I Ching a book of wisdom; it displays the work and experiences of sages and diviners from 3000 years ago till today. This divine book has inspired many great leaders of our history. It has a profound influence on eastern philosophy and spirituality. Traditionally in ancient times to consult I Ching people would sort fifty yarrow sticks for proper interpretations. To avoid such a laborious method, the technique of coin tosses is used. Let us see how we can consult I Ching through it.
Philosophical perspective of the I Ching
I Ching or the book of changes pertains to the concept of flux. It is the changing and flow of energy in nature which, when observed, gives us a definite explanation of the situation we are caught in. It also describes the transition of life through time. The cycle of life and the phase of decay and death are all part of it. This is the philosophy of I Ching where we can decode or observe the significant patterns through this flux and devise a method to understand its signs, which affects our life in general. It is important to know about this concept before we dig further on how to use I Ching as a method to understand human experiences and outcomes of a situation.
The I Ching concept revolves around the forces of life, i.e., Yin yang.
Yang: it shows activity, creative ability, and expansive force
Yin: it corresponds to receptive and contracting form.
This is essentially important when understanding the correlation between different hexagrams in I Ching.
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Using and consulting I Ching
Start with three essential equipment. You will need 3 coins, a paper and pen, and lastly a guidebook. The coins should be of importance to you; it gives a better prediction. You can also use Chinese coins which have a square in the middle you get to choose which sides is a head or tail before you start reading I, Ching. A guidebook is necessary to interpret the underlying messages of the book. Here are the steps you need to follow on using I Ching.
First, you need to compose a question; it should be an open-ended question rather than a yes-or-no question. The question must be something you are dealing with or is in your head all the time. For example, what will be my love life in 1 month? How to get hold of my career? Etc.
Step 2: Tossing the coin
Toss the coin six times and observe the pattern of heads and tails. Record the pattern, for example, 1st toss: 2 tails- 1 head, 2nd toss: 2 tails- 1 head, 3rd toss: 1 tail- 2 heads,4th toss: 1 tail- 2 heads,5th toss: 3 heads,6th toss: 3 tails.
This will give you a six-line hexagram which you can yield or break down into a trigram.
It is about being yourself and trusting in fate. Aspire for great, and you will unlock your potential.
Hexagram 2: K’un— In the flow
To accept criticism and always be open-minded. The experience will make you wise. Develop your inner strength.
Hexagram 3: Chun— mustering courage/ gathering support
Problems exist when you start, but the first step will take you to your destination. Never give up and always stick to your plan.
Hexagram 4: Meng—Discovering
Life is full of adventures an there is still a lot to learn. You need to be inquisitive and more observing.
Hexagram 5: Hsu— Patience
This is the time for you to trust yourself and wait for the opportune moment. Have faith and work on any insecurities you have.
Hexagram 6: Sung— Conflict
It is going against the flow and saying no. you are the change and the one who stands out, among others.
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Hexagram 7: Shih— Leading
Aspire for your goals and resolve your conflicts. You will be an inspiration to others.
Hexagram 8: Pi—holding together
Always be true to others. Show your loyalty and help others around you.
Hexagram 9: Hsiao Ch’u— small harvest
Do not force your way, but rather take it slowly. Always focus on your purpose and practice patience.
Hexagram 10: Lu—continuing
Be nice to everyone. Do not boss around your subordinates and always be gentle.
Hexagram 11: T’ai— Tranquility
Do not slack off now; it is the time to show your true potential.
Hexagram 12: P’i—standstill
Things might be difficult, and you might lose hope but have faith and keep trying.
Hexagram 13: T’ung Jen— Unity
The union is strength; you can achieve a lot when you work with others. Teamwork is important for your success.
Hexagram 14: Ta Yu— great possession
It is time for you to shine and have a life for joy but always stay humble.
Hexagram 15: Ch’ien— Humbleness/Modesty
Being modest is what will take you through any tricky situation.
Hexagram 16: Yu—Happiness/Enthusiasm
It is time for you to take a new step and change. Be brave and rely on your inner strength.
Hexagram 17: Sui—Following
Accepting the way things are working for you now is a wise choice. You will be happy afterward.
Hexagram 18: Ku—Decaying
Be decisive and start thinking critically. You need to maintain order in your life.
Hexagram 19: Lin—Approach
You will surely see a bright future but do not get too ahead and forget your roots. Always know what made you who you are.
Hexagram 20: Kuan—Observing
Be more intuitive by understanding the wisdom which you can perceive from the environment around you.
Hexagram 21: Shih Ho—Biting Through
Solve your problems and have a positive attitude towards life. Do not act in haste.
Hexagram 22: Pi—Adornment
Work on yourself and your personality. People will like you and support you if you are a genuine person.
Hexagram 23: Po—Splitting apart
While everything might seem to go downhill, take a break, and wait for the dust to settle.
Hexagram 24: Fu—Returning
You will likely be having an increase in your fortune, so be ready and act wisely.
Hexagram 25: Wu Wang—Correctness
It is not the time to let your past influence your present or future. Focus on what is important right now.
Hexagram 26: Ta Ch’u— Potential
You are being tested; you should show resilience by remaining calm and having a positive attitude towards life.
Hexagram 27: I— Nourishment
You must not give in to your ego and let the inferior qualities grow. Meditation will help you get rid of it.
