. The choice is to stay in the shadows or step into the light and claim your place.

August 4 – August 29: Venus in Virgo

As Venus moves into Virgo your intensity will find expression through precision. Your passion will be focused and practical especially in long term goals. Friendships will become more important as you see the value in solid, drama free relationships. In love vulnerability will show itself through small acts of trust rather than big emotional declarations. This transit will teach you that true depth can be found in the everyday details of life if you look closely enough.

August 5 – August 28: Mercury Retrograde in Virgo

Your legendary ability to keep secrets will backfire as you accidentally spill the beans in the most unexpected ways. Group projects will be minefields of miscommunication and your social media will be a comedy of errors. But here’s the silver lining: this chaos is your path to deeper connections. Each mistake is an opportunity to show your rarely seen vulnerable side. By letting others see your imperfections you’ll create alliances more powerful than any secret could protect. You’ll emerge from this retrograde with the ability to be intensely real.

August 14 – August 28: Mercury Retrograde in Leo

Your well-laid plans will backfire big time and office communication will be like a game of telephone. That carefully crafted email will go to the wrong person with laughable unintended consequences. This professional chaos is your initiation into a new level of power. Workplace mishaps ire a chance to show off your flexibility and resourcefulness. By navigating this mess with ease you’ll reveal leadership skills you didn’t know you had.






August 4: New Moon in Leo

The Leo new moon will activate your higher learning and adventure sector but this journey is more internal than external. A belief system you’ve built your identity around for years will come crashing down. This philosophical crisis will shake you to your core and challenge everything you thought you knew about yourself and the world. Don’t run from the discomfort. Lean into the unknown. Your greatest wisdom lies on the other side of this existential upheaval. Embrace the death of your old world view as a more authentic you is waiting to be born.

August 4 – August 29: Venus in Virgo

Venus in Virgo will tame your wanderlust and encourage you to find adventure in mastery rather than novelty. Your big picture thinking will have more power when combined with detail. Career goals will advance through planning rather than leap of faith. In relationships loyalty and consistency will be exciting. Find the excitement in being an expert. There’s wonder in the minutiae you usually ignore.

August 5 – August 28: Mercury Retrograde in Virgo

Your straight shooting approach at work will suddenly be as accurate as a drunk archer. Emails will hide and your big presentation will be sabotaged by your computer right before you start. But don’t let your optimism fade! This professional chaos is your ticket to an unexpected promotion. Your ability to find humor in disaster will make you the office hero. Embrace the detours. In the midst of the mess you’ll find brilliant ideas and connections you’d never find on the straight and narrow.

August 14 – August 28: Mercury Retrograde in Leo

Your sharp insights will suddenly go sideways and you and everyone else will be left scratching their heads. That brilliant idea you were going to share with the world? It will sound like you’re reciting gibberish poetry backwards. But don’t put away your bow just yet! This mental mess is your ticket to new wisdom. These moments of confusion are an opportunity to question your beliefs and expand your mind in ways you never thought possible.






August 4: New Moon in Leo

This Leo new moon is forcing you to face your biggest fear of being vulnerable and dependent. Your self-reliance walls are about to come tumbling down. A situation will arise where you have no choice but to rely on others and show your raw, unguarded self. You are terrified of this but it’s exactly what you need. Your power isn’t in isolation but in your connections. Embrace this uncomfortable transformation as on the other side is a version of you that’s stronger and more human than you ever thought possible.

August 4 – August 29: Venus in Virgo

You’ll find beauty in efficiency and grace in structure. Your ambitions take on a more altruistic tone as you see the value in refining processes for everyone. In personal relationships, showing vulnerability through small practical gestures is your love language. True success isn’t just about achieving goals but about perfecting the journey to them.

August 5 – August 28: Mercury Retrograde in Virgo

Your rock solid practical knowledge will feel as reliable as a sandcastle at high tide. That carefully planned business trip? Prepare for a comedy of errors that would put sitcoms to shame. But don’t let your ambition waver! This mental maze is your boot camp for innovative thinking. Each obstacle is an opportunity to flex your adaptability muscles. Try to find wisdom in the confusion. By questioning your tried and true methods you’ll discover new approaches that will leave you ahead of the game.

August 14 – August 28: Mercury Retrograde in Leo

Expect miscommunications about money and unexpected revelations in close relationships. This period of turmoil is your cocoon for personal growth. Your goal during this retrograde is to find the strength in vulnerability. All those moments of uncertainty are an opportunity to let go of control and discover the power of trust and flexibility.






August 4: New Moon in Leo

The Leo new moon is in your partnership house but it’s not here to play matchmaker. It’s shining a light on your tendency to keep people at arm’s length. Your independence has become a prison and your fear of losing yourself in a relationship has stopped you from finding yourself. A key encounter will force you to face your commitment issues head on. You have to risk your heart or risk living a half-life. The choice to open up will be scary but the alternative, emotional stasis, is far more deadly to your soul.

August 4 – August 29: Venus in Virgo

Change can be small but profound. Your big ideas will gain momentum when broken down into smaller steps. In relationships you’ll find depth in the subtleties of interaction. This transit encourages you to see the beauty in systems and connections. Merge your creativity with practicality. The magic happens when idealism meets execution.

August 5 – August 28: Mercury Retrograde in Virgo

Joint ventures and shared resources are a maze of miscommunication now. You might find yourself joining a course about lawn care instead of quantum physics. But don’t short circuit just yet! This mental chaos is your lab for new discoveries. Find sense in the nonsense. Each miscommunication is an opportunity to refine your vision and express it better.

August 14 – August 28: Mercury Retrograde in Leo

Your usual detached view of relationships will go haywire and you’ll feel unexpectedly emotional or dramatically misunderstood. Conversations with loved ones will feel like you’re speaking different languages. This relational chaos is space to learn about emotional intelligence. Each miscommunication is an opportunity to bridge the gap between your ideals and the messy reality of human emotions.






August 4: New Moon in Leo

The fantasies you’ve been indulging in will backfire big time. A health scare or work crisis will force you to face the harsh truth you’ve been avoiding. Your tendency to drift through life hoping things will magically work out has left you unprepared for what’s to come. It’s time to get your feet on the ground and take action. The bubbles you’ve been living in are popping but this is your chance to build something real. Embrace the discomfort of discipline, it’s the only way to manifest your true self.

August 4 – August 29: Venus in Virgo

Creativity flows when you establish habits and refine your skills. In relationships you’ll find depth in sharing daily rituals not just emotional highs. Your empathy becomes more effective as you learn to offer practical support alongside emotional understanding. This transit teaches you that dreams become reality not through wishing but through the loving craftsmanship of each waking moment.

August 5 – August 28: Mercury Retrograde in Virgo

Relationships will get rocky and you might find yourself arguing about something you don’t even remember saying. But don’t let your dreamy self sink! This emotional rollercoaster is your crash course in clear communication. Each miscommunication is an opportunity to bridge the gap between your inner world and outer reality. By learning to articulate your feelings with Virgoan precision you’ll create deeper more authentic connections.

August 14 – August 28: Mercury Retrograde in Leo

Your usual intuitive flow will hit some unexpected turbulence and simple tasks will become daunted with tons of errors. But don’t let your dreamy self get stuck in the details! This practical mess is your blank canvas for living inspired. Disruptions to your routine are an opportunity to inject creativity and meaning into daily life. By embracing the uncertainty you’ll find new ways to align your physical world with your spiritual wisdom.