Don’t wait for things to get better because your life shouldn’t have to depend on anything other than what you want. Go out tonight, plan a road trip, do anything you want to make yourself happy.
If you want to get promoted at work, don’t wait around for someone to ask you or present you with the opportunity. Talk to your seniors about it, and ask them what more you can do with the organization to help you on the path of getting promoted.
Most of us think love is giving the other absolute control over you and your life. Love isn’t a prison, and your partner is your equal in this relationship, don’t give them that kind of control over you. Learn to live without your partner at times too.
It’s simple really: your money, spend it however you want. Take a day off and make it all about yourself; splurge a little.
The overwhelming abundance of good vibrations and luck around you today might seem dizzying, and even lead you to shy away from all the potential events that might change your life for good. This is your decision of course, but stagnation and growth don’t play well together.
You should try to limit any movement in the workplace as much as you can today. Keep at it and focus, and you will avoid a sharp deterioration of your working conditions that might have happened otherwise.
Today will be a good – if unusual – day for you in love. While your emotions are usually your guide in that domain, today you need to rely on your intellect and cold logic to achieve greater results.
Try to save some money every week. Even if it’s just a couple of cents. It might not seem much, but in the long run it will be a significant asset for you.
Make sure you think about what you’re doing before you do it because the actions you do today will greatly influence your future. Be smart today for a better tomorrow.
Work might be difficult, and you might be super close to giving up, but it’s time to get a fresh perspective on it. Maybe you felt down and dismayed because you’re not doing your absolute best and you’re not learning from your mistakes. Blame yourself for a change instead of blaming others.
Your partner may say harsh things in fights, but it’s only because those things are true and they want you to improve. Don’t get hurt over their words, instead, try understanding and improving yourself.
Learning from your mistakes is a great way to move forward, but when it comes to money, the best thing is to try not to make any mistakes at all. Don’t take any risks, invest in ventures that you know about, that you have studied and you have absolute faith in.
Sun and Mercury are combining in your sky to offer you with a great surge of luck. You will need to secure some means of transportation however since many of the opportunities that will rise for you today will require travel arrangements.
There was a long stretch of road to the end of the project you are currently working on, but finally it’s almost over. Just one last push and you will have overcome one of your greatest achievements.
Neptune’s influence will lead you to search for many connections to other people today, from a simple touch to a long and inspiring conversation. This is where you will find a way to restore some of the hope you had lost.
Do not forget that many devices are now built with planned obsolescence in mind, so save up some money for the eventual replacement of your current devices. When it becomes inevitable, you will be prepared.
You have to be the one to pick yourself up and try again and again before luck can see your potential and send rewards your way. No one’s going to help you get up.
We all suffer and are miserable at our jobs, but that doesn’t mean we all give up; that would lead to total anarchy. So find consolation in the fact that you aren’t the only one miserable, there are others too around you who understand your pain.
If you find yourself alone, that doesn’t mean you have to be lonely too. Everything that you could accomplish with a partner, you can also accomplish alone.
Are you worrying too much about your bank balance entering the negative side? Don’t, because no matter how bad it gets, you’ll get through it. Focus on friends and family instead because they’re always going to be constants in your life.
You do not need to pay for help or for high tech tools to navigate your life today, in spite of your gut telling you the opposite. It’s a trap, so ignore these dire warnings that are as fake as they can be.
A big argument between trustworthy colleagues can be a good way to evacuate some pressure, say what needs to be said, and then get back to work together with more passion and energy than before.
If you want any relationship to succeed in the long term, you sometimes need to try walking in the other person’s shoes to better understand their own point of view regarding the ties that bind you.
Give yourself 24 hours before you sign on any kind of contract today, because you need time to consider all the best (and worst) consequences that might happen with this course of action.
You only have a little more to go till you cross the finish line. Just exert a little more effort and don’t give up yet, and soon you’ll be successful and earn your rightful rewards.
You think it’s alright to give up because things will get better on their own. That is the wrong strategy. Instead, you need to face the challenges head on, and when you finally accomplish an extraordinary task, you will know you’ve succeeded.
If you love your significant other, don’t let them leave. It’s that simple; don’t do anything that will make them want to leave. Try to think about their feelings before doing anything that affects the both of you.
You might lose some money on your investments in the start, but that doesn’t mean you should stop investing and pull out. It means you need to have a little more faith and continue risking it until you finally succeed.