Your zodiac sign and horoscope are related to the planetary movements! The starGuide, interprets the planets’ movements to help you gain awareness of what you can expect to happen and your current mental, emotional and spiritual state. Live a more self-aware life!
Horoscope: September 17, 2024 – October 22, 2024
starGuideFull Moon & Partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces, Sun in Libra, Venus in Scorpio and Mercury in Libra
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Sept 17: Full Moon & Partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces
Your fire is meeting a tidal wave of emotion and it’s hotter than a sauna in a volcano. Don’t be surprised if you suddenly develop psychic abilities, just try not to freak out when you accurately predict what’s for dinner three nights in a row. This is a great time to dive deep into your subconscious but remember to come up for air occasionally. Write a surrealist poem about your deepest fears. It may not win you a Pulitzer but it’ll make for an interesting therapy session.
Sept 22 – Oct 22: Sun in Libra
You’re going to find yourself appreciating the beauty in compromise, like a warrior who discovers the power of a well-placed pause. This is your chance to explore the balance between self and other, to find strength in yielding and power in listening. Find harmony in opposition. Seek out someone you often disagree with and try to see their side without losing your own. In this balance you may just find a new kind of strength, one that doesn’t require you to be first, but to be whole.
Sept 22 – Oct 17: Venus in Scorpio
This transit awakens a hidden talent for turning resources into gold. You may find yourself interested in cryptocurrency arbitrage or flipping vintage items for profit. Your impulsive nature gives way to calculated patience when it comes to investments. Don’t be surprised if you start seeing value in long term strategies that previously bored you. This is a good time to look into mergers and acquisitions if you’re in business. In relationships you’ll want intellectual stimulation as much as physical chemistry. Engage in debates about conspiracy theories or unsolved mysteries with your partner, you’ll find it oddly arousing.
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Sept 26 – Oct 13: Mercury in Libra
Your direct approach gives way to verbal diplomacy. You’ll catch yourself using phrases like “one could argue” or “perhaps we might consider” instead of your usual bold statements. This opens doors you didn’t even know existed. Enjoy this verbal makeover. Your new eloquence could get you out of a tricky situation at work or smooth over a long standing family feud.
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Sept 17: Full Moon & Partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces
Your usual grounded nature is getting a makeover and you may find yourself suddenly drawn to weird social circles. Don’t be alarmed if you wake up one morning with an inexplicable urge to join a mermaid-themed synchronized swimming team. This is a great time to dream big about your future but try not to get too carried away, building a utopian commune on Mars may be a bit ambitious even for you. Host a “future self” costume party. Dress up as who you want to be in 10 years.
Sept 22 – Oct 22: Sun in Libra
You may find yourself wanting to turn your workspace into a Zen garden or approach your fitness routine like a ballerina. But this isn’t just about surface level prettiness, it’s about aligning your outer world with your inner values, creating a life that functions well and feels beautiful to your soul. Find one “ugly” part of your daily routine and make it beautiful. Remember true beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and right now you’re the artist of your own life.
Sept 22 – Oct 17: Venus in Scorpio
Consider redesigning your living space with a “less is more” philosophy. This applies to your relationships too, you’ll value depth over quantity and may cut ties with surface level acquaintances. You’ll find yourself fascinated with entomology. The complex societies of insects will give you insight into your own relationships and social structures.
Sept 26 – Oct 13: Mercury in Libra
Mercury in Libra turns on your inner art critic. You’ll have strong opinions on the aesthetic balance of everything from cloud formations to how your coworker organizes their desk supplies. Your practical communication style becomes more visual. You’ll find yourself sketching out ideas during meetings or color coding your to-do lists based on their visual appeal rather than priority. Use this newfound love of visual harmony for a creative project.
