March 3, 2025
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What are the Numeric Ascension Signs?

What are the Numeric Ascension Signs?

Numbers are energy and each number holds a unique spiritual virtue. We can use these virtues as gates or portals to our spiritual awakening through adopting them as steps that we climb to reach higher dimensions. In this article, it is my intention to demonstrate how each number assists us in obtaining an understanding that expands our personal spiritual growth.  Let’s have a look at the numeric ascension signs.

We can learn the virtues of each number separately, but I want to show you how they work together from number one through nine to guide us closer to our personal Ascension. This process is not meant to be complicated, and if you saw my last aeticle where I suggest that numbers are connected to our natural world, then it will help you understand this process of using numbers as a ladder or better describe as a spiral ascending through the spiritual initiations that we came here to learn. Most People view numerology one number at a time, whether it is searching for your life path, life purpose, destiny, or learning the meaning of angel numbers.  In this process, we not only begin to understand the virtues of each number but learn how each number affects the one before and after.  


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Who I am?

Hello and welcome, I am Sara Bachmeier with Egyptian Numerology. First, I am the author of “Egyptian Numerology; Emergence into the fifth dimension” which explains the basics of Egyptian Numerology and my second book, “The Path of a Wounded Healer: Liberation is for the Asking” was inspired by the spiritual journey of Master Numbers and for light workers incarnated at this time. For years, I have been helping people explore their sacred vocation and elevate their personal ascension through the Egyptian numerology light codes calculated from their birth date and name. I have been watching these lightworkers align with their true nature and manifest magic in the form of service to individual and global consciousness. Absolutely nothing brings more joy to my heart than being an instrumental conduit and witness to the unleashing of untapped potential and spiritual progress.  

Egyptian numerology and ascension

Numbers speak to me through the ethers of time and space. They have a language of pure intention and direction. Every number holds a sacred intelligence, an angelic message, and spiritual guidance.  The ancient Egyptians believed in the concept of our personal attainment towards ascension long before Christ came to remind us of our human divinity here on earth. They used symbols to communicate and tap into the archetypal mind. These symbols represent the ascension process in terms of eternal life, rebirth, and the afterlife.  Pythagoras spent 22 years in Egypt studying the theology of numeric intelligence and eventually illustrated the vibration of each number and their sacred virtues or initiations leading to higher consciousness. It is this internal spiritual progress that I want to share with you. We find each number as a progressive steppingstone or rung on a ladder reaching into and through the higher dimensions.  

Indeed, the quote from the Egyptian book of the Dead appeals to this process beautifully… 

In order for the teachings of mystical spirituality to come true in your life, you must make them the central force in your life. You must center your life around them and infuse them into every aspect of your life. The Egyptians mystery schools found the numeric passageway through initiations that one had to pass through to enter the gates of spiritual awareness.  They worked with vibrations of numbers and not only their characteristics but the laws that govern them. Initiations come to us in the form of virtues. They hold the keys to a higher knowledge, understanding of ourselves, and an acute perception of the world around us.  

Ascension initiations

When we accept the invitation to spiritual awakening, we begin to recognize, practice, and implement these virtues into our lives. They become keys to the gates we pass through to a higher understanding of truthful living. Some people are born with an inner sense of higher wisdom, and some of us find it along the path of self-discovery. If we desire to achieve personal attainment, these numeric initiations are steppingstones to reaching an elevated state of consciousness. 

All of these numeric initiations are acts of personal power. They show up in our lives as opportunities to adopt virtues, and these specific merits hold a high level of energy when implemented in our daily lives. The reason why we accept these initiations when they are presented to us is because they lead us to a higher spiritual awareness, allowing us to maintain a raised-energy status.  

The higher we vibrate, the greater possibilities we attract into our lives. All gates can be entered independently, or they can be used to build on one another. Every gate interacts with and can be applied to all other gates. The numbers associated with each gate resonate with the vibration and the characteristic of the number frequency assigned to that gate. In my book, “The Path of a Wounded Healer; Liberation is for the Asking,” I refer to the meaning of one’s soul-life path number. But, in this demonstration, I am using a numeric template to refer to the dimensional shifts occurring on one’s spiritual journey.  

The vibrational virtues found in each number have magnetic qualities, attracting specific people, places, events, and circumstances, and these circle, or orbit our lives in the form of the sacred spiral bringing us opportunities to advance our spiritual directives concerning the meaning found within these initiations, virtues, or lessons. 


Each of us can go an entire lifetime or more not completing these lessons only to return in attempt to finalize the ascension back home. Learning these qualities and implementing them into our lives is a huge part of being in alignment with our souls’ journeys. Initiations offer an opening to higher awareness, exclusive opportunities, and soul revelations. 

If we find ourselves out of alignment, there is sure to be an initiation that is blocked, or maybe we have been unwilling to accept, implement, and explore the depths of its truth within our lives. These initiations are doorways, openings, or portals to spiritual awareness. We never access the key to these doors and then graduate. They serve as an abyss of expanded wisdom; like a peeling onion, there is always another layer beneath the surface.  

It takes daily vigilance and commitment to hold these virtues under all conditions and circumstances. Although this path is under the premise of progress and not perfection, there lies an infinite Tao that longs to be grasped and maintained. 

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We may know the definitions of each initiation, but how are they understood and practiced in our lives? Are we becoming examples of self-mastery or are staying content to be wanderers?  

A wanderer is educated about spiritual awareness but never truly goes through the transformation process required to sustain necessary progress. Wanderers tend to talk a good talk, but their walk is always sideways. 

