October 18, 2024
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neptune in pisces social media

Neptune In Pisces: Social Media

Neptune in Pisces most recently began in April of 2011 and will conclude in January of 2026. Its previous journey through Pisces occurred between April 1847 and February 1862, the years leading up to and at the beginning of the Civil War, which took place between 1861 and 1865. While Neptune moves through Pisces, beliefs shift significantly, and on a large scale. This article will explore the rise and evolution of social media.

Neptune in Pisces

Each point in the sky rules a specific sign; when that point is in that sign, its energy is strongest, and its effects last the longest. Neptune is the modern ruler of Pisces (Jupiter was the ruler before Neptune was discovered). When Neptune moves through Pisces, individuals and large systems, like societies and cultures, experience spiritual awakening. For some, the awakening ushers in changing beliefs while, for others, the awakening energy increases their resistance to change.

Neptune in Pisces encourages us to have faith, surrender, be vulnerable, and recognize our connectivity to everyone on the planet. Neptune wants us to understand that we are all in this together. These are the positive traits of Neptune in Pisces. Its shadow energy is delusion, disbelief, confusion, and deception. It can be hard to “know what is real” while Neptune occupies its own sign.

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During the time Neptune moves through Pisces, humanity learns how belief shapes the world, and how competing beliefs battle over the construction of civilization when they cannot find common ground, which is what is happening with the vaccine civil war in the United States, tremendous amounts of information and misinformation, and human subconsciousness and consciousness writ large through social media.

The End of Gatekeepers

Up until the rise if FANG (Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, and Google), the world of social knowledge and expression moved through gatekeepers: publishing houses, record companies, movie studios, four major tv stations (CBS, NBC, ABC, and PBS), and broadcast radio. Everyone’s opinion had a limited radius and limited ways to get to the wider public audience because these gatekeepers determined if the opinion merited sharing.

As the internet began to emerge and evolve in the late 1980s to the beginning of the 21st century, the connectivity of the world increased, making the world “smaller” in terms of interactivity among people within a country and outside of it, especially in capitalist and western cultures. Between 2000 and 2019, self-publishing of music, videos, and books accelerated at an exponential rate. Cable television, and now streaming, added to the myriad of ways for people to get their message and creativity out to the public without relying on the traditional gatekeepers. Those gatekeepers have become obsolete.

History Repeats

It is interesting to study astrology over the course of human history and see how the patterns cycle through, especially when seen through the lens of the outer planets Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. In the case of Uranus, the cycle happens every 84 years for an 8-year span. In the case of Neptune, the cycle happens every 165 years for about a 14-year span. And Pluto returns to a sign every 247 years for anywhere from 17 to 31 years.

Therefore, it is not surprising that, as an aspect of American history, the period between 1847 and 1862, and the years soon after, when Neptune entered Aries, would be one of astounding breakthroughs in social norms and beliefs. The most profound event in those years was the Civil War, which brought about the end of slavery in the United States. It did not end inequality, but it did force the nation to begin a long process of reconciliation regarding race that is still unfolding.

The impact of this transformation is likely to play out in the same way regarding social norms now and through the first years of Neptune in Aries from 2026 to 2030.

Social Media as a Source of Information

Confirmation bias is the tendency to interpret new evidence as confirmation of one’s existing beliefs or theories. Within the social media “world”, many people’s beliefs are already in place and the search for confirmation is their objective, which is easily obtained. In fact, improvement in social media technology to craft results in searches creates an effect called “silo”ing, which keeps users in a silo of information that confirms their beliefs. So, while there is the greatest amount of information ever available, its distribution is uneven and inconsistent, leading to such quotes as “your Google search is not a replacement for my medical degree.”

While it is possible to discern the quality of sources of information based on the level of research, complexity of thinking, and critical evaluation, these sources do not have any special ability to get the attention of viewers or users who would disagree with the conclusions. Social media is thus a perfect “ocean” of beliefs fitting for Neptune in Pisces. The subconscious of humanity can express itself immediately, and vocally, at any given moment, and with a complete disregard for facts, at least until the system fights back in some overarching way, like with a virus or climate change.

Spiritual Truth and Mass Delusion

Neptune can both lead us to spiritual revelation or delusional beliefs. In psychoanalysis there is the Id, the Ego, and Superego. In the pre-Internet era, the gatekeepers functioned as the Ego and Superego, keeping the Id in check by not allowing that part of the human psyche wide access out into the world. Social Media is allowing the Id to function without any checks and balances, or only very few limited ones. What it takes to get banned from Twitter is rather astounding, and any restrictions on etiquette are moving targets on Facebook and all social media platforms.

On a psychological and spiritual level, we face a Neptune in Pisces crisis due to the use of a technology that essentially allows everyone to have “equal access” thus making it harder for supportive social norms to overcome loud and threatening behavior. There is an adage that applies well to social media, “never argue with a fool, observers will not know the difference” or “never argue with a fool, they will bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.”

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