Sept 17: Full Moon & Partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces
Your usual quick wit is going deep and you may find yourself spouting philosophical wisdom like a caffeinated fortune cookie. Don’t be surprised if you suddenly have the urge to quit your day job and become a professional sand mandala artist. This is a great time to re-evaluate your career goals but try not to let your imagination run so wild that you apply for jobs that don’t exist yet.
Sept 22 – Oct 22: Sun in Libra
You’ll be drawn to collaborative art projects or engaging in philosophical debates that feel like elegant dances rather than heated arguments. This is your chance to explore the balance between self expression and receptivity, to create art that speaks and listens. You may find yourself seeing beauty in unexpected places, like the symmetry of a well crafted argument or the poetic rhythm of a casual conversation. Create something that requires input from others. A story written word by word with friends perhaps, or a piece of art that evolves based on viewer feedback.
Sept 22 – Oct 17: Venus in Scorpio
When Venus is in Scorpio, your love of variety becomes an intense focus on one obscure thing. You’ll be obsessed with learning an endangered language or mastering the art of lock-picking (for ethical purposes, of course). This focus extends to your health routines. Instead of switching between fitness trends, you’ll go deep into one weird practice. You’ll find yourself surrounded by people with niche expertise.
Sept 26 – Oct 13: Mercury in Libra
You’ll find yourself smoothing over conflicts, even between inanimate objects. Don’t be surprised if you catch yourself negotiating a peace treaty between your mismatched socks. Your quick fire communication style slows down as you weigh each word for maximum diplomacy. You may find yourself speaking in perfectly balanced sentences with exactly the same number of syllables on each side of your verbal scales. Use this new skill for harmony to fix that one relationship in your life that’s been out of tune. Your ability to see both sides of the issue may lead to a breakthrough.
Sept 17: Full Moon & Partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces
Your intuition is getting a major upgrade and you may find yourself understanding quantum physics through interpretive dance. Don’t be alarmed if you suddenly develop an inexplicable urge to learn Atlantean as a second language. This is a great time to expand your horizons but try not to let your imagination get too carried away and plan a solo expedition to find the lost city of Atlantis.
Sept 22 – Oct 22: Sun in Libra
This transit asks you to find harmony in the mess of your home life, to see your home as a living, breathing work of art that needs constant adjustment. You may find yourself suddenly compelled to re-arrange your furniture or mediate family disputes like a pro. But this isn’t just about having a pretty space or keeping the peace, it’s about having a home that reflects the complex, beautiful mess of your inner emotional landscape. Create a “family constitution” that honors every member’s needs and contributions. Remember, a truly harmonious home isn’t one without conflict, but one where every voice is heard and valued, including your own.
Sept 22 – Oct 17: Venus in Scorpio
Your usual homebody nature goes dark and dramatic. This transit also turns you into a culinary alchemist. Experiment with fermentation, smoke infusion or even molecular gastronomy. Your creations will be as beautiful as they are delicious. In matters of the heart, you’ll be drawn to partners with a bit of danger or mystery. A shared love of true crime podcasts could be the foundation for a deep connection. Just remember to balance this exploration of the shadows with your natural nurturing side.
Sept 26 – Oct 13: Mercury in Libra
You’ll find yourself intuitively understanding not just how people feel, but why they feel that way. This extends to inanimate objects too, you might catch yourself apologizing to a chair for bumping into it. Your communication style becomes more subtle, with a focus on balance. You might start ending every sentence with a question, unconsciously seeking to balance your conversations. Use this increased empathy to create a “feelings forecast” for your inner circle. Your insight could prevent emotional storms before they start.
Sept 17: Full Moon & Partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces
Your usual fiery self is getting a feel-good tidal wave and the result is hotter than a hot tub in a sauna. You may find yourself suddenly able to read people’s auras or talk to houseplants. Don’t worry, it’s just temporary (probably). This is a great time for emotional and spiritual growth but try not to let your new psychic abilities go to your head, predicting the weather doesn’t make you the next Nostradamus. Try to write a dramatic monologue from the perspective of your bank account. It’s time to get emotionally intimate with your finances, Leo style.
