January 22, 2025
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Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope



Sometimes you simply need to look in the mirror for the source of the luck that will happen in your life. Trust in your own abilities, know that you can do it, and you will go far.


Someone might try to mix business with pleasure at work and it might even be borderline inappropriate. Don’t be that person, and if you are the “target”, avoid any such entanglement, at least during business hours.


It seems that nothing you will say or do today will go right… There is some negative influence from the planets that is completely distorting the way you communicate today. Do not try to force the issue, and don’t resent anyone for not “getting” you today either…


Shopping can be easy and fun, but remember that every item must eventually be paid for and if you go overboard you might regret it in time.



What you think is what you are. If you think negatively about how unlucky your life is, then it will just keep on getting more and more unlucky. Remain positive and a little hopeful.


Don’t expect anything from others that you don’t want them expecting from you too. If they let you enjoy a certain liberty at work, they deserve the same from you. Know your boundaries and don’t try overstepping them.


Understand that you and your loved one have totally different personalities and that is alright. If they don’t ask you to change and love you for who you truly are, remember to accept them too for who they are rather than what you want them to be.


Don’t judge others for what they spend their money on. Just like you have control over your hard earned money, remember that so does everyone else. Sometimes you might sound judgmental without even meaning it. Keep that in check.



Your body is currently suffering from some kind of sickness or lack of sleep. You absolutely need to be in better shape to benefit from any surge of luck that might come from the movement of the planets.


If you tackle your workday from a positive state of mind and with a smile on your face, the hours will fly by and you won’t even have time to get bored or wish you were at home.


If you want to get closer to anyone you love or want to strengthen the ties that bind you to your friends, try to see if you can improve your empathy and your ability to understand their own feelings when they are with you.


Auction websites can become quite addictive due to the rush of adrenaline during the last few minutes of an auction. Be sure to only use them to get things you really need and don’t turn it into an addiction.



When your awareness highlights a kind of pattern before you, don’t try to go against the flow or you might receive a negative backlash that could be hard for you to handle.


A sharp mind will help you concentrate of monotonous tasks without feeling any pressure or discomfort. Use it to boost your own productivity today.


If you truly care for someone, a lover or a friend, do not let apathy slowly waste away the ties that bind you. Nurture this relationship with all the care it deserves.


Your finances are under particularly good auspices today so it might be the best time to finally seal any ongoing deal and sign on it.



Don’t live in the illusion that time will wait for you and you’ll be able to do everything you want tomorrow. Instead of fulfilling your dreams in the future, just do them today. Start by trying to plan a spontaneous short trip with your friends over the weekend.


We’ve all heard our parents tell us not to leave today’s work for tomorrow. That holds true in all aspects of life. Don’t put off today’s work thinking you’ll be able to do it tomorrow because it’s going to pile up and you won’t be able to keep up with it. Don’t kid yourself.


If you delay making the first move, that doesn’t mean anyone else will delay it too. If you don’t ask out your crush, someone else will come in and sweep them off their feet. So find the courage and step up.


If you see something you love, get it today. Don’t wait and don’t hesitate, because, as luck would have it, you will never find something as amazing as that.



The negative influence of the planets will try to shift your perceptions about the reality of the presence (or absence) of luck in your life today. Do not follow your instinct blindly and always put your own perceptions in doubt today before you commit to anything.


Jupiter will boost your creativity today while Mars with strengthen your competitive spirit. The combination of the two will imbue you with an irrepressible drive to do more and more and achieve something truly remarkable today.


There might be some dark clouds brewing over your romantic life. If you are single, it might not be the best time to open your heart to anyone you care for. If you are in a relationship, beware any argument that might spiral out of control.


While it is technically still possible to earn a lot of money through so called toxic investments, there is an unspoken moral cost that will weigh your soul down over time.



You’ve fallen in a stream of bad luck only because you’re not true to yourself. You can’t lie to yourself, and you can’t lie to nature. Be honest and instead of faking it, start listening to your heart for a change and good luck will return to you.


Are you happy with your job? Do you think about changing career paths often? Listen to these musings and understand that it’s alright to change paths if you’re not enjoying your present job.


Do you want to show your partner how much they mean to you, but don’t know how to do that? Don’t freak out and don’t overthink it, just listen to your heart, because it knows them best and will never lead you astray.


You might be going through a rough patch where everything you spend money on doesn’t turn out exactly like you pictured it. That’s just because you’re not buying what you want and instead you’re choosing to buy the things people recommend or talk you into.

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