September 8, 2024
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Scorpio Weekly Horoscope



Heaven helps those who help themselves. The same could be said of the movements of the planets today, so if you want or need some luck you need to start making that first step.


While this will not be a particularly productive day in terms of volume, the quality of your work today should be higher than usual and well deserving of praise.


Try to realistically assess the ties that bind you to all your loved ones. If any of these needs some extra work, you know what you have to do.


If somebody owes you money, don’t accept any check today because there is a negative financial influence from the stars for anything written today so… cash only!



Dance among the stars by outperforming everyone else in life. Work your way up the social ladder and become a reputable member of the society that everyone else envies.


The magic lies in your hands. The power to build, implement and exercise on your strategies and plans is in your control and through doing this efficiently, you can do wonders.


Your love story won’t be a magical one all by itself. It will need contributions from you and your partner. Let Venus embellish it with unmatched care and affection, and let it spice it up with sensuality.


Make invaluable business deals whose revenues exceed their cost by a big margin. Such deals are hard to come by, but they will sky rocket your profits.



Try to ride the wave of luck like a surfer today. Even if it wobbles, it will take you much further than you would on your own.


Do not let any weak spot show at work today, because the negative aspect of Pluto pretty much ensures that someone would jump on the opportunity to use it at your expense.


This is a perfect day to rekindle your ties with distant members of your family. Don’t refrain from it because you fear it might be awkward, the benefits will be worth the embarrassment.


Someone you have trusted with money in the past is trying to weasel their way out of what they owe. Do not let this slide just because you have a kind nature.



If someone is concerned about you and puts in the maximum effort to make you feel happy, then know you are lucky to have them. Reciprocate the love and keep them with you.


Work hard, but not for your job but the people around you. Take inspiration from the Sun and become an enchanting presence such that your absence will make people feel sad.


Being selfish is not a good trait. However, in love being selfish means to derive happiness from the happiness of your partner. So make compromises and sacrifices for their happiness. Be selfless yet selfish.


Stop worrying about finances because happiness is independent of money. Utilize feelings and actions to bring joy to your life.



Don’t let anything bring you down, even if you hear some bad news today. Do not ignore it, but don’t let it blind you to all the good things you could still do.


Work could be the best way to take your mind off something that is bothering you or making you sad. This will sharpen your concentration and kill two birds with one stone.


Try not to lose yourself in your relationship (or your attraction to another person). Spend some “me” time and get back in touch with your true feelings.


Try to weigh the pros and cons of any financial offer you could receive today. More specifically, look for the fine print or legal loopholes that might be a trap in the long run.



Let your inner-self out for a while and let it explore the world. Become an extrovert and find opportunities that suit your interest. You might find a suitable match.


It is not necessary that your boss has to make all the calls for you. Take up challenges yourself instead of being them assigned. Show some extra efficiency, and it will be rewarded.


In love it is not about reciprocating, it is more about initiating. The urge to care and love comes from within, and it should not be confused by the urge to return love to someone. It is not a transaction so focus on what your heart wants.


Don’t wait for the beggars to reach you but reach the beggars yourself. Think of giving charity each time you are blessed with huge sums of money.



The Sun has a strong influence on your overall day, trying to contribute to an amazing experience for every little thing… People will smile wider, you might hear a favorite song on the street, or find a lucky coin…


Try to balance the need for productivity and efficiency with the need to avoid burnout and exhaustion. If you try and do too much at once, your head start will turn into a huge dead end.


The influence of the planets upon your love life today favors a time of healing. It is a perfect day to mend some bridges, or offer an honest apology if you have done something wrong.


Keep your eyes open for any good bargain that might allow you to afford something you’ve been wanting for a long time.

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