Sept 22 – Oct 22: Sun in Libra
You may find yourself suddenly appreciating the beauty of a well-timed pause, the power of a gentle question. Your usual roar is being toned down to a soothing purr that can charm even the most discordant of crowds. This is your chance to explore the fine art of speaking and listening, to find power in harmony not volume. Engage in a conversation where your goal is not to be heard, but to create a beautiful exchange. Ask questions that encourage reflection, offer responses that build upon others’ ideas.
Sept 22 – Oct 17: Venus in Scorpio
You’ll find power in whispers not roars. Your creative pursuits may lead you to shadow puppetry or invisible ink art. There’s magic in the hidden and you’ll enjoy revealing your creations only to those who look closely. In your personal life you may find yourself creating a secret society or exclusive club. The thrill of being the power behind the throne, rather than the one wearing the crown, will be strong during this transit.
Sept 26 – Oct 13: Mercury in Libra
Your communication style becomes more collaborative. Instead of monologues you’ll be initiating dialogues, turning every conversation into an improvisational duet. You may even find yourself speaking in ‘we’ instead of ‘I’. Use this time to explore the power of understatement. Your usual spotlight-stealing charm combined with this new subtlety could make you unstoppable.
Sept 17: Full Moon & Partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces
You may find yourself suddenly attracted to free-spirited artists. Don’t be alarmed if you wake up one day with an inexplicable urge to co-write a fantasy novel with your mailman. This is a great time to open your heart to new connections but try not to let your imagination get too carried away and plan a wedding with someone you just met in a dream.
Sept 22 – Oct 22: Sun in Libra
You may find yourself suddenly appreciating the beauty of simplicity or the value of your relationships and experiences. Your practicality is being infused with aesthetics and you’ll see the art in your assets and the poetry in your possessions. This is your chance to explore the balance between having and being, to find abundance in equilibrium not excess.
Sept 22 – Oct 17: Venus in Scorpio
This transit brings sensuality to your communication style. Your usual precise language becomes laced with innuendo and double entendres. Enjoy this new wordplay, it’ll make your conversations more interesting. In your daily life develop a fascination with the hidden systems that make the world work. Understanding these unseen mechanisms will give you a sense of control over your environment.
Sept 26 – Oct 13: Mercury in Libra
You’ll find yourself analyzing every interaction, creating sociograms of your friend groups and even the characters in your favourite TV shows. Your usual precise communication becomes more open-ended. You may end every sentence with “…or not?” as you try to present all the options. Your to-do lists become decision trees, mapping out every possible outcome. Use this new fascination with social dynamics to create the perfect team at work or in your personal projects. Your ability to see how different personalities fit together could lead to some beautiful collaborations.
Sept 17: Full Moon & Partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces
Don’t be surprised if you wake up one day with an inexplicable urge to replace your morning coffee with kelp smoothies or start a meditation practice that involves channeling your inner dolphin. This is a great time to shake up your daily routine but try not to let your imagination get too carried away and turn your living room into a seaweed filled sensory deprivation tank.
Sept 22 – Oct 22: Sun in Libra
You may find yourself suddenly aware of the exquisite tension between your need for harmony and your desire for self expression. Create a self portrait that captures not just your physical self but the intricate balance of your inner world. You may discover that true beauty is not in perfection but in the harmony of all your parts, light and dark, strong and weak, certain and uncertain.
Sept 22 – Oct 17: Venus in Scorpio
You’ll be drawn to the art of psychological warfare in negotiations. Instead of seeking balance you’ll be strategizing to get the better of someone in subtle, almost imperceptible ways. Your tastes change dramatically during this transit. You may become obsessed with the beauty of decay, finding artistic inspiration in abandoned places or wilted flowers. Try the Japanese concept of wabi-sabi in your personal style and home decor.
