You may be very tired of the wintery weather. This is the point in winter when you have had more than your share. However, you are also noticing that the days are getting longer again. When the days get longer, that means spring is around the corner. At this point, there are celebrations for the Sabbat Imbolc Imbolc, celebrated on February 1st. Imbolic is the midpoint between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. This Sabbat marks the first stirrings of spring when days grow longer, and life begins to return to the earth. Imbolc signifies renewal and hope, shifting from winter’s darkness to spring’s light. Let’s now discuss Imbolc 2025 in detail in addition to a collective tarot reading.
The History of Imbolc
Imbolc is a contraction of the Old Irish “i mbolg,” which translates to “in the belly.” It is the season when sheep begin to lactate, signaling the return of fertility and abundance.
The festival is inextricably linked with Brigid, the Celtic goddess of poetry, healing, fertility, and fire. Imbolc rituals, steeped in Brigid’s energy, emphasize inspiration, transformation, and the nurturing of new life.
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With the advent of Christianity, Imbolc was Christianized as St. Brigid’s Day. However, it retained associations with light, renewal, and protection.
Neopagans and those interested in nature spirituality celebrate Imbolc, mixing ancient customs with modern understandings. Now, let’s discuss various rituals that those who celebrate it do to honor the Sabbat.
The rituals for Imbolc involve purification, inspiration, and planting seeds for the coming year. Let’s review some traditional and contemporary spring cleaning practices, including cleansing and purification.
Spring cleaning originates in the Imbolc tradition of purging the old to make way for the new. Cleansing a home or sacred space in any form is a metaphoric gesture of releasing inertia.
Another ritual that those who celebrate Imbolc utilize is lighting candles. Candles are pivotal at Imbolc because they represent growing light when winters wane. During a ritual, lighting candles offer respect to Brigid’s flame and invites warmth and light into one’s world.
Additionally, Imbolc is a potent time to center on fertility in all ways: physical, creative, and spiritual. Many use this time to set intentions, initiate new projects, or manifest dreams through ritual. Spring is when blossoming begins, so utilizing creativity is a familiar Imbolc ritual.
Of course, feasting is often part of the Imbolc celebrations like it is during other Sabbats. Traditional feasts for Imbolc are dairy-based to honor the lactating livestock of this season. These may be as simple as milk, cheese, or butter dishes (or vegan versions). Popular foods are also those made of seeds and warm foods.
The last common Imbolc ritual is creating Brigid’s corn dolls. A cross is made from rushes or straws to invoke Brigid’s blessings. Corn dollies, representing the goddess, are crafted and placed on altars or hearths for protection and abundance.
The one thing you can say about Imbolc is that it is a creative Sabbat, one about preparing for spring. The last Imbolc ritual is setting up an altar ideal for the Sabbat.
The Imbolc Altar
An Imbolc altar is a beautiful way to honor the season’s energy. By creating an altar for this Sabbat, you can connect with its themes of light and renewal.
When setting up the altar, the first thing to do is plan out the colors you will use. You will want to include white and red for purity and the life force. Other colors for the altar should be green and yellow for the awakening of earth and sunlight.
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When it comes to the candles for the altar, set white or yellow candles to represent Brigid’s flame and light. Candleholders in the shape of the sun or spiral designs are appropriate.
You will want to add natural elements to the altar as well. Add seasonal items such as early spring flowers-snowdrops, crocus seeds, or budding branches. These remind you of nature’s awakening. Also, include representations of Brigid: a small statue, a Brigid’s cross, or a corn dolly.
Allow offerings such as milk, butter, bread, or coins on the altar to signify gratitude and abundance. Add ritual tools like a chalice, incense burner, or crystals associated with Imbolc: citrine, amethyst, garnet. Now, there is your altar.
And one thing that those who celebrate this Sabbat do (or any Sabbat) is by doing an Imbolc 2025 tarot reading. I will do a collective Imbolc tarot reading for 2025 to see what energies you face during this Sabbat.
