The twelve houses of the Zodiac have numerous classifications, including elements, masculine/feminine, and modalities. This section explains the Zodiac modalities for the houses. There are three modalities that apply to the houses: Angular, Succedent, and Cadent. These modalities correspond to the three qualities of the signs, and they have a significant effect on a person’s general outlook and attitude and indicate how they function in their daily life.
The modalities represent how a person with certain signs ruling certain houses will operate in the areas of life ruled by each house. Most people do not have the natural sign ruler aligned with its mode; in other words, Aries, on average, only rules the first house of an individual’s chart 1/12th of the time. Each mode has its defining features, strengths, and weaknesses that are influenced by the Zodiac sign which rules the chart based on the time of the person’s birth.
Below is a table of the modes of the houses and qualities of the signs that “naturally” rule them.
The 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th houses are Angular. The houses with this energy represent the areas of our lives where we must lead or take the initiative. The 1st House represents our quest for identity. The 4th House is the “home” of our family. The 7th House represents the partnerships we need in life to help us succeed in the world. And the 10th House tells us how we can best prosper in life according to the sign that rules it.
If a Cardinal sign rules an Angular house, then that means that Fixed signs rule the Succedent houses, and Mutable signs rule Cadent houses. This individual will have a natural flow of energy that he or she can use to lead and impact the world in aggressive and dynamic ways. On the downside, these people can be reckless and arrogant.
If a Fixed sign rules an Angular house, then Mutable signs rule the Succedent houses, and Cardinal signs rule the Cadent houses. These individuals will be more cautious, conservative, and prudent. On the downside, they can be stubborn and reactionary. If a Mutable sign rules the Angular houses, then-Cardinal signs rule the Succedent houses, and Fixed signs rule the Cadent Houses. These individuals will be flexible, adaptable, and service-oriented. Negatively, these people can be easily swayed and may shun responsibility.
Visit our Angular houses page to learn more about how this mode expresses itself with each sign rulership.
Succedent Energy
The 2nd, 5th, 8th, and 11th houses are Succedent. The houses with this energy represent the areas of our lives where we must establish ourselves. The 2nd House represents our quest for security and how we can best get the resources we need. The 5th House is the “home” of our creativity and how we use it to perform successfully and find our joy. The 8th House represents our most intimate partnership, where we rely on the support of another and give our support to another to feel safe and secure. And the 11th House lets us know what kind of “tribe” we are looking to join so we can find our fit in society, once again, helping us feel safe and secure.
Visit our Succedent houses page to learn more about how this mode expresses with each sign rulership.
Cadent Energy
The 3rd, 6th, 9th, and 12th houses are Cadent. The houses with this energy represent the areas of our lives where we must adapt to others and the world around us. The 3rd House represents our quest for understanding and how we process knowledge and communicate. The 6th House is the “home” of our service, day-to-day work, and health. The 9th House represents our beliefs and the lessons we learn by exploring the world and encountering others with different cultures and beliefs. And the 12th House guides us to face and find our purpose in life.
Visit our Cadent houses page to learn more about how this quality expresses itself through each sign.