Sept 26 – Oct 13: Mercury in Libra
You’ll find yourself unconsciously mediating conflicts between strangers on the street or negotiating peace treaties between warring factions of pigeons in the park. Your communication becomes so balanced you start speaking in perfect palindromes. Use your supercharged sense of fairness to tackle that one area of your life that’s been out of balance. Whether it’s your work life ratio or your Netflix to novel reading time, your sense of balance can help you find the middle ground.
Sept 17: Full Moon & Partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces
You might develop a sudden fascination with cuttlefish mating dance, but it’s just your creativity finding new and strange outlets. This is a great time for artistic expression but try not to let your imagination sting you, painting yourself blue and claiming to be the reincarnation of Poseidon might be a bit much even for you. Try to make your artistic expression at least relatable and understandable to the average human.
Sept 22 – Oct 22: Sun in Libra
You may find yourself able to see your innermost fears and desires with detached curiosity, as if they were characters in a play. This is your chance to illuminate your darkness, find beauty in your complexities and balance in your extremes. Don’t be surprised if you start seeing your dreams as beautifully composed paintings, each symbol a brushstroke in the painting of your unconscious.
Sept 22 – Oct 17: Venus in Scorpio
You’ll be speaking in riddles and leaving clues in your wake, enjoying the confusion and mystery you create. This transit awakens a latent talent for financial divination. You may develop the ability to predict market trends or find you have a knack for psychic investing. Trust your gut when it comes to money matters, your hunches will pay off big time.
Sept 26 – Oct 13: Mercury in Libra
You may find yourself drawing diagrams connecting random acts of kindness in your community. Your intense communication style becomes more diplomatic but your depth remains. You’ll be asking “But how does that make you feel about how it makes you feel?” in every conversation. Use this new talent for uncovering hidden connections to create a “kindness network” in your community.
Sept 17: Full Moon & Partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces
Your usual wanderlust is going inward and you may find yourself suddenly fascinated with your family tree. Don’t be surprised if you have an overwhelming urge to redecorate your home. This is a great time to connect with your roots but try not to let your imagination get too carried away.
Sept 22 – Oct 22: Sun in Libra
This transit is asking you to find balance between your personal search for truth and your role in the collective. You may find yourself appreciating the beauty of different perspectives, seeing how seemingly opposing ideas can come together to form a bigger picture of reality. This is your chance to explore the fine line between personal freedom and social responsibility, to find adventure in cooperation not solo expeditions. Don’t be surprised if you start seeing your friendships as a curated anthology, each relationship a chapter in the book of your life.
Sept 22 – Oct 17: Venus in Scorpio
Your natural storytelling ability takes on a new dimension as you learn to throw your voice or embody different characters. This skill will come in handy in unexpected ways, professionally and personally. In relationships you’ll be drawn to secret trysts and clandestine affairs (even if you’re in a committed relationship, this could mean planning surprise dates). The thrill of the hidden will spice up your love life.
Sept 26 – Oct 13: Mercury in Libra
Your usual direct communication style becomes more diplomatic. You’ll be telling parables instead of jokes, leaving your friends enlightened and slightly confused. Every conversation becomes a journey of self-discovery. Your ability to find profundity in every day interactions could lead to a new approach to kindness.
Sept 17: Full Moon & Partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces
You might develop a sudden urge to learn sign language or start a podcast about the secret lives of plankton. This is a great time to expand your communication skills but try not to let your newfound expressiveness get too carried away, writing a 1000 page epic about your daily commute might be a bit much.
Sept 22 – Oct 22: Sun in Libra
Now’s your chance to balance authority and collaboration, to lead not by force but by harmony. You may find your career path needs to be realigned to keep the balance between your goals and others. Redesign your workspace or professional image to show not just efficiency but beauty and balance. You may find true success is not in domination but in creating an ecosystem where everyone can flourish.
