There is nothing more dangerous than the absence of danger. Do not let routine slowly erode your luck and potential, get up and shake things up to boost your performances.
Stop trying to find a solution out of nowhere to a long-lasting problem that just cannot be solved the way you’re trying to solve it. Try to look at it from another angle, or focus on other projects until the situation changes.
Most of the great love stories have begun with a simple smile. Keep in mind that a smile can be a powerful device to share your love, joy, and happiness around when other people need it.
Make sure that you are properly insured for any expensive item or device of yours that might break down or even get stolen soon. Better safe than sorry.
When you’re forlorn and gloomy and feel like giving up, the universe still has a plan for you. The Sun is just around the corner, bringing with it strength and support to brighten up your life.
When the going gets tough, you don’t always have to get tough too. Take some time off to refresh yourself, to grieve and whine about the difficulties you have to face, and then come back stronger than before with a new light inside of you.
Love is a gamble, you can either come out happy, or you can come out broken. But if you do become broken in this gamble, look at it as a positive learning experience, because beauty grows out of the broken cracks in the soil.
Give yourself just a little extra push, and you will get everything you ever wanted. Being hurt can become a blessing too since it helps you work harder than before to better yourself and gain everything you’ve lost.
A dark cloud of negativity is growing above you and warping any positive influence you might receive from the planets today. Don’t expect much if you decide to try your luck today.
Sometimes the oldest recipes can give the best results. Don’t go out of your way to try something new at work today. Focus on what is tried and true and you will achieve a great performance.
There are almost no limits to what you can achieve today if you put your mind and emotions to it. You are surfing on a wave of friendly and romantic bliss, so make the most of it!
Before you start investing in a new project or opportunity, take some time to reflect on all the ramifications and consequences that might arise from such an investment. Are you sure you are OK with every detail?
When you feel happy, luck will automatically find its way to you. The happy keep getting luckier and the hopeless keep getting unluckier. Stay positive and laugh, it is just that simple!
Work is hard, and you don’t have to make it harder by sulking through it all. Putting on a smile will not only get you in a positive mood, but it will also rub off on all those around you, and end up making work a much more pleasant experience.
Today is a good day to spend with your loved ones, spreading laughter and smiles all around. You need to take a day off to cool off and just be happy, to help keep you sane.
Don’t take everything too seriously, even when it comes to money. If you want something that will make you happy, spend on it. If you got a bad deal and can’t do anything about it any longer, then laugh at your silliness and get over it.
Channel the energy of the Sun that comes from within today, and it should bolster your inner drive to particularly high levels. You have the potential to achieve so much here!
Sometimes there can be a difference between theory and practical experience, and it can be hard to choose between the two. Trust your intuition and rely on what you think will be most effective.
The lure of apathy is strong, but inaction and silence can be the cancer that can unravel any relationship from within. Do not let it grow until the point of no return.
Be on the lookout for any unexpected opportunity coming your way today, because according to Uranus and the Sun you could be standing on the seeds of a far reaching revolution in your finances.
Those who can understand the signs the universe shows them will surely find luck and prosperity on their path. Open your mind to different possible ways of understanding everything around you.
Being understanding is a major value that many workplaces demand. Do not become difficult to deal with the person at work; instead, try to maintain the values expected of you.
Every relationship demands to understand between the two involved. Don’t just listen to your partner for the sake of responding to what they say, listen with the intention of truly understanding what they’re trying to say and why. This will help bring happiness into your relationship.
Understand how money works, and you will learn to succeed. Do not feel entitled to it; instead, show some humility and remain humble, that is how you will become wealthy.
The Sun and Jupiter are sending a lot of positive vibrations to you, but a negative influence of the Moon might lead you to miss out on all the little telltale signs that were meant to set you on the right path to find them.
If you need the Internet to help you with a situation at work, focus on the task at hand when you use it because it could turn into a great distraction that will waste a great amount of otherwise productive time.
You probably need some alone time today to balance your own feelings and emotions and come back tomorrow with a fresh start in mind and a clearer head overall.
If you have some money to spare, it might be a good idea to listen to the Sun’s advice and invest in shiny metals… Gold being the most obvious choice here!