Moving into the final weeks of 2024, a significant astrological transit will happen. It is a retrograde other than Mercury which is in retrograde now. On December 6th, Mars, known for its fiery energy and assertive nature, will retrograde in the sign of Leo. But this is no ordinary retrograde. It is not anything like Mercury in retrograde. For the next few months, Mars will go on a journey that backtrack from the regal Leo to nurturing Cancer. What will that mean for you? Let’s begin to delve into the nitty-gritty of Mars in retrograde. That way, you will know what to expect from this transit.
What Does Mars Retrograde Mean?
If you’re wondering what Mars in retrograde means, you will want to sit down and read this. That is because the coming weeks and months are bound to be a wild ride. Mars’ retrograde periods are always intense, as this planet of action and drive appears to move backward in the sky.
This will cause you to re-evaluate your approach to life and the ways in which you assert yourself. As Mars moves from confident Leo to sensitive Cancer, prepare for a deeper, more intuitive personal transformation. Now, let’s begin to explore what Mars in Leo retrograde means.
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Mars Retrograde in Leo
As Mars stations retrograde on December 6th, you may begin to feel a shift in your energy and motivation. Where you once felt fired up and ready to charge ahead, you may now find yourself more introspective. You may even be a little hesitant to make bold moves. This is perfectly normal – Mars retrograde is asking you to slow down to reflect on your goals and desires. It wants you to consider whether the path you’ve been on is truly aligned with your deeper needs and values.
In the sign of Leo, Mars retrograde is likely to manifest as a need to re-examine your sense of self-worth. It also wants you to re-evaluate your creative pursuits and your desire for recognition and applause. You may find yourself questioning whether you’re truly living up to your fullest potential.
You may find there are aspects of your life that need to be explored within. This is a time to get honest with yourself about what truly brings you joy and fulfillment. You also need to let go of any toxic ego attachments or need for external validation. Now, let’s explore what to expect when Mars heads back into Cancer.
As Mars moves back into the emotional waters of Cancer on January 6th, the focus of this retrograde will shift. Now, the planet of action and drive will be operating in the Divine Feminine area. It will be calling you to tap into your deepest wells of intuition, empathy, and nurturance. This is a time to prioritize your emotional needs and to connect with your inner child. You will want to explore the ways you can create a sense of safety, comfort, and belonging in your life.
During this phase of the retrograde, you may find yourself revisiting unresolved family issues. You may also find yourself grappling with deep-seated insecurities and fears. The Cancer-influenced Mars may also prompt you to reevaluate your domestic situation. You may even examine your relationships with loved ones, and the ways in which you provide (or receive) emotional support.
What Should You Do and Don’t During this Mars Retrograde?
It’s important to remember that Mars retrograde is not a time for quick fixes or hasty decisions. While Mercury is also in retrograde, that is something to avoid as well. Rather, it’s a period of introspection where you’re having the urge to slow down.
You have the urge to listen to the whispers of your heart, and to trust the wisdom of your intuition. This is a time to be gentle with yourself and to honor your sensitive nature. It is when you want to create a safe container for the emotional processing and healing that may be unfolding.
When Mars stations direct in Cancer on February 23rd, expect a renewed sense of purpose and direction. The lessons you’ll learn during this retrograde period will equip you with a deeper understanding of your emotional needs.
You will also understand your family dynamics and the ways in which you can nurture yourself and others. You may find that you’re now better equipped to assertively advocate for your needs and to set healthy boundaries. Also you can create a life that feels truly aligned with your innermost values and desires.
Of course, the period of Mars retrograde is not without its challenges. You may find yourself feeling more moody, irritable, or prone to emotional outbursts during this time. It’s important to be mindful of these shifts in your energy and to find healthy outlets for your feelings. You can do some journaling, talk to a trusted friend, or engage in practices like meditation or yoga.
Additionally, you may encounter some frustrations or delays in your practical affairs.That is because Mars’ backward motion can create a sense of inertia or stagnation in certain areas of your life. Be patient with yourself and with the process. Trust that the insights and revelations you gain during this time will serve you in the long run.
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As you work through the winding path of this Mars retrograde, remember that you are not alone. This event is impacting everyone in some way. There is a collective energy of introspection, emotional vulnerability, and a yearning for deeper meaning. Reach out to your support system and engage in soulful conversations. Don’t be afraid to seek professional guidance if you feel overwhelmed or need extra support.
Key Takeaway
Most importantly, trust the process. Mars retrograde is an opportunity for profound personal growth and transformation. The lessons you learn now will continue to serve you long after the planet has been stationed direct. Welcome the ebb and flow of this period. Also, trust that the universe is guiding you toward a deeper facet of your true self.
As Mars moves from bold Leo to sensitive Cancer, brace yourself for an intense, transformative time. The coming months may not be easy, but they will undoubtedly be rich with opportunities for self-discovery. You can also expect emotional healing and a renewed sense of purpose.
I am a Canadian mom, writer, astrologer, tarot reader, and evidential medium who enjoys traveling, loves to unravel mysteries, and is passionate about metaphysics and spirituality. I am also a mental health advocate and a podcaster, as I have my show, The Tarot Table. You can connect with me at