February 17, 2025
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2025, A Year of Endings

2025, A Year of Endings

2025 is going a liminal 9 global year where we see many of the old ways dying out. This is a necessary purging as collectively we wrap up a 9 year cycle that began in 2017. Be on the look out for ending and beginnings in your own life, communities and society at large.

The Number 9 in Numerology

In numerology, the single digits (numbers 1-9) are the main archetypes used. Each number has a particular vibration that can be viewed in nature as well as our own lives.

The Numerology of the Number 9 in Tarot

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As the highest of all the single digit numbers, 9 represents the end of a journey. It’s akin to climbing a mountain and enjoying the view at the top, all the while contemplating the journey back down. Or the feeling of graduating college, knowing that one adventure is done and many more are to come.

Things that fall under this vibe are world travel, spirituality, psychology, religion, and higher education. The number 9 is related to Sagittarius since it is the 9th sign of the zodiac. 

A 9 Global Year and What It Means

Global years affect the collective. While they may affect your personal lives as well, global numbers are more about society and what to expect on the local and national level. You can look to global year numbers to get a better insight into politics and world events.

2025 is a 9 year because if you add up all the numbers in 2025 together it equals 9 (2+0+2+5=9). Global year numbers progress linearly from 1-9 with each year having its own particular vibe.

Since 9 is the last and final number, it represents the end of a 9 year era. This era began in 2017, which was a 10/1 year. 2017 brought on a Trump presidency, the Nintendo switch, the US withdrew from the Paris Climate Agreement, there was a total solar eclipse, a gunman killed 60 people in Las Vegas. In many ways it might feel like nothing has changed, and yet everything feels so different at the same time.

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A 9 year is one where you can expect to see recalls, discontinuations, leaders stepping down from office or being voted out, treaties ending, businesses closing and more. Expect many of the old ways of doing things to become outdated and disposed of.

How to Work With The 9 Global Year Number

Let’s go back to the imagery of standing atop a mountain you’ve just climbed. If 2017 is when you began the climb, the end of 2024 is when you made it to the top. 2025 is the respite we take as we take in the view from the top.

This is a good year to take stock of what you’ve achieved and who you have become. Do you like the view from up here? Or have you climbed the wrong mountain? You should gain some 20/20 vision when it comes to your life and the lives of those in your community. With this wisdom of hindsight you’ll be able to better understand what you want to bring with you into the next 9 year cycle and what you’re going to leave behind.

Dos for the global 9 year 2025

  • Finish what you’ve started, especially if you’re in school
  • Study philosophy and psychology
  • Let go of things you’ve outgrown
  • Cultivate divine alone time
  • Travel to a country you’ve never been before

Don’t for the global 9 year 2025

  • Doubt yourself or your credentials, but also don’t be a know-it-all (we all have more to learn)
  • Argue with people who have closed their minds
  • Ruminate on the past, instead look towards the future
  • Stay somewhere that doesn’t feel right
  • Stay in a relationship that isn’t working anymore

Planets and Slow Moving Objects Moving Into a New Sign in 2025

There are a lot of important changes happening in the cosmos this year as well! The outer planets move slowly so when they move into a new sign it’s a big deal. When outer planets change signs it has a larger effect on the collective than the quicker moving personal planets. Our societies change for better or worse when planets like Neptune, Uranus and Pluto move into a new sign–and Pluto has already moved into forward thinking, technology minded, alien loving Aquarius.

Neptune in Aries

On March 30th 2025 Neptune will move into fiery Aries. Neptune is the planet that affects society on a creative and spiritual level. Neptune moved into its home sign of Pisces in 2011 and since then we’ve seen the rise of social media, and with it the desire to cultivate an online persona. Witchcraft and astrology hit the mainstream during this time as well.

Neptune In Pisces: Social Media

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Neptune in Aries may bring a new wave of independence and rebellion. Aries is about entrepreneurship and doing things yourself. New leaders will come out of the woodwork to inspire the masses, while on a personal level we may become more individualistic.

Saturn in Aries

On May 25th 2025 Saturn will move into Aries as well. Saturn is the planet of personal responsibility, rules, structures and karmic lessons. It has been in Pisces since 2023. People with Saturn in Aries in their natal chart will benign their Saturn return, while the Saturn in Pisces generation will finally get to take a big breath before integrating all they’ve learned.

How Saturn Cycles Impact Your Life

Once again, this ingress is sure to bring on a rise of individualism, with a few charismatic leaders rising from the bunch. This could also bring on a certain amount of conflict between the rich, famous and powerful, all of whom may feel that they are the rightful leaders of the public.

Jupiter in Cancer

On June 9th 2025 Jupiter will enter Cancer. Jupiter is exalted in Cancer, which means that the benefits of Jupiter are the most pronounced in this water sign. Jupiter represents luck, abundance and life experience. In Cancer we see a greater sense of love for your community and country, as well as more compassion for the people there.

Uranus in Gemini

On July 7th 2025 Uranus will enter Gemini. Uranus first moved into Taurus in 2018. Uranus is the planet of innovation, rebellion, cataclysmic change, lightning and genius.

The last time Uranus was in Gemini was during World War II, and with the polarizing nature of Gemini we are likely to see the many current global conflicts reach a significant divide in the next few year.