October 18, 2024
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Pisces in Love 12 Love Affairs

Pisces in Love – 12 Different Love Affairs

Each sign of the Zodiac expresses certain energies in certain ways.  There are four elements: air, earth, fire, and water.  Air represents thought; earth represents practical life; fire represents action, and water represents emotions.  There are three modalities: cardinal, fixed, and mutable.  Cardinal signs lead; fixed signs establish, and mutable signs adapt.

Each sign influences the energy of how we love, work, play, raise a family, make friends, and so on.  This article will explore the sign Pisces and how it loves and is loved by all 12 Zodiac signs.

Pisces: The Mutable Water Sign

Pisces’ most common perception, as a sign, tends to be about imagination, spirituality, and intuition.  Often known as “the shaman” or “the dreamer”, Pisces connects to the world through its energy to see the divine, the dream realm, and the collective unconscious.  This sign rules what is perceived, connecting with the “oneness of all”, and life’s mysteries.

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As the ruler of the 12th House, its energy oversees mental institutions, intentional communities, and spiritual purpose.  Someone with a Pisces Sun, Moon, or Ascendant (but especially the Sun) will seek to chart their own path as a benefit and necessity for the world, humankind, and all of life.

Pisces and Love

The Pisces parent, child, or lover shows and feels love when they bring universal love into each and every one of their personal relationships; they are often intuitive and sensitive, trusting easily and sharing openly.  There is a deep need to have a spiritual connection as friends, parents, children, co-workers, bosses, employees, and lovers.

This sign, like all the water signs, is emotional and feelings-oriented … turned on by vulnerability, compassion, sympathy, and empathy.  They are one of the best and most adept visionaries and caretakers.  The more they can be vulnerable and see the other person’s vulnerability, the more turned on they become. 

Pisces, Love, and the 12 Signs


Aries is a cardinal fire sign that likes to “go for it” in love.  These signs sit side-by-side, so they can learn from each other without the dissonant energy of the inconjunct or square that happens when water and fire or water and air connect otherwise.  Pisces can appreciate Aries’ directness and Aries can appreciate Pisces’ need for direction.  There is complimentary energy of initiation (Aries) and adaptability (Pisces) that can make for a complementary relationship.


Taurus is the fixed earth sign that likes to “settle down” in love.  This sign sextiles, or compliments, Pisces.  They can enjoy a “let’s build something together” connection, making this combination the most stable mix for Pisces. If they can find a place for the Taurus individual to put down roots, the Pisces person can spiritually connect with the community; and they can enjoy a lifetime of helping make their community a safer and more spiritual place.


Gemini is the mutable air sign that likes to “learn and communicate” in love.  These signs square, or challenge, one another.  This combination can make the relationship work hard to succeed since Gemini can be intensely analytical and Pisces can be flowing, riding emotional waves through life decisions.  They will have to find a way to connect so that the Gemini person does not feel frustrated by Pisces “feeling its way through life” and the Pisces person does not feel frustrated by the Gemini “thinking its way through life”. 


Cancer is the cardinal water sign that likes to “nurture” in love.  This sign trines (collaborates) with Pisces, so these two energies find it easy to relate to one another.  Trusting and sharing feelings is the elixir for love between these two signs.  Something long-term will be easy if both partners share the same emotional intelligence and sensitivity. They will flow best when Pisces finds its purpose, and Cancer can nurture the Pisces on his or her spiritual journey.  Cancer will enjoy having the opportunity to be the emotional support and wisdom to help drive the Pisces to achieve his or her dream.


Leo is the fixed fire sign that likes to “romance” in love.  This sign inconjuncts Pisces, which means they constantly must adjust to one another.  Leo is the ultimate performer and Pisces loves to make sacrifices for others.  If Pisces can see Leo’s efforts as performance on behalf of others and not self-aggrandizement and Leo can see how the Pisces partner’s role enhances him or her, then this match can make a life together.  Even so, plenty of communication and tweaking will be necessary to succeed in the long run.


Virgo is the mutable earth sign that likes to “serve” in love.  This sign opposes, or “seek balance with”, Pisces.  Individually, Pisces sees the forest and Virgo sees the trees; together they can appreciate the fact that trees make up the forest, and the strength and beauty of the forest are in every tree.  To make this relationship work, Pisces will have to give Virgo control of the details of the relationship and Virgo will need to let Pisces dream up the experiences the Virgo will help make happen.


Libra is the cardinal air sign that likes to “harmonize” in love.  This sign inconjuncts Pisces, which means they constantly must adjust to one another.  Libra is a harmonizer, concerned with fairness and negotiation; and Pisces loves to make sacrifices for others.  If Pisces can allow Libra to negotiate and decide the direction of the relationship and Libra can accept that Pisces will be more complicit than challenging, then this dynamic can work surprisingly well.  This inconjunct is less difficult than the one with Leo since Libra stays constantly tuned into his or her partner


Scorpio is the fixed water sign that prefers intensity in relationships.  This sign trines (collaborates) with Pisces, so these two energies find it easy to relate to one another.  Trusting and sharing feelings is the elixir for love between these two signs.  Something long-term will be easy if both partners share the same emotional intelligence and sensitivity. They will flow best when Pisces goes all in to support Scorpio’s convictions, and Scorpio can provide enough purpose for both individuals in the relationship. 

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Sagittarius is the mutable fire sign that prefers to “explore” in relationships.  These signs square, or challenge, one another.  This combination can make the relationship work hard to succeed since Sagittarius can be intensely authoritarian and Pisces can be flowing, riding emotional waves through life decisions.  They will have to find a way to connect through beliefs so the Sagittarius person does not feel the urge to sacrifice the Pisces individual for disagreeing and the Pisces individual will need to stand up for his or her beliefs to get love and respect from the Sagittarian.


Capricorn is the cardinal fire sign that likes to “achieve” in love. This sign sextiles, or compliments, Pisces.  They can enjoy a “let’s achieve together” connection, making this combination the most ambitious mix for Pisces. If they can find a place for the Capricorn individual to lead and attain status, the Pisces person can be the emotional support needed, in private, for the Capricorn to revive; and the Capricorn needs to appreciate and provide for the supportive Pisces.


Aquarius is the fixed air sign that likes to “commune” in love.  These signs sit side-by-side, so they can learn from each other without the dissonant energy of the inconjunct or square that happens when water and air or water and fire connect otherwise.  Pisces can appreciate Aquarius’ socialness and Aquarius can appreciate Pisces’ need to help humanity.  There is complimentary energy of idealism (Aquarius) and vision (Pisces) that can make for a “let’s save the world” relationship.


Pisces and Pisces relationships can be challenging because this sign prefers to adapt to one of the cardinal or fixed signs, as well as stabilize with one of the earth signs.  The other water signs work well because Cancer is cardinal (and initiating) and Scorpio is fixed (and intensely focused).  This becomes a case of too much water and not enough “container” energy.  This match really needs other points in the chart to provide guidance or grounding.