Hexagram 28: Ta Kuo— Excess
It is unbearable to work under stress but giving up would make your problems even worse. Rely on your inner strength and will. Good things will come to you.
Hexagram 29: K’an—The Deep
When you are frustrated by the often mundanity of life does not fight it, let it be a catalyst.
Hexagram 30: Li— The Net
Living a life base on moral principles and virtues will get you on the path to success and happiness.
Hexagram 31: Hsein—Sensitivity
If you work hard on your plan, things will work out for the better, and you will be rewarded.
Hexagram 32: Heng—Persistence
When life goes sideways, it is wise to be persistent and not be pessimistic. If you act calm and with integrity, you will make through it.
Hexagram 33: Tun—Retreat
It is alright to accept that you did not get what you wanted. It’s time to devise a plan and work for it.
Hexagram 34: Ta Chuang—Great Power
You are surely gaining more strength and power, but never let go of your moral virtues and be humble. Make your life balanced by avoiding unnecessary leisure’s.
Hexagram 35: Chin—Prosperity
Always be objective and remember that the pursuit of happiness is not a selfish goal but rather a universal feat.
Hexagram 36: Ming I—Hidden intelligence
When you are going through a rough path, always be hopeful and never give in to the darkness.
Hexagram 37: Chia Jen— family
If you are a humble person, you will have a healthy relationship with others. Therefore, never let go of humility and modesty.
Hexagram 38: K’uei—Opposition
Always try to let your mind do the work and think creatively rather than giving in to obvious answers.
Hexagram 39: Chien—Halting
You need a break from life and ponder over your actions to know what your limitations are and work on them.
Hexagram 40: Hsieh—Liberation
Sometimes it’s just our weaknesses that bring about trouble. If facing a tough time, you must look within yourself and assess.
Hexagram 41: Sun—Decrease
You might be troubling, and your limitations hinder you from going forward. You should give up on ego and try simplicity, by self-discipline you can get hold of your life.
Hexagram 42: I—Increase
This the time for progress, start working on your plans accordingly, and you will have a good fortune in no time.
Hexagram 43: Kuai—Breakthrough
Emotions can sometimes hinder your growth. Therefore, do not give in too quickly and never back off from your goals even if you know the worst is yet to come.
Hexagram 44: Kou—Meeting
If you deal with your problems halfheartedly, they will multiply. Therefore, act seriously.
Hexagram 45: Ts’ui—Gathering Together
It is always of immense importance to support and get supported by people. That is how one strengthens their relationship and bring prosperity into their and everyone else’s life.
Hexagram 46: Sheng—Ascending/Pushing upwards
Working towards one’s goals must be your priority and its completion an obligation. You should ask help and get as much support as you can to complete your work.
Hexagram 47: K’un—Repression/Oppression
There is always room for improvement, even in the darkest of times. It can make a radical difference if we self-assess ourselves.
Hexagram 48: Ching—The Well
It tells how much wisdom we can gain from observing and understanding the life around us, but to question it with frivolous queries is not a wise thing.
Hexagram 49: Ko—Change/Revolution
Your life is likely to change; you should work on your plan and act selflessly. Success will be within your grasp.
Hexagram 50: Ting—The Cauldron
Always try to impart goodness in the world by helping your society at large.
Hexagram 51: Chen—Thunder/The Arousing
Always stand still and face the storm, you will make it as a stronger person then.
Hexagram 52: Ken—Mountain/Keeping still
Emotions can be a hurdle; therefore, you should observe calmly and seriously.
Hexagram 53: Chien—Growth/Development
Hard work can take you to places you have never imagined. It is the diligence that guarantees success.
Hexagram 54: Kuei Mei—Marrying Maiden
A principle-centered life is what makes a person successful. Do not get swayed by your desires.
Hexagram 55: Feng—Abundance
Always focus on the present and make the most of it.
Hexagram 56: Lu—Travel
Always follow your instincts and be focused on staying alert and cautious is a sign of a responsible person.
Hexagram 57: Sun—Gentle
Do not force too much on life. Take little stress and gently drift away in your pursuit of goals.
Hexagram 58: Tui—The Joyous
It’s not the material gains that will bring us joy but the sincerity, humility, and human integrity we have maintained in life.
Hexagram 59: Huan—Dispersal
Always have a gentle and subtle attitude towards people.
Hexagram 60: Chieh—Restraint-Limitation
To avoid trouble thinking, you should limit your desires and set aside your ego.
Hexagram 61: Chung Fu—Inner Truth
We cannot fully grow if we have a sense of pride or self-pity among us.
Hexagram 62: Hsiao Kua— small surpassing
It is foolish to be angry over things; it will only make things worse. Therefore, be humble and calm always.
Hexagram 63: Chi-Chi- Completion
We are all nothing without our hard work and our roots. Never forget what made you achieve success.
Hexagram 64: Wei Chi—Before Completion
Always abide by your moral principles and whenever going through a phase of transformation, change gradually.
The essence of I Ching is to guide us through life by giving us genuine advice based on keen observation and human experiences. It is a philosophical and spiritual approach towards morally virtuous and principle-centered life as to seem through the hexagram reading above.
I’m Morgan – a passionate blog writer interested in various subjects linked with astrology, horoscopes, numerology, and lifestyle. I really enjoy digging up libraries and the internet to find useful, funny and enlightening topics to write about. Basically, I cannot stop reading and sharing food for thought. So, if reading my articles makes your day, it makes mine as well!