March 29, 2025
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Zodiac signs compatibility

Do you want to know your Zodiac compatibility with the Compatibility Calculator above? This section of askAstrology will take you through every Zodiac sign combination, so you can learn your compatibility with the sign of anyone in your life!

Each sign of the Zodiac expresses certain energies in certain ways. There are four elements: air, earth, fire, and water. Air represents thought; earth represents practical life; fire represents action, and water represents emotions. There are three qualities: cardinal, fixed, and mutable. Cardinal signs lead; fixed signs establish, and mutable signs adapt.

Each sign influences the energy of how we love, work, play, raise a family, make friends, and so on. If you were born between July 23rd to August 22nd, you have a Leo Sun sign. If you happen to be born on the 19th, 20th, 21st, or 22nd of July or August, you should use our natal chart calculator to be sure of your Sun sign because you are “born on the cusp” of a sign.

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Leo: The Fixed Fire Sign

Leo rules leadership, performance, playfulness, and competition. Often known as “the performer” or “the leader”, Leo connects to the world through its energy to act, perform, and romance. This sign rules passion and joy, connecting to the world through grand gestures, appreciation, and recognition.

As the ruler of the 5th House, its energy oversees children, creativity, and love affairs. Someone with a Leo Sun, Moon, or Ascendant (but especially the Sun) will seek to protect and charm those loved ones and friends who appreciate and respect his or her efforts to shine in life.

Cancer and Love

The Leo parent, child, or lover shows and feels love when they can act out and be demonstrative. They are naturally fun-loving and competitive and are more social than Aries and more playful than Sagittarius. There is a deep need to be recognized, valued, and appreciated as the person who makes life romantic, joyful, and interesting.

This sign, like all the fire signs, is active and creative … turned on by the action. They are one of the best and most adept masters of creativity and public performance. The more attention they can get, the more turned on they become. They like to have partners who will go out in the world with them and “show off”, but never outshine them.


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Leo, Love, and the 12 Signs

Leo and Aries

Aries is a cardinal fire sign that likes to “go for it” in love. This sign trines (collaborates) with Leo, so these two energies find it easy to relate to one another. Having fun together and being active is the elixir for love between these two signs.

Something long-term will be easy if both partners share the same inspiration and passion for work or life. They will flow best when Aries praises Leo’s talents and Leo playfully challenges Aries, keeping the relationship singing on a positive note.

Leo and Taurus Compatibility 

Taurus is the fixed earth sign that likes to “settle down” in love. This sign squares Leo, which means its energy conflicts with Leo’s energy. Leo likes to shine and perform and Taurus prefers to plod along well-worn and reliable paths.

Still, as two fixed signs, if they do come together romantically, parting is unlikely. It will just end up as a constant push/pull kind of relationship. In truth, Taurus can make any relationship last, even with a sign as “flamboyant” as Leo.

Leo and Gemini

Gemini is the mutable air sign that likes to “learn and communicate” in love. This sign sextiles, or compliments, Leo. They can enjoy a “let’s have fun together” connection, making this combination a playful mix for Leo.

If Gemini can let the Leo shine (which will be rather easy for Gemini), the Leo person can be generous and entertaining with the Gemini individual. They can both enjoy tremendous social networking together and make life a wild ride for all the people who know them.

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Leo and Cancer Compatibility 

Cancer is the cardinal water sign that likes to “nurture” in love. These signs sit side-by-side, so they can learn from each other without the dissonant energy of the inconjunct or square that happens when water and air or water and fire connect otherwise.

Leo can appreciate Cancer’s nurturing and sense of responsibility, while Cancer can appreciate Leo’s playfulness and sense of social status. The fire and water combination does require more effort to succeed since Cancer can “dampen” Leo’s fire and Leo can “overheat” Cancer’s water.

Leo and Leo

When two Leos get together, it will take some work. Leo inherently wants 51% of the attention, which makes the math problematic when two Leos get together. If they can arrange a give-and-take, like Monday, Wednesday, and Friday one gets more attention and Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday the other gets more attention, and Sunday is an alternate throughout the month, then it could work. But if they disagree, it can get ugly since Leo has a narcissistic streak to go with their competitiveness.

Leo and Virgo Compatibility 

Virgo is the mutable earth sign that likes to “serve” in love. These signs sit side-by-side, so they can learn from each other without the dissonant energy of the inconjunct or square that happens when fire and water or fire and earth connect otherwise.

Leo can appreciate Virgo’s attention to detail when doing something Leo wants, while Virgo can appreciate Leo’s playfulness when Virgo needs to have some fun.

Leo and Libra

Libra is the cardinal air sign that likes to “harmonize” in love. This sign sextiles Leo, which means its energy compliments Leo’s energy. Leo likes to shine, and Libra can certainly enjoy the Leo’s light and love shining in its direction.

Leo will appreciate Libra’s desire to figure out what Leo likes and make choices to help Leo enjoy life, which will, in turn, cause the Leo individual to shine more light and love on the Libra individual. This can be a truly great match.

Leo and Scorpio Compatibility 

Scorpio is the fixed water sign that prefers intensity in relationships. This sign squares Leo, which means its energy conflicts with Leo’s energy. Leo likes to shine and perform and Scorpio prefers to operate from hidden depths.

Still, as two fixed signs, if they do come together romantically, parting is unlikely. This relationship can be volcanic. Think of craving something spicy and eating it even though you know it is going to upset your stomach.

Leo and Sagittarius

Sagittarius is the mutable fire sign that prefers to “explore” in relationships. This sign trines (collaborates) with Leo, which creates a very nice energetic flow between these two signs. Sparks easily fly between these two lovers.

Leo will love to build status and see the best of any place he or she visits; Sagittarius will appreciate powerful examples of leadership and achievement in the places it likes to explore with his or her Leo lover.

Leo and Capricorn Compatibility 

Capricorn is the cardinal fire sign that likes to “achieve” in love. This sign inconjuncts, or “disrupts to grow”, with Leo. This can be a constant “work in progress” combination, because Leo loves to play and perform in life and love, while Capricorn prefers to be serious and achieve, in life and love.

To make this relationship work, Capricorn will have to be open to fun and grand displays of affection and Leo will need to reign in some of its desire for extravagance and attention.

Leo and Aquarius

Aquarius is the fixed air sign that likes to “commune” in love. This sign opposes, or “seeks balance with”, Leo. This can be a wonderful relationship if they can strike the right balance, because Leo loves to play and perform in life and love, while Aquarius prefers to work for the common good, in life and love.

To make this relationship work, Aquarius will have to give Leo a chance to shine in the community and Leo will need to be the fighter for the cause Aquarius most loves.

Leo and Pisces Compatibility 

Pisces is the mutable water sign that wants to “dream” in love. This sign inconjuncts Leo, which means they constantly must adjust to one another. Leo is the ultimate performer and Pisces loves to make sacrifices for others.

If Pisces can see Leo’s efforts as performance on behalf of others and not self-aggrandizement and Leo can see how the Pisces partner’s role enhances him or her, then this match can make a life together.

Even so, plenty of communication and tweaking will be necessary to succeed over the long run.