February 19, 2025
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Inspirations for Survivors Oracle Deck Review

Every month, Amazon, Etsy, crowd-funding platforms, and bookstores release numerous tarot and oracle decks. There are now thousands of decks available, ranging from new releases to out-of-print ones. Reviewing a deck helps readers decide whether to purchase it, focusing on factors like card quality, artwork, and guidebook usefulness. This month, I’ve chosen to critique the Inspiration for Survivors Oracle created by Aunia Kahn and Russell J Moon.

The Cards

SOAllowTheTreeBranchesSOBathsAreHealingSOBeOutInNature SOBreakTheGlassCeiling

From the back of the Inspiration for Survivors Oracle box:

In this life, we are all survivors on some level. When people declare themselves “survivors,” it simply means that they have made it to the other side of a difficult and courageous time in their lives and may need continued encouragement to keep moving forward. Survivors can rise from family relationships and situations, health concerns (some life and death), war, violence, loss, mystical experiences, or even getting through just one day. To assist with these varied issues, Inspirations for Survivors comes to you with a full-color art deck of 44 inspirational cards. Using positive messages and beautiful imagery to encourage growth, healing, and new constructive thought patterns as a survivor, you will be drawn into a world of “can do.” Gain valuable insights into all aspects of life on a journey to manifest your destiny and to keep an optimistic outlook on life. This inspirational deck can be used as a clarifier of a particular issue, a meditation tool, or as an oracle to help the survivor to move on.

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About Aunia Kahn (from her CV page):

“Her work is a harmonious fusion of evocative characters surrounded by a tapestry of intricate worlds. Kahn’s home, clothing, and surroundings, rich in color, vibrant patterns, and textures, brim with an abundance of plants, creates a sanctuary of inspiration for her paintings. This vibrant environment serves as a profound muse, deeply influencing her creative process.

She has exhibited her artwork in over 300+ exhibitions in 10 countries and at institutions such as SDAI, iMOCA, and CAM St. Louis. Additionally, she has lectured at colleges and universities and has been featured in Yahoo, Prevention, and Authority Magazine. She has also held roles as both a gallerist and curator for internationally recognized books and projects.”

About Russell J Moon (from the booklet):

“Fueled by the desire and challenge to bring an enlightened view to a person’s struggle, companion book author Russell J Moon reflects on his own personal struggles and trials that have shaped his life, to become like us all, a survivor in our own lives. And although many personal aspects are brought to the reader, it is an interpretation that will never stop growing. Each life and situation is different, but the commonality of our personal feelings, whether they be triumph or tragedy, is a bond we all share.”

Card Stock and Shuffling

Printed on medium card stock, these cards have a gloss finish with rounded corners. Even if you have small hands, they are easy to riffle shuffle. The cards flex well because the card stock is of medium thickness. While they do stick together when they first come out of the box, repeated use removes the stickiness quickly. Because the card stock is pretty good, they will last for many years, even with extended use.

Artwork and the Visual Accessibility of the Inspirations for Survivors Oracle Deck

The artwork for this deck is quite beautiful and imaginative. Also, the deck’s visual accessibility is excellent. The artwork connection with the phrases on the cards is obvious, which makes the deck superior to other oracle decks. While the booklet is helpful, the cards can be understood without needing to refer to the book, which is great.

Allow the Tree Branches to Reach Out and Hug You



The oracle card “Allow the Tree Branches to Reach Out and Hug You” signifies endurance and flexibility. It encourages you to draw strength from nature, much like a tree that withstands storms by bending without breaking. Embrace life’s challenges with resilience and adaptability, finding comfort in the support around you. Like branches that provide shelter and comfort, your ability to endure and remain flexible will help you navigate difficult times. Thus you can emerge stronger through adversity.

Baths are Healing. Let the Water Wash it All Away



The oracle card “Baths are Healing; Let the Water Wash it All Away” highlights the soothing power of simple pleasures. It encourages you to find solace in everyday rituals, like taking a bath, to cleanse both body and mind. This card reminds you that small acts of self-care can have profound healing, helping to wash away stress and negativity. Embrace these moments of tranquility, allowing the gentle touch of water to restore your inner peace and rejuvenate your spirit.

Be Out in Nature and Let Mother Earth Heal You



The oracle card “Be Out in Nature and Let Mother Earth Heal You” emphasizes the healing power of nature in all its seasons. It invites you to immerse yourself in the natural world, finding solace and rejuvenation in its ever-changing beauty. Whether it’s the bloom of spring or the stillness of winter, nature offers a unique balm for your spirit. Embrace this connection, allowing the rhythms of the earth to heal and restore you.

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Explanation of the Inspirations for Survivors Oracle Cards

The deck comes with a very nice, and comprehensive, guidebook. It has four sections: Biographies, Introduction, Explanation of Cards, and Conclusion. Along with the artwork, the booklet is one of the best qualities of this deck. Gratefully, the description for each card is brief, but pithy. Each card gets one page of content on the left page and a color photo on the right page.

Usefulness of the Inspirations for Survivors Oracle Deck

This oracle deck proves invaluable with its comprehensive guidebook, and insightful phrases on each card. The imagery showcases the meaning of each card, which makes the deck ready to read right out of the box. Therefore, I would consider this one of the most useful decks I have found in years.


I give the Inspirations for Survivors Oracle Deck 5 out of 5 stars. The meanings in the book are thorough and well-written, and extremely insightful when learning how to interpret the cards. The artwork is fantastic for the theme of the deck, and by far an excellent feature. The card stock is medium, so the deck will last if heavily used. The visual accessibility of the artwork combined with the phrases on the cards is perfect.

Where to Buy this Deck

If you like the Inspirations for Survivors Oracle Deck and wish to purchase a copy, you can do so online or in a major bookstore.