Sept 22 – Oct 17: Venus in Scorpio
This transit brings a fascination with the dark side of history. You could become obsessed with researching secret societies or mapping out conspiracy theories. Your natural skepticism combined with this new interest will give you some interesting results. In your social life you’ll be drawn to forming exclusive clubs. Think of it as networking but with a dash of mystery. The connections you make during this time could lead to powerful alliances in the future.
Sept 26 – Oct 13: Mercury in Libra
Your direct communication style becomes more diplomatic but with a twist. You may start issuing compliments disguised as constructive criticism, leaving people feeling flattered and motivated to improve. Use this new skill for social engineering to create the perfect team at work or in your community projects. You’ll see how different personalities can work together in harmony and you may find some surprising collaborations. Just remember, sometimes the most efficient social structure is one that allows for a little chaos!
Sept 17: Full Moon & Partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces
You might wake up with the sudden urge to trade all your possessions for a single, allegedly magical pearl. This is a great time to re-evaluate your values but try not to let your imagination get too carried away and convince yourself that Atlantean coins are the next big thing in finance. Create a budget for your dream life, and you might find yourself getting closer to your happy self when you pursue what makes you happy.
Sept 22 – Oct 22: Sun in Libra
This is your chance to balance innovation and tradition, to find beauty in the mix of different thoughts and cultures. You may see your world view as a collage, each idea and experience a unique piece of the puzzle. Create a “philosophy map” that visually shows the evolution of your beliefs, how seemingly opposing ideas have come together to form your perspective. In this act you may find true wisdom is not in having all the answers but in appreciating the beauty of the questions.
Sept 22 – Oct 17: Venus in Scorpio
You could find yourself fully embodying different personas which is useful in both personal and professional situations. You may find yourself method acting your way through difficult work meetings or social situations. In relationships you’ll be drawn to exploring power dynamics and psychological games. This isn’t about manipulation but about understanding the underlying currents that flow beneath human interactions. Your partners and friends may find your new insight into their psyches both creepy and irresistible.
Sept 26 – Oct 13: Mercury in Libra
Your direct and sometimes blunt communication style becomes more engaging and balanced. Use this period of communicative creativity to bridge the gaps between different groups in your community. Your ability to find common ground in the most unlikely places may lead to some interesting cross cultural exchanges. Just don’t get so caught up in your visionary ideas you forget to explain them in a way others can understand!
Sept 17: Full Moon & Partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces
You may find yourself accidentally reading minds or astral projecting during your afternoon nap. Don’t be alarmed if you suddenly feel like you’re psychically connected to every fish the vast ocean of life, but it’s just your empathy going into overdrive. This is a powerful time for self discovery and personal growth but try not to let your sensitivity overwhelm you, feeling the emotions of every fish in the sea might be a bit much even for you.
Sept 22 – Oct 22: Sun in Libra
You may find yourself able to see your deepest transformations through the eyes of an artist, to appreciate the beauty of endings and the poetry of new beginnings. This is your chance to balance merging and maintaining individuality, to find strength in surrender and power in vulnerability. Create a ritual that honours what you’re releasing and what you’re inviting into your life, find the beauty in the process of transformation. In this act you may find true power is not in control but in being able to flow through life’s changes.
Sept 22 – Oct 17: Venus in Scorpio
This transit brings out a fascination with deep sea creatures and the ocean’s secrets. You may find yourself learning to scuba dive or becoming an expert on nudibranchs. This new knowledge will seep into your creative work and you’ll be creating hauntingly beautiful art or stories. In love you’ll be creating immersive, multi-sensory experiences for your partner. Think less about traditional dates and more about crafting entire worlds for you to explore together.
Sept 26 – Oct 13: Mercury in Libra
Your dreamy communication style becomes more structured but still poetic. You may find yourself speaking in haiku without realising it, expressing complex emotional landscapes in neat 5-7-5 syllable formats. Use this heightened empathy to create an “emotional weather report” for your community. Your ability to sense the undercurrents of feeling in any situation could prevent interpersonal storms before they start.