February is Aquarius and Pisces season, with the day of love sprinkled in the middle. Will this be a love filled month, or one destined for heartbreak? Looking to the tools of astrology and numerology you can get a clear idea of what is to come in February 2025 (and I think you’re gonna like what you see!). Check out the luckiest days in February 2025!
February 2025 is an 11 month
11 is known as a master number in numerology. Master numbers are double digit repeating numbers such as 11, 22 and 33. These master numbers hold more weight than single digit numbers. So, this month will put some pressure on you in order to make you into a diamond.
Master number 11 is the number of the inspirational leader or teacher. What tends to happen is that you will be guided to learn a particular lesson this month, one that is aligned to your life’s path. This life lesson must be learned through life experience.
Like many other things in life, in order to get stronger you will first feel weak. Think about how lifting weights can make you feel weak as they make you stronger! If you are meant to learn stronger communication, it will show up as a failure to communicate. So, in short, do not run away from your problems this month, run straight into their arms instead.
The Luckiest Days in February 2025 are the 4th, 8th, 12th, 15th and 22nd
February 4th is a 15/6 day
Jupiter stations direct on this day. With Jupiter back in a forward motion, this is a day for indulgence. 15/6 is the type of day where you playfully push against your own boundaries. The goal is to learn how much is too much, and to enjoy the process along the way.
February 8th is a 19/1 day
This is a great day for new beginnings since it is a 19/1 day. Take what you’ve learned about yourself (particularly your healing journey) and put it into action today. It will be helpful to journal about who you are and what you want.
February 12th is a 23/5 day
23/5 lends itself towards taking risks, but since there will also be a full moon in Leo on this day, don’t take it too far. Make sure you are physically safe, but otherwise have fun! It’s good to make mistakes, otherwise how will you learn?
February 15th is a 26/8 day
26/8 is a day for optimism and positivity. If you find yourself feeling like the opposite, take on the role of the observer. Why are you reacting to your life in a pessimistic way? There are real reasons to be upset, and then there are the ways in which you force yourself to stay small.
February 22nd is a 33 day
This is a huge day for spiritual healing. Neptune will be conjunct the north node in Pisces, leading the way towards a deeper spiritual connection. Your intuition will be on high alert. 33 is the number of master healing, so when your wounds call out to you, make sure you answer.
The Toughest Days in February 2025 are the 5th, 10th, 11th, 18th and 25th
February 5th is a 16/7 day
16/7 is the number associated with the Tower card in tarot. The Tower is a symbol of rock bottom, your lowest point. It’s very likely that something will pull the rug right out from underneath your feet today. DRemember, if you have to hold onto something tightly, it was never meant to be yours anyway.
February 10th is a 21/3 day
Plan for the unexpected today. It is not recommended that you hold on to any plans you have because they are very likely to go astray with Mercury square Uranus today. The pace of the day is very fast so, if you find yourself struggling, try to be the version of yourself who knows how to handle whatever problem is thrown your way.
February 11th is a 22 day
With the Sun squaring Uranus, the unexpected and fitful energy of the day before permeates into this day. 22 is the number of the master builder, so if you’re building something (real or metaphorically) on shaky ground and bad foundations it will collapse. Don’t run from the issue, face it head on.
February 18th is a 29/11 day
The sun will move into Pisces on this 29/11 day. It’s an 11 day in an 11 month, so it will be a heavy day. 29/11 is about getting a glimpse into the future, the only issue is that you’ll have to recalibrate some of the things you’re doing after you sneak a peek. The future you want is a few small changes away!
Next after this publicity
February 25th is a 36/9 day
Heed this warning: do not push your limits today. You will feel tired, you will feel overwhelmed and you must listen to your bodily cues. Your mind is going to race while your body begs for sleep because Mercury and Saturn will be conjunct in Pisces on this day. Finding busy work that can entertain your brain but not exhaust your body is the tightrope you’ll need to walk.
The Luckiest Days for Love in February 2025 are the 1st, 3rd, 13th, and 27th
February 1st is a 12/3 day
This is the perfect day to go on a date, start a new relationship, or deepen the connection of your current one. Be cautious of being out of touch with reality though, make sure that you are not repeating the mistake of the past.
February 3rd is a 14/5 day
Venus will move into Aries on this day, but not before it meets up with the north node. The lovey dovey vibes from the 1st continue through today, so if you didn’t have the courage to ask them out on the 1st be sure to do it today. If you haven’t said “i love you” yet, you should say it on this day.
February 13th is a 24/6 day
24/6 is dripping with desire, so expect to feel hot and heavy on the 13th. Don’t deny yourself the pleasure that you seek, and don’t save it all up for Valentine’s Day either. Let your desire be known. Send the text 😉
February 27th is a 38/11 day
Unexpected good news comes out of left field on this Pisces new moon day. Someone might tell you that you’re their crush, or you may get asked out on a date. Good things will happen in your love life if you are ready for it.
The Worst Day for Love in February 2025 is the 7th
February 7th is a 18/9 day
There is no truly bad day for romance this month, but the 7th might get a little too intense. Healthy relationships that will build a deep emotional attachment today. Deep attachments aren’t always positive though, so check in on the security of your relationship style before you dive in head first.
The Best Days for Your Finances in February 2025 are the 9th, 19th and 23rd
February 9th is a 20/2 day
What were your finances like on and around September 30 2024? There is an old story returning regarding your money habits. Look to authority figures like a boss or mentor for help bringing a project to light.
February 19th is a 30/3 day
This is a particularly creative day, so think outside of the box when it comes to money and finances. This is a great day to apply or interview for a new job since 30/3 has an abundant energy to it.
Mars, after nearly two months, will finally station direct today. That weight you’ve been carrying will finally be lifted. Work will soon get better, finances along with it, but have patience because Mars still needs to work its way through Cancer and Leo until you’re truly in the clear.
Jasmine Wolfe is a professional astrologer, tarot reader, numerologist, and witch. Being a Capricorn sun and Scorpio moon, her readings tend to focus on the more challenging aspects of life and what we can learn about ourselves when we lean into the challenge. Having entered the professional scene in 2018, she's grown a loyal following of students and mentees through social media. You can find her on Instagram and TikTok @satinsaturn or through her website https://www.jasminewolfe.xyz/