The strong influence of Uranus will sharply enhance your perceptions today. You will be more alert, but also more sensitive to subtle hints and aspects that will help you navigate your day in the best possible way for you.
Sometimes the biggest obstacle you can face at work is not lack of skills, assets, and resources, but in the way they are misused. Try to see if you can shift responsibilities around to achieve greater efficiency.
Doubt and hesitation are two strong energies and sometimes, when they combine, they can make it hard for you to see the hope and potential that lies within any potential relationship. Listen to your heart.
Uranus will make any financial situation clearer for you today, so if you have any ongoing problem that needs solving or investment that needs attention, it might be the best time for you to deal with it.
Judge nothing, not even your luck. What is good for you may turn out to be bad instead. Even the gloomiest opportunities can lead to a bright future. Keep an open mind.
Everyone around you is trying their very best as well. If you’re succeeding, help them out too. Stop thinking the very worst of all those around you, remind yourself that you were in their position too once.
People want to be loved for who they are, their flaws and sins and everything. Don’t try to change your significant other, instead, let them know you’re there for them and you will help them grow.
Spending your money wisely calls into play lots of judgment. Do your homework and be aware of all the positives or negatives of the decision you are going to make.
Mercury and Saturn are in direct opposition in their influence over you today. You might feel this as a surge of constant hesitation, up to a physical uneasiness and inability to decide where or what to do today.
The best way to deal with the confusion that lurks around you today is sometimes to just ignoring and dive straight into your work.
You might face an obstacle in your emotional journey today, but if you persevere and keep your head up high you will see that most of the pitfalls on your path are just a matter of point of view.
Keep an eye out for unexpected opportunities that might come within reach. While it might be sudden and unpractical, you might find something of great value for you in the long term.
Don’t be careless with your luck. It’s a strange thing, luck; can’t be controlled by anyone, and doesn’t favor anyone. One day you might have it, but don’t grow too accustomed to it because soon it will leave.
Words will always hurt, whether in our personal life or the work environment. Other might hurt you with their words. Do not do the same to them. Be the better person and control your words.
We hurt our loved ones with words more so than we do with actions. Do not take your relationships for granted; be logical and let go of your insecurities, so you don’t hurt them and lose their love.
Don’t be so blinded by your money that you lose sight of everything else that matters in life, like the people who make it worth living.
There are some conflicting elements in the influence of the stars over your day, and you might sense it as a surge of weird or unexpected events around you. Do not make any rash decision today.
It’s very important for you to prioritize the various tasks you need to get done at work. Start with the most essential and the most urgent, and everything else will follow in time.
Do not let any relationship or love interest be reduced to a pretty face or picture. A pretty smile might turn many heads, but a pretty head will generate many smiles…
This is a particularly good time for you if you need to make some changes in your financial portfolio, or shift some of your investments around.
Luck favors those who live in harmony with others or work to achieve such harmony. If you do good, good will come to you. Live in peace and harmony with others, do not hurt anyone, and luck will favor you.
Work will be a piece of cake for you, as long as you learn to work together with your colleagues in harmony, without criticizing anyone or making them feel unwanted.
Learn to live in harmony with your significant other; compromise when they are being stubborn, and reason with them when they are not making any sense. Listen to them and make sure you are heard as well.
Spend your money in harmony with your values and beliefs. Do what makes you happy and what keeps you at peace. At the end of the day, that is all that matters.
A short but intense burst of luck should cross your path in the early hours of the morning today. Try to capitalize on it if you want to get ahead.
It can be hard to know which task should get your attention first unless you take some time to take a step back and try to see the big picture.
Do not let yourself be caught in the downward spiral of negativity. Once any bad news has come and gone, let it be gone for good and don’t dwell on it for hours. Focus on the good times, past and future, instead.
The negative influence coming your way from both Pluto and Mercury would make any sizeable investment a particularly bad idea today. Wait for a better conjecture to make a move.