October 18, 2024
Free Horoscope
Ask Astrology

Discover the wonders of Astrology with the Birth / Natal Chart Calculator! 

How? Simply by entering your birth date, time, and place on the formin the AskAstrology Birth Chart Calculator. You can receive a personalized birth chart providing a visual representation of the position of the sun, the moon, and the planets at the time of your birth.

Birth Date
Exact Birth Time

If birth time is unknown, check this box.*

UTC time offset:

Tip: Make sure the UTC time offset is correct. If it's wrong, you can change it.

* NOTE: If birth time is unknown, the report will not include positions or aspects for the Moon, Ascendant, Midheaven, Vertex, or Part of Fortune, nor will it include House positions for any planets.

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This powerful tool, used by astrologers all around the world, produces a personalized birth chart based on your birth date, time, and place. And do you know what the best part is?

Askastrology’s birth /natal chart calculator provides a stunning visual representation of the sun, the moon, and the planets at the time of your birth. But that’s not all! With Askastrology’s rising sign calculator, you can take your astrological understanding to the next level.

Discover your rising sign and gain deeper insights into your astrological profile. You will discover the unique traits and fluctuations that apply to each zodiac sign. Want to know more?

Astrology eludes a simple definition, becoming more intricate as one delves into its study. The daily horoscope merely skims the surface of an immense field of expertise. A full natal chart reveals a vast realm of knowledge and information awaiting exploration. Delving into astrology unveils a captivating journey through celestial insights, offering more than meets the eye in the everyday horoscope.

Where and How to Begin with my Birth Chart Understanding


Astrology is a challenging subject to master because there is quite a bit you have to memorize and flat out know before you can even begin trying to interpret information about your own natal chart. Your birth chart, when you get one “cast” online or with a professional or using an astrology software, is a two-dimensional representation of the layout of the solar system when you took your first breath.

Houses and Birth Chart

It is cast as a circle made up of twelve segments (pie pieces astrologers call Houses) and populated with glyphs that represent astronomical bodies in the sky and calculated points used for chart interpretation. These Houses and Points are associated with Signs of the Zodiac, and the points relate to one another through specific angular Aspects from the point of view at the center of the chart, making four Keys (data points) that must be combined to unlock astrological knowledge, along with a special fifth Key.

Birth Place and Birth Chart

The gateway into the realm of astrology relies on three key details you furnish to an astrologer or input into an astrology program: your date of birth (mm/dd/yyyy), your birthplace (city/state or city/country), and the precise moment of your birth.

Birth Time and Birth Chart

The time you were born is important. It determines which Zodiac Sign governs the first House (the Ascendant), and all the subsequent House (if Scorpio rules the 1st House, the Sagittarius rules the 2nd House, and so on).

Therefore, the Keys are:

  1. The Points in the sky (like the Sun and Venus, both bodies in our solar system) or ones that are calculated (like the Descendant, based on the time of birth).
  2. The Houses, 1 through 12.
  3. The Signs, Aries through Pisces (12)
  4. Aspects, the relationship of one point to another point that has a certain meaning.
  5. The most important key is free will!

It is important to understand that the chart is NOT the person. It is essentially an energetic vehicle your soul decided to drive around in during this lifetime. And the easiest way to understand this idea is to talk about twins; they all have the same chart, but they do not have the same driver! One of those souls may be a race car driver, while the other may prefer to walk.

Memorizing the Data of the Four Keys Is Necessary

There really is no getting around the fact that you will have to know the meaning of the Points, the twelve Houses, the twelve Signs, and the major Aspects (the four most common), if you want to get to the depth and power of astrology. And if you do not want to make this deep dive, then you want to find a professional who has done this work.

Thus, it is important to know that something like the daily horoscope, while well-known, is like trying to understand the most sophisticated car in the world by only looking at the tires! Your Sun, in your chart, is not just in a Sign, but also in a House, and usually with several Aspects from other points.

Key #1 – The Points

An astrology chart cast using AskAstrology’s Birth / Natal Chart Calculator provides 15 points of reference; some programs use many more. Referring to them as “points” instead of planets is crucial because several points are not planets (the Sun is star; Chiron is a minor planet/comet). The Sun signifies your Life Force, the Moon reflects your Soul Path, Mercury influences communication, and so on. Asteroids like Ceres reveal nurturing preferences, while Juno indicates commitment tendencies. Additionally, calculated points, like the angles (the Ascendant and Midheaven) and Nodes of the Moon, offer deeper insights into your astrological profile.

