March 10, 2025
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black moon lilith sign

What Your Black Moon Lilith Sign Means for You

The Black Moon Lilith is a point in astrology that is often overlooked. The moon moves around the earth in an oval shape, and the apogee (Black Moon Lilith) is the point where the moon is the furthest from the earth during this orbit. The Black Moon Lilith is the point that represents how we plunge into darkness and then rise out of this darkness, reaching for the light of day. The mythological creature, the phoenix, is a powerful representation of the energy of the Black Moon Lilith, as the phoenix sheds its current form, turns into ashes, and is then reborn into a more powerful version of itself. Each time it completes this cycle of self-destruction and rebirth, it becomes more powerful. 

In astrology, the Black Moon Lilith represents the part of ourselves that we would rather avoid. The Black Moon governs the darker side to our personalities that we try hard not to deal with, pushing it aside, but inevitably, what we resist and avoid facing comes right back to bite us in the back. However, if we are more willing to face the parts of ourselves, we would rather avoid and work on strengthening the weakness in our character, we can become much more powerful than we have ever imagined we could be. 

So, what is your Black Moon Lilith sign?

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Black Moon Lilith in Aries

Having an identity that is seen as worthy by others is needed for you to feel valued. The biggest challenge with this placement is a lack of self-worth and self-value. You avoid standing up for yourself or going after what you want because you often feel that you do not deserve it. When you can realize that no matter how many faults and imperfections you have, you deserve all the great things, you will start to heal your shadow side. 

Black Moon Lilith in Taurus

Having financial security is extremely important to you, and you struggle to feel confident and self-assured when you do not have large amounts of money in the bank. The biggest challenge with this placement is that you feel unsafe in this world without financial security, and you do not believe in yourself. So, you obsess about financial security, but when you realize that your worth and value are not indicated by how much money you have and that you can enjoy much of what life has to offer without needing stacks of cash, you will start to heal your shadow side. 

Black Moon Lilith in Gemini

Being loved and accepted by all is crucial to you. The biggest challenge with this placement is avoiding making decisions based on your wishes to please others. When you realize that others will still admire and respect you when you assert yourself more and make it known what you want and show your true self, you will start to heal your shadow side. 

Black Moon Lilith in Cancer

Having people love you and care about you is very important, as you feel you cannot look after and love yourself if you were alone. The biggest challenge with this placement is that you depend on others for all forms of support, which can overwhelm your loved ones. When you realize that you have the power and strength to do everything others do for you all by yourself, you will start to heal your shadow side. 

Black Moon Lilith in Leo

Being right and having others see you as powerful is extremely important. The biggest challenge with this placement is that your ego can be so strong that you will rarely accept when you are wrong, which causes loved ones to resent you in the long run. When you realize that it does not diminish your power or make you a bad person when you accept that you are wrong and have faults, you will begin to heal your shadow side. 

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Black Moon Lilith in Virgo

Being perfect at everything you do is extremely important to you, and when you fail to reach the level of perfection you have created for yourself, you start hating and blaming yourself. However, when you realize that making mistakes and having flaws is perfectly normal, and you do not need to beat yourself up when you get things wrong, you will start to heal your shadow side. 

Black Moon Lilith in Libra

You put yourself on a high pedestal, and you have high expectations for everyone around you. The biggest challenge with this placement is you find it difficult to love and accept anything or anyone that doesn’t match your ideal of perfection, causing you to reject others and cause a lot of pain around you. When you realize that you can love people, even if they have flaws, and you feel more connected to others when they are authentic with you and not merely showing you what you want to see, you will begin to heal your shadow side.

Black Moon Lilith in Scorpio

Everything in life is seen as a battle that needs to be fought, and every experience is seen as a struggle and challenge. The biggest challenge with this placement is that you cannot enjoy life, and it is tricky to see the bright side in any situation. However, when you realize that the reason why things always feel so challenging, and daunting is because you make it out to be. When you understand everyone faces challenges, and no one’s challenges are more significant than another, you will begin to heal your shadow side. 

Black Moon Lilith in Sagittarius

Everything in life needs to be questioned, and you spend a lot of time dissecting and examining everything. The biggest challenge with this placement is that you are never satisfied with what you know, and what you have learned, and you need to learn and know more, often to the point where you overload yourself with information and confuse yourself. When you realize that not everything in life has to be questioned, and that truth is subjective, and there is no such thing as an ultimate truth, you will begin to heal your shadow side. 

Black Moon Lilith in Capricorn

You need to control others, your environment, and the outcome of things. The biggest challenge with this placement is you cannot feel confident and empowered unless you have a sense of authority. When you realize that other people also have the right to free will and enforcing your will onto others will result in others resenting you, you will begin to heal your shadow side. 

Black Moon Lilith in Aquarius

You can feel lonely and isolated from others, struggling to connect as you think you are too different for others to understand you. The biggest challenge with this placement is creating a sense of separation between you and others based on your differences. When you realize that we are all connected regardless of our differences, and you can include others in your life, no matter your differences, you will heal your shadow side. 

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Black Moon Lilith in Pisces

You are highly sensitive and do everything you can to protect yourself from getting hurt. The biggest challenge with this placement is putting up a wall between you and others so that they cannot get through to you. When you realize that you can be vulnerable around others, and others will accept this and not use your vulnerabilities against you, you will begin to heal your shadow side.