This tarot spread gives you reflective insight as you celebrate the Imbolc season of light and transformation. Think of it as a guide for personal growth, letting go, and embracing the fire within.
Each card offers wisdom to help you align with the themes of renewal and Brigid’s powerful energy. Let’s go deep into this four-card Imbolc reading. So here are the cards that came up:
An Offering to Yourself – Queen of Swords
Darkness to Leave Behind – Fool
A Message from the Goddess – Ten of Cups
Embracing the Fire Goddess Within You – Six of Pentacles
Now, let’s begin to elaborate on the message from this reading.
An Offering to Yourself – Queen of Swords
The Queen of Swords indicates that your offering to yourself on this Imbolc comes in the form of three things. Those are clarity, self-honesty, and intellectual empowerment. She is a wise queen earned through experience, reminding you to honor your truth without apologizing.
Imbolc is a time of purification, and the Queen of Swords invites you to declutter your mind. Let go of thoughts or beliefs that do not serve your highest judgment. Set boundaries where needed, putting your concentration on what matters.
This card also calls you to communicate your needs effectively- first, then to hers. Wielding the sword of truth honors the wisdom gleaned and opens up opportunities for a renewed sense of purpose.
Darkness to Leave Behind – Fool
The Fool reminds you to let go of naivety or leaps of blind faith that no longer serve you. Though representing innocence and the courage that makes one begin, the Fool has a message. The Fool tells you it is time to become free from reckless decisions or unwarranted optimism.
As you prepare for spring’s growth, reflect on areas where impulsivity or avoidance have held you back. Have you been avoiding responsibilities for distractions? Have you been afraid to learn from your past and instead plunged headlong into it?
Imbolc’s energy of purification aligns perfectly with the Fool’s message: step forward but with intention and awareness.
A Message from the Goddess – Ten of Cups
The Ten of Cups is a beautiful and confirming message from the goddess Brigid. This card signifies harmony, emotional fulfillment, and the joy of shared connection. Brigid encourages you to nurture relationships that give you a sense of belonging and peace.
She reminds you that renewal starts in the heart. Celebrate the joy of your associations with family, friends, or your community of choice now. Take time to nourish those connections and feel gratitude toward those who elevate and inspire you.
The Ten of Cups also represents hope and abundance. It reassures you that alignment with your inner truth brings lasting emotional rewards.
Embracing the Fire Goddess Within You – Six of Pentacles
The Six of Pentacles evokes balance, generosity, giving, and receiving of support. To embody the fire goddess, you want to share your light and resources yet be open to blessings in return.
Brigid’s flame is generous and nurturing; this card invites you to embody that spirit. Consider where you want to share your talents, time, or resources in service to others. At the same time, reflect on whether you allow yourself to receive help or gifts without guilt. Proper balance comes from acknowledging the flow of energy in both directions.
This card also speaks of fairness and justice. Embody the goddess by ensuring that your actions align with your values. Channel your passion to advocate for fairness in your life or the world around you.
Key Takeaway
This Imbolc tarot spread is a call to clarity, balance, and connection. The Queen of Swords calls you to honor your truth, while the Fool calls you onward with thoughtful steps. The Ten of Cups reminds you of the blessings of community and emotional fulfillment. The Six of Pentacles shows how to embody Brigid’s fire through balanced generosity.
As you reflect on these cards, let their messages guide you toward a renewed sense of purpose. Think of it as celebrating the growing light within and around you.
Imbolc invites you to pause and reflect on the seeds you wish to plant for the year ahead. It is in the literal and metaphorical sense. You align with life’s rhythms by honoring the light and connecting with nature’s cycles. Imbolc offers a wonderful opportunity to celebrate renewal and transformation by lighting a candle or performing rituals.
This season, let Brigid’s flame inspire you to release the old, embrace creativity, and welcome the promise of spring.
I am a Canadian mom, writer, astrologer, tarot reader, and evidential medium who enjoys traveling, loves to unravel mysteries, and is passionate about metaphysics and spirituality. I am also a mental health advocate and a podcaster, as I have my show, The Tarot Table. You can connect with me at