Key #2 – The Houses

There are twelve Houses and they represent the areas of our lives starting with Identity (1), then Needs and Resources (2), Communication (3), Family (4), Creativity (5), Skills/Day-to-Day Work (6), Partnerships (7), Intimate Relationships (8), Mastery of Knowledge (9), Career/Prosperity (10), Community (11), and Spirituality (12).

Points reside in Houses and indicate a focus; so, if your Mars in the 4th House of Family, your drive and energy are notably directed toward matters related to home, family dynamics, and the foundation of your personal life.

Key #3 – The Signs

The twelve zodiac signs, categorized into fire, air, water, and earth elements, exhibit distinct behaviors. Understanding the elemental and modal qualities of each sign provides valuable insights into an individual’s inherent characteristics. Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius are classified as fire signs, representing enthusiasm, passion, and initiative. Libra, Aquarius, and Gemini fall under the air element, embodying intellectual curiosity and communicative skill. Water signs, including Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces, are associated with emotional depth and intuition. Earth signs, comprising Capricorn, Taurus, and Virgo, signify practicality and material concerns.

Moreover, signs are further classified as cardinal, fixed, or mutable, reflecting their energetic qualities. Cardinal signs initiate energy, fixed signs organize and stabilize, while mutable signs adapt and flow. For example, someone with Mercury in Aries, a cardinal fire sign, tends to be a direct communicator, unafraid to assert their opinions.

Key #4 – Aspects

Astrological aspects refer to the angular relationships between celestial points within the chart, influencing their interactions and dynamics. The most common aspects include conjunctions, oppositions, squares, and trines, each contributing to the overall astrological narrative.

A conjunction occurs when two points are close together, symbolizing a merging of energies and a shared journey. Oppositions, at 180 degrees apart, create a balancing act, especially evident in individuals born during a full Moon when the Sun and Moon oppose each other. Squares, occurring at 90 degrees, signify conflict and growth, challenging the individual to evolve. Trines, formed at 120 degrees, indicate a harmonious flow of energies, facilitating ease and cooperation.

Key #5 – Free Will

At the heart of astrology lies the fundamental principle of free will. Contrary to deterministic notions, astrology does not dictate one’s destiny but offers insights into predispositions and tendencies. A birth chart, while providing a roadmap of energetic influences, does not foretell specific career choices or life paths. Instead, it serves as a guide, allowing individuals to navigate their choices in alignment with their unique astrological configurations.

Understanding one’s chart equips individuals with the knowledge to make informed decisions, capitalize on strengths, and navigate challenges effectively. It is not a rigid script but a dynamic tool for self-discovery, empowerment, and maximizing the richness of one’s life experiences.

Discover my Name Destiny Path Number with the Name Numerology Calculator

Some birth / natal chart calculators, like Askastrology, also provide Name Numerology as a second step. By analyzing your birth name, you can gain a more comprehensive understanding of your personality and your life path.

With the sun, moon, and rising sign calculator, you’ll gain a wealth of knowledge about yourself and your place in the world. Your sun sign reveals your ego and your personality, while your moon sign represents your inner emotional world.

And then there’s your rising sign. It gives an insight into your outward appearance and the first impressions you make. So why wait? Let Askastrology guide you on your astrological journey.

Our team of astrology enthusiasts is dedicated to ensuring that complex concepts are easy and even fun to understand!

With our online resources, you’ll be on your way to a deeper understanding of yourself in no time.




What is a Birth Chart?

A birth chart is a wheel, a two-dimensional depiction of the solar system (sun, moon, planets) at the time of your birth. Thanks to this birth /natal chart calculator, you’ll discover the planets and stars present in your birth sky, as well as the zodiac signs they occupied.

How to use a Birth Chart?

There was a time when you had to travel to receive a chart reading. Fortunately, today there are birth chart calculators online, including the one from askAstrology. With your first and last name, date, time and city of birth, our birth chart calculator offers you a perfect representation of your natal chart.

Our birth / natal chart calculator is very easy to use, and we’d like to give you a few tips on how to use it.

Firstly, you can use our astrological calculator without entering your full name. Initials are all you need, and your anonymity is protected.

Next, enter the most precise location for your city of birth. A complete list of cities is available in our birth chart calculator, so take the time to select the right location.

Finally, if possible, enter your precise time of birth. The time of birth defines your ascendant, which changes every two hours. Without it, your reading could be incomplete.

