March 3, 2025
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Zodiac signs compatibility

Do you want to know your Zodiac compatibility with the Compatibility Calculator above? This section of askAstrology will take you through every Zodiac sign combination, so you can learn your compatibility with the sign of anyone in your life!

Each sign of the Zodiac expresses certain energies in certain ways. There are four elements: air, earth, fire, and water. Air represents thought; earth represents practical life; fire represents action, and water represents emotions. There are three qualities: cardinal, fixed, and mutable. Cardinal signs lead; fixed signs establish; and mutable signs adapt.

Each sign influences the energy of how we love, work, play, raise a family, make friends, and so on. If you were born between June 21st and July 22nd, you have a Cancer Sun sign. If you happen to be born on the 19th, 20th, 21st, or 22nd of June or July, you should use our natal chart calculator to be sure of your Sun sign because you are “born on the cusp” of a sign.

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Cancer: The Cardinal Water Sign

Cancer rules emotions, caretaking, and healing. Often known as “the nurturer” or “the Mother”, Cancer connects to the world through its energy to empathize, sympathize, and show compassion. This sign rules the heart and feelings, connecting material experience with human emotions.

As the ruler of the 4th House, its energy oversees family, home, and private life. Someone with a Cancer Sun, Moon, or Ascendant (but especially the Moon) will seek to protect and care for those who make up the family or the central tribe of friends and loved ones.

Cancer and Love

The Cancer parent, child, or lover shows and feels love when they can be vulnerable and be needed. They are naturally cautious and reserved until they feel they can trust, then they can be as passionate as Scorpio and as open as Pisces. There is a deep need to be needed, valued, and respected as the person who provides safe harbor to those in need of shelter, healing, and protection.

This sign, like all the water signs, is emotional and feelings-oriented … turned on by vulnerability, compassion, sympathy, and empathy. They are one of the best and most adept healers and caretakers. The more they can be vulnerable and see the other person’s vulnerability, the more turned on they become.


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Cancer Compatibility in Love, and the 12 Signs

Cancer and Aries

Aries is a cardinal fire sign that likes to “go for it” in love. These signs square, or challenge, one another. This combination can make the relationship work hard to succeed since Aries can be notoriously self-focused and Cancer can be in constant need of giving and receiving emotional support.

They will have to find a way to connect through shared responsibilities, so the Aries person can have a heroic role that the Cancer individual can appreciate, and the Cancer individual will need to give the Aries his or her trust in the form of some degree of freedom to come and go without constant explanation.

Cancer and Taurus

Taurus is the fixed earth sign that likes to “settle down” in love. This sign sextiles Cancer, meaning that these energies complement one another. Remember that, for Taurus, love is security. In this case, Cancer will be nurturing to Taurus, and Taurus will make sure Cancer’s material needs are solidly met. This can be one of the best combinations – enduring, deeply loving, and loyal.

Cancer and Gemini

Gemini is the mutable air sign that likes to “learn” in love. These signs sit side-by-side, so they can learn from each other without the dissonant energy of the inconjunct or square that happens when water and air or water and fire connect otherwise.

Gemini can appreciate Cancer’s nurturing and leadership, while Cancer can appreciate Gemini’s need and willingness to communicate and socialize. There is a complimentary energy of networking (Gemini) and caretaking (Cancer) that can make for a “let’s take care of our neighbors and community” relationship.

Cancer and Cancer

Cancer to Cancer relationships can work; doubling down on nurturing and caretaking is no problem for this sign. But if one or both are unhealthy, then truly dark, passive-aggressive behavior can lead them into painful and destructive patterns in the relationship.

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If they can put forth the positive energy of the sign, then this couple will be supportive and find abundance in life, both through their own hard work and the appreciation of everyone they help in life.

Cancer and Leo

Leo is the fixed fire sign that likes to “romance” in love. These signs sit side-by-side, so they can learn from each other without the dissonant energy of the inconjunct or square that happens when water and air or water and fire connect otherwise.

Leo can appreciate Cancer’s nurturing and sense of responsibility, while Cancer can appreciate Leo’s playfulness and sense of social status. The fire and water combination does require more effort to succeed since Cancer can “dampen” Leo’s fire and Leo can “overheat” Cancer’s water.

Cancer and Virgo

Virgo is the mutable earth sign that likes to “serve” in love. This sign sextiles Cancer, meaning that these energies complement one another. Remember that, for Virgo, love is service. In this case, Cancer will be nurturing to Virgo, and Virgo will make sure Cancer’s daily worries are taken care of regularly. This can be one of the best combinations – enduring, deeply loving, and loyal.

Cancer and Libra

Libra is the cardinal air sign that likes to “harmonize” in love. As another cardinal sign, these two signs end up squaring one another, which means their energies interact by challenging each other. Like the inconjunct between Cancer and Aquarius, the square relationship requires conscious effort to succeed.

This really is a love affair that must reconcile the heart (Cancer) with the mind (Libra). If they can, then Libra will get to know more emotion than it ever thought possible, and Cancer will learn how the intellect can keep it from drowning in its own emotionally deep waters.

Cancer and Scorpio

Scorpio is the fixed water sign that prefers intensity in relationships. As another water sign, these two signs end up training one another, which means their energies interact by flowing into each other. This can be a tricky energy to “get right” because of the overall intensity of emotions, but if they do, then it’s a relationship for the ages and the poets. The Scorpio person can reveal their hidden self to the Cancer individual and the Cancer can be Scorpio’s “one and only”.

Cancer and Sagittarius

Sagittarius is the mutable fire sign that prefers to “explore” in relationships. This sign inconjuncts Cancer, which means they will have to constantly work to make the relationship succeed.

Cancer is a “home is where the heart is” partner, so more flexible than Taurus regarding travel, but still in need of a home base. As the cardinal sign, Cancer will want to lead the relationship and use Sagittarius exploration energy to build memories for the partnership, and eventual family.

Cancer and Capricorn

Capricorn is the cardinal fire sign that likes to “achieve” in love. This sign opposes Cancer, which means they seek balance from one another. Cancer is a “home is where the heart is” partner and Capricorn is the “I provide” partner.

These signs represent the classic “worker in the world” and family manager in the home (homemaker) dialectic. When in balance, this is the most enduring relationship combination.

Cancer and Aquarius

Aquarius is the fixed air sign that likes to “commune” in love. This sign inconjuncts Aquarius, which means they constantly have to adjust to one another. Cancer is a “home is where the heart is” partner and Aquarius is the “the world is our family” partner.

These signs must manage the deeply personal energy of water (Cancer) with the impersonal and idealistic energy of air (Aquarius). Each will need to have other interpersonal relationships to help make this relationship successful over time.

Cancer and Pisces

Pisces is the mutable water sign that wants to “dream” in love. This sign trines (collaborates) with Pisces, so these two energies find it easy to relate to one another. Trusting and sharing feelings is the elixir for love between these two signs.

Something long-term will be easy if both partners share the same emotional intelligence and sensitivity. They will flow best when Pisces finds its purpose, and Cancer can nurture the Pisces on his or her spiritual journey.

Cancer will enjoy having the opportunity to be the emotional support and wisdom to help drive Pisces to achieve his or her dream.