Smile through the pain and don’t hate yourself for the past mistakes you’ve made. Try doing something positive today, like yoga or painting; doing something you love will help you get in a great mood.
Never compromise on your work ethics; just because others believe in one thing doesn’t mean it is right. Don’t be afraid to speak your mind and do what you think is right.
No one will love you unless you don’t love yourself. Learn to accept yourself for who you are and only then will others around you appreciate your true beauty as well. Be confident with yourself.
What’s the use of earning money if you can’t even spend it on yourself? Treat yourself and make you the main focus of your day.
There will be a rollercoaster ride of luck for you today, with peaks of extreme luck and peaks at an all time low. Try to navigate these waters as skillfully as you can.
The overwhelming influence of Uranus might send you on a wild goose chase and if you don’t realize it in time you will waste a lot of precious time at work today, doing things that don’t really need to be done.
Communication and understanding are key elements to any successful relationship, and the increasing influence of Uranus in your sky should be a big help to you in that regard.
Check your monthly bank statement and carefully monitor every single monthly expense that directly hits your account. If you see something that should not be there, find out where it comes from and put an end to it if you need to.
Nothing lasts forever, not even good luck. Sooner or later, your lucky streak will end, so make sure you made it count and did everything you’ve ever wanted while your luck lasted.
The only way to protect your job is to work hard at it to prove to everyone that you’re there to stay and you mean business. Work so hard that everyone can see your efforts and appreciates you for them.
These days, you might think your relationship won’t be able to survive. Consider these days as a warning that you need to step up your game and show your partner just how much they mean to you.
Today, try to focus on other things other than you money. Money shouldn’t be your priority. Money is supposed to be earned and spent, and no one can control it and make it last.
The amount of luck you can expect today will be directly proportional to the amount of time and effort you will dedicate for it, right here, right now
The Sun is sending you so much energy today that you will be almost eager to get to work in order to burn out all that excess energy and do something productive with it!
Never give up on any relationship that truly matters to you. If you are feeling down and low, draw some energy from the positive influence of the Sun and you will have a chance to get back on track and fight for what you believe in…
If you are currently looking into any kind of purchase that is worth more that half of your monthly leftover budget, make sure you really need it and that you won’t waste your resources into something you won’t use.
You will be faced with many dilemmas, and how you overcome them is what makes or breaks you. Luck is not to be blamed if you don’t study all the dilemmas properly and just take them at face value.
Do not be intimidated by those around you. A bigger office or a better title doesn’t mean anything if they’re not working for the benefit of the organization. Just stick to your beliefs and work hard for the benefit of the company, and great things will come your way.
When you’re looking for a partner, don’t just let their good looks deceive you. Focus on the kind of person they are, because you’re going to spend forever with their personality.
Always remember: “all that glitters isn’t gold.” What looks good today might not be so durable and reliable in the future, so don’t throw your money away over decisions just because something looks good.
Mercury will send you a lot of positive energy today, and this should be reflected in a lot of luck for anything that is related to movement or transport.
Something completely unexpected but unavoidable might fall on your lap today and screw up your carefully scheduled plans. Try to find a solution that will work around this new obstacle without putting the end goal into question.
Love is a garden you have to tend and let grow. If you don’t carefully handle the weeds and forget to water the seeds, it will eventually wither away and die, so don’t let it happen.
Neptune is a great advisor whenever you need to make a decision with far reaching consequences, especially when the various options can lead you to very different directions.
If you feel unlucky, then try doing everything differently today. Change your attitude and change the procedures you use to solve problems, try thinking of innovative ways to do everything.
Don’t accept everything at work easily; learn to question and raise counter arguments. Accepting and sticking to old traditions doesn’t always mean they’re the best way to do things. Try changing your technique and doing something unique.
Remember: someone who loves you will accept you as you are, and someone who doesn’t love you will try to change things about you. Learn the difference, so you know when you’re not being accepted for who you are.
Bill Gates and Steve Jobs had a dream that they could change the world, and then they worked to achieve their dream. That is how they came across such money and power. Get inspired by them and work hard to achieve your dream; that is how you will earn big money.