How can I discover my Sun, Moon, and Rising signs in astrology?

You are interested in astrology, and you often wonder “What is my sun sign?”, “How to determine my moon sign?” or “How do I find out my rising sign?”. Don’t worry, it couldn’t be easier: our astrological calculator is here for you! It will highlight the points in your natal chart and give you all the details about your zodiacal person:

  • Your sun sign (AriesTaurusGeminiCancerLeoVirgoLibraScorpioSagittariusCapricornAquariusPisces)
  • Your moon sign
  • Your ascendant (or rising sign)
  • Your Houses:
  • House 1 – Identity
  • House 2 – Needs
  • House 3 – Communication
  • House 4 – Family
  • House 5 – Creativity
  • House 6 – Service and Health
  • House 7 – Partnerships
  • House 8 – Intimacy
  • House 9 – Mastery of Knowledge and Belief
  • House 10 – Prosperity
  • House 11 – Community
  • House 12 – Purpose and Spirituality
  • Your astrological aspects (relationship of one point to another point)
  • The role of other points such as Chiron, North Node, Part of Fortune and Midheaven

From this chart, astrological aspects will emerge, and our askAstrology natal chart calculator will give you an astrological reading of your person. Your zodiac sun, moon and rising signs can help you understand your personalities, give an origin to a fear or help you understand your desires and goals.

Is there a reliable calculator to determine my Sun, Moon, and Rising signs?

askAstrology birth chart calculator is a reliable calculator to determine your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs. We use the information you provide (name, surname, date/place/time of birth) to give you the most accurate reading of your birth chart. We use NASA data and solar system plots at the time of your birth to offer you a free and accurate reading of your birth chart. Astrology is a science like any other!

What do the Sun, Moon, and Rising signs represent in someone’s astrological chart?

Astrology is a complex and highly-developed science. We’re familiar with the Sun sign, and there are two other very important aspects: the Moon sign and the Rising sign.

Together, they form the trinity of your being:

  • Sun Sign = upper self
  • Moon Sign = emotional self
  • Rising Sign = inner self

What is the method for finding out what my Rising sign is?

To calculate your Rising sign, we’ll use your date, time and place of birth. The Rising sign changes every two hours, as it’s a point that rises on the horizon, in the east. A person born on the 18th of June 8 a.m. will not have the same Rising sign as someone born at 6 p.m. on the same day.

If you don’t know your time of birth, ask your relatives to find out if you were born in the morning, afternoon, evening or night. This will help you determine your birth chart. If you have no indication, select 12 hours.

How do the zodiac Sun, Moon, and Rising signs interact to shape my astrological profile?

The Sun sign is what you represent, your upper, visible self.

The Rising sign is the hidden part of the iceberg, your more secrete, private personality (your “inner self”). It can be seen as imposing certain character traits on you, which you’ll need to develop if you’re to achieve your full potential. The Rising sign can sometimes upset the lines of your Sun sign, helping you to evolve.

The Moon sign, on the other hand, indicates the way in which you live your emotions and seek peace.

There’s no immutable rule for reading the interaction between zodiac Sun, Moon, and Rising signs. There are as many interactions as there are birth charts! Some Sun, Moon, and Rising signs live in harmony, while others feel torn between two character traits. Only a reading of your personal star chart can give you the key to understanding the interactions of your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs.

What steps should I take to find out my Rising sign in astrology?

It’s easy to find out your Rising Sign. You’ll need:

  • your date of birth
  • your place of birth
  • your time of birth

These data are vital, as it enables us to calculate the exact position of your Rising Sun at your birth.

How do the zodiac Sun, Moon, and Rising signs each contribute to my overall horoscope?

Your Sun sign represents your upper self, your Moon sign is your emotional self, your Rising sign is your inner self. Together, they make up your astrological and zodiacal personality. They allow an astrological reading of you.

For example, a person with a Rising Sun in Scorpio is very intuitive and curious, while someone with a Moon in Virgo is simple and very sensitive.

What do I do once I know my natal chart?

Some birth natal chart calculators, like Askastrology, also provide Name Numerology Calculator as a second step. By analyzing your birth name, you can gain a more comprehensive understanding of your personality and your life path. Our Numerology Calculator is really easy to use: you only have to enter your full birth name into the calculator. Let’s try! With your Birth Chart Reading and your Name Numerology, you’ll understand your world and know how to live your life to the fullest.