March 25, 2025
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In Your Villain Era, Which Astrology Signs are Having the Biggest 2025 Glow Up?

Is 2025 really going to be your year? It will be if you have one of these five signs in your big three… At the end of 2024 we witnessed Pluto’s ingress into Aquarius where it will stay for the next 20 years. When Pluto changes signs it ushers in a new era, but the other outer planets can have a similar effect when they do the same. In 2025 we’ll see Saturn, Uranus and Neptune all change signs. So which zodiac signs will have the best year because of it? Which signs are having the biggest 2025 glow up? Read on to see if your sun, moon or rising made the list!

5. Taurus 2025 Glow Up

In 2018 the planet of chaos, lightning, revolution and evolution moved into slow and steady Taurus. This outer planet takes 84 years to make a full rotation through the 12 zodiac signs. So once it moves out of Taurus on July 7th all Taurus sun, moon and rising people will be officially free from this chaotic energy on their home turf!

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Don’t get me wrong, Uranus serves a purpose and we often need its revolutionary powers to help facilitate growth. However, it doesn’t feel great to live in a near constant state of emergency, so it’s going to feel like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders when it moves into Gemini. After July 7th you can expect things to feel easier, slower and more predictable.

The Best Way To Be In Your Villain Era

It’s time to be the weirdest, most authentic version of yourself. Root down deeply into who you are now and don’t let anyone dim your new found shine!

4. Cancer 2025 Glow Up

On June 9th Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion, will move into Cancer. So, if you are a Cancer sun, moon or rising you can expect good things to come your way after this shift. Jupiter loves being in Cancer (it is exalted in this sign), so everyone will be feeling the benefits of this ingress, but no one as much as you, Cancer!

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Jupiter spends about a year in each sign, so you can expect a year of good luck and good fortune coming your way. This can take on many shapes, but in general you can expect new and deeper relationships. Family connections grow stronger, so things like proposals, weddings and pregnancies are sure to come.

The Best Way To Be In Your Villain Era

Be unapologetically happy. Don’t let anyone bog you down and make you feel like you have to suffer in order to be a good human. Yes, there is pain in the world, but there is still so much joy and joy is radical!

3. Libra 2025 Glow Up

For the past 1 and a half years the south node was in Libra, and while that’s not necessarily a bad thing, it will feel good to not have this placement hovering over your sun, moon or rising sign. The nodes of fate (AKA the north and south nodes) are mathematical points based on the sun and moon’s orbits. The south node has to do our comfort zone, and Libra is a sign that loves to be comfortable.

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You are already feeling like everything is working in your favor again since Pluto is no longer in Capricorn. While it was transiting Capricorn it was in a square aspect to your sun, moon or rising sign. Square aspects bring tension and can often make you feel like your life is on hold. 

The Best Way To Be In Your Villain Era

Now is the time to let all of your past relationship issues go. Delete your ex’s number, get rid of those pictures, stop trying to make things right with that one friend. Focus on the relationships that are working and leave the rest in the past.

2. Capricorn 2025 Glow Up

Everyone’s opps love to see them lose, but no one cheers harder than when it’s a Capricorn’s downfall. You’ve had it rough, to say the least, Capricorn sun, moon and risings. Pluto has been lingering and looming over you since 2008. Luckily, Pluto has a 248 year orbit, so now that it’s moved on to Aquarius, you are officially free… for the rest of your life!

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Pluto is the planet of transformation, but it does so by dredging up the anxieties and secrets you’ve buried deep. After all, you’ve gotta feel it to heal it, right? And healing is great, but it’s also so tiring! So, now that Pluto has released its vice grip on your life things should finally be coming up Capricorn!

The Best Way To Be In Your Villain Era

Show them all how wrong they are but most importantly, show yourself how wrong you were. You’ve been your biggest opponent these past 15 years! The best revenge is success, so allow yourself to get everything you ever wanted.

1. Aries 2025 Glow Up

Aries sun, moon and risings are having the biggest and best comeback in 2025! Now that the north node has left your sign, you’ve got more than a few ideas about how to liven up your life and jumpstart your goals. However, there are also two important planets moving into Aries this year: Saturn and Neptune.

The Karmic Impact Of Saturn in Aries

Saturn is the planet of limitations, responsibility and duty. It’s often regarded as the “grown up” planet, because its effects usually drive you to sort your life out and level up. So, after Saturn moves into Aries on May 24th you will be pushed toward re-evaluating your life. This could seem tough at first, but you are tougher! Run head first into any and all fights and you’ll come out on top like you always do.

Neptune is the planet of illusions, spirituality and global consciousness and it is moving into Aries on March 30th. Neptune has been in its home sign of Pisces since 2011 and I think we’re all ready for an upgrade. For you this looks like combining your innate drive with deeper spiritual passions. It’s the magic ingredient that turns a great idea into a big success.

The Best Way To Be In Your Villain Era

Don’t let anyone dim your shine. You are full of ideas, and unlike many others, you actually have the drive to do something with those ideas. Others will try to stop you, tell you that you’re dreaming too big. Let them eat your dust!