Thus, I encourage you to embrace these initiations and embody the chasm of truth within your soul, and in doing so, you will lead others through these doorways and closer to their soul-life missions. Here are gates that serve as a spiral or ladder where each wrung you climb leads you into higher dimensions.  


First, as an Ascension symbol, the number 1 is the beginning of our spiritual journey. Ascension numbers 11:11 is an activation light code igniting the awakening of our ascent to a higher consciousness.  Here we recognize that we have been asleep, and the spiritual journey is a sovereign path inward.  Healthy selfishness allows us to take responsibility for our lives and release any hostages we have previously blamed for our unhappiness.  It all begins with the number 1.  



Secondly, experiencing life with duality. The number Two represents two – ones standing side-by-side.  When duality comes into play, we are given the opportunity to experience life outside of ourselves. It gives us the perception of separation.  We are all born into a 3rd dimensional planet where we learn through polarity. Duality is the product of the mind. In duality, we essentially “split” or divide life into positive/ negative, female/ male, right/wrong, good/bad, pretty/ugly, holy/sinful, love/hate, and so forth.  As a result, our lives become centered around judgement, condemnation, and fear. As a soul, you have experienced both light and dark. Indeed, this lifetime is an opportunity to embrace and embody the best parts of yourself, to hold as much light as possible. Your soul resides above this duality without judgment or resentment, knowing that it has experienced both. Embracing both polarities allows you to be an integrated, multidimensional being. 



Thirdly, after the experience of duality, we are given the opportunity to rise above and connect with source. This is when the Two opposites male/ female, Yin/Yang consciously connect with Source as perfectly demonstrated in the sacred current of the triangle. Through the power of Source connection, we learn to express ourselves in various forms of creativity. All of us are born with specific gifts, talents, and potential to demonstrate our joy for living. The power of the number three is about expansion, exploration, and experiencing the mystical life force flowing through our mind, heart, and body.    



Then, number four stabilizes our physical body to the earth. We become aware and connect to the Universal laws found in nature and our planetary position in the Universe.  There is a natural order to the Universe and it is demonstrated through our four seasons, four elements, four weeks in the month, four times of the day, four major minerals and so forth.  We want to learn from the rhythm within the sacred natural order of our planet and when we ignore these laws, we are discarding Vital resources that teach us how-to live-in harmony with nature.  



After implementing the number four energy of stability, sacred law, and Universal order, we enter the laws of energy, especially the Law of impermanence. Life is in constant flux. Change is constant. The number five refers to our five physical senses as centers to develop portals into our psychic awareness. Here we demonstrate the esoteric principles of cosmic transformation. The number five is the phoenix rising out of the fire. It is the instigator seeking wisdom and overcoming stagnant thinking. Reminding us that life is a spiral. Always moving forward, reaching higher dimensions, and expanding our cosmic awareness.   


Then, number six brings us to balancing the material and spiritual worlds. Indeed, this energy resides in the heart center where we have three chakras’ below (physical centers) and three chakras’ above (spiritual centers). Balance and harmony flows from the house of the soul.  The number 6 energy represents our connection between our physical and spiritual worlds.  


NUMBER 7 – The Bridge between religion and spirituality  

The number seven energy can best be described through the 7 hermetic principles. These principles remain an occult source of wisdom, separate from any real religion but yet a powerful spiritual resource. The seven principles are the foundation of Hermeticism, a branch of spiritual philosophy dating back as early as the first century A.D. They were outlined by the author, Hermes Trismegistus. (tris-muh-jistus). 

His work would go on to influence both ancient Greek and Egyptian cultures, with both adopting him as a god of wisdom. (In Greece he was Hermes; in Egypt, Thoth.) He was in his time a great master of the universe and is said to have lived for thousands of years. 

Over time, the seven hermetic principles were passed down by word-of-mouth from teacher to student until the early 20th century, when the teachings were compiled into a book called The Kybalion, written by “The Three Initiates.” Today,  the seven principles are just one way of understanding the universe, they aren’t so constricting that they cannot be studied alongside other spiritual philosophies.   

  • The principle of Gender – “gender is in everything; everything has its masculine and feminine principles; gender manifest on all planes.” 
  • Vibration – “Nothing rests; everything moves, everything vibrates.”  
  • Correspondence – “As above, so below, as below, so above.” 
  • Polarity “Everything is dual; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree extremes meet.   
  • Rhythm – “Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates. 
  • Cause and Effect – “Everything has its effect; every effect has its Cause; everything happens according to Law. 
  • Mentalism – “The All is Mind. The Universe is Mental.” 



When we are in balance with the physical and spiritual realms, manifestation occurs. I often refer to this energy as the “magician.” Understanding and implementing the physical laws with the spiritual allows us to manifest our intentions. The bottom loop of the number eight represents our physical connection, and the top loop of the number eight is the spiritual world. Our intentions are between the link of the two loops.   


Finally, his energy represents the last single digit number of our spectrum. When we climb the numeric ladder of personal growth, we want to complete our physical cycle here on earth and this can only happen after following the previous steps up the ladder. When we get to this step, we have completed our life contract and reach the potential toward personal ascension. In traditional numerology, the number nine often depicts the” end or endings,” but we now know that there is no end to spirit. It lives on after death and transforms into another realm to be determined to return or be delivered to another realm.  

These are very brief descriptions of the numbers and their spiritual virtues of ascension. If you want to learn more about how these numbers apply to your soul life agreement, schedule a Personal Chart reading with me or join my Mentorship program. You can learn more about Egyptian Numerology on my website.

Have an amazing month, Namaste’