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The 22nd of December is the 356th day of the year (357th in a leap year) in the Gregorian Calendar and the 1st day of the Capricorn Season. It is your birthday!

December 22 Capricorn zodiac calendar infographics

Key Phrase:“I achieve”
Energy: Yin (Feminine)
Lucky Day: Saturday
Lucky Numbers: 1, 7, 9, 10, 16, 36, 52
Birth Stones: Blue Sapphire (primary) – additional stones
Tarot Cards: The Devil and the King of Pentacles
Compatibility: Taurus, Virgo, Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Capricorn is the tenth sign in the Zodiac, ruled by the planet Saturn, which rules over the Tenth House. Capricorn symbolizes productivity, achievement, and responsibility.

Patience, perseverance, prudence, sense of duty, this is what define people born under this sign. They are ambitious, motivated, and methodical. Some might say they’re “hard to grasp” but that’s mostly because they don’t like letting their feelings show.

Capricorns are of a discreet and tenacious nature. They constantly strive for perfection and can work harder than most people. They like it when things are clear.

Associated with the Earth element, their planet, Saturn, is a giant. Saturnian people are wise and attached to knowledge and science. Saturn is a planet that encourages helping, and overcoming hardship. A person who is entirely marked by this planet is rather solitary, discreet, introverted, calm, ambitious, impassive, and observant.

Next after this publicity

If you were born today, know that you will have converged up on you, the energies of two astrological signs. By reading up on both the sign your Sun is in and the sign it is near, you can gain a deeper understanding of your soul’s purpose. Use this knowledge to create a better life that is truly meaningful to you. Here, you may find more info about Sagittarius and Capricorn Cusp page.

Personalities: Meghan Trainor, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Ralph Fiennes

Zodiac signs compatibility