February 18, 2025
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The Most Trustworthy Zodiac Signs in Astrology

The Most Trustworthy Zodiac Signs in Astrology

If you want to give out personal information, whether it is a secret of some sort or telling someone something in confidence, knowing they will not judge you, you want only to say those who are trustworthy. You want to say those who will not judge you or leak out anything you tell them. Other traits of someone trustworthy are those who stick to their promises and are reliable. How do you know if someone is trustworthy? They have to prove to you that they are. Let’s now talk about the most trustworthy zodiac signs, ranked from those who you can trust the most to the least.

Capricorn – Will Keep a Secret and a Promise no Matter What

You may think of Capricorns as uptight and overly focused when it comes to their work and ambitions. However, the one thing that you can also say about Capricorns is that they are incredibly trustworthy. Everything that they say they will do they do! If you tell them something in confidence, they will not judge you or leak anything you tell them. Your secret is safe with a Capricorn. That is because Capricorns take everything seriously, and your secrets are a serious thing to them. You can also trust them to meet you at a particular time on a specific day. They will also let you know ahead of time if plans have to change.

Cancer – They Will Do Anything for You

Cancer is the most emotional and nurturing sign of the zodiac. And those who are Cancers will do anything they can to support and help you. That is why if you tell them something in confidence, they will not only keep your secret but will help support you through it if it is troubling. Another thing that makes Cancer reliable is that, like Capricorn, they are reliable and will follow through on their promises. They will also tell you if a situation in their lives comes up that will prevent them from doing so, they will let you know about it ahead of time and make other arrangements with you.

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Libra – Love Makes Them Trustworthy

You may wonder how Libra ranks high as a trustworthy zodiac sign. That is because you may see Libra as the type that likes to gossip about others. However, here is the thing. Libras will find a reason to love someone because those who have the sign are all about friendships and relationships. So, if you are very close to one, you can confide in them, and they will not gossip about what you tell them. You will, however, want to make it known that whatever you tell them cannot be leaked. As long as you make that clear, they will keep the secret.

Scorpio – Loyal Unless You Betray Them

Scorpio is intense and passionate and can be harsh, but at the same time, if you prove to them that you are trustworthy, they will have your back. You can trust them to be there for you no matter what, and they are the types to give the shirt off their backs to those who they care deeply about. However, if you ever betray a Scorpio, you will regret it because they will let your secrets out. Additionally, a Scorpio will not be overly protective and loyal towards acquaintances. If it takes throwing them under the bus to help those who they love, they will do it.

Virgo – If They Care About You, They Will Be Invested in Your Well-being

You may be surprised that Virgo does not rank higher in trustworthy signs. However, Virgo is only reliable for those who serve them a purpose. They are the ones who will give back what they get. If you prove to be a reason that Virgo wants to be close to, they will go to the ends of the earth for you. You can trust them to help you when you need them and keep your secrets. However, if Virgo is not invested in you, they will not care about you and be reliable either.

Aries – Trustworthy to a Point as Long as it Does Not Conflict With Their Wants

Aries falls smack into the middle regarding trustworthy zodiac signs ranking. Yes, Aries will be protective of you and defend you if you need. However, their motivations are not always what is best for you. They are what is best for them, and if they want something different from what you want, they will focus on that instead of you. Therefore, if you’re going to confide in an Aries about something that is bothering you, but you don’t want anyone else to know, you may want to think twice before you do. You don’t know if they may use it against you if it fits their plan.

Taurus – Loyal to a Degree but Their Self-Interests Compromise That

You may be surprised to see that Taurus starts ranking in the lower half of the most trustworthy zodiac signs since their nature is loyal. Here is the thing. They can be good friends who will stick by you no matter what, as long as you do not get in the way of their wants and needs. Taurus is known to be rigid and stubborn. If you need them to help you with something that gets in the way of their plans and routines, you cannot trust them to do that. However, Taurus has no problem with telling you “no”, and won’t likely do anything behind your back.

Aquarius – They Do What They Want

Unfortunately, you cannot trust an Aquarius to follow through on anything or keep their promises. If you tell them a secret, they may keep it, but even then, you don’t want to bet on it. Aquarians are free thinkers and will do what they want. They don’t like to conform and do not want to deal with any restrictions or constraints. However, you can trust an Aquarius to follow through when it comes to professional settings. They are trustworthy when it comes to being good team players because they like to work in groups. However, on a personal level, they are not overly reliable.

Gemini – Easily Distracted

Gemini is a dual sign which means they can flip their moods, way of thinking, and preferences at the drop of a hat when there is an opportunity. When you are friends with a Gemini, you will see that they can make excellent friends who will not hesitate to cheer you up when you are down. However, you cannot trust a Gemini to follow through on plans you make with them. They may tell you that they are free to hang with you on a particular day. But if an opportunity comes up for them to not follow through on it, they will take it and not even let you know until you call them to confirm at the last minute.

Leo – Their Best Interest Is What Matters to Them

Can a Leo keep a secret? Probably. However, they rank pretty low on the trustworthy scale among zodiac signs. That is because Leos only are going to do what is best for themselves. They are not there to serve your best interest. Therefore, if you ask a Leo to do you a favor or to meet you at a certain time somewhere, they won’t likely do it unless it serves them to do so. They may be generous and will give you plenty of gifts or take you for dinner, but they also are not going to be reliable when it comes to helping you or serving you in any way.

Sagittarius – Driven by Their Personal Interests

Sagittarius is the type that craves adventure, higher learning, and exploring new things. That is why Sagittarius does not like to make commitments and to be tied down. Can you trust a Sagittarius to keep a secret? Probably not because they struggle to keep anything to themselves and will express what they want and how they feel. Therefore, if your secret is bringing them down, they will spill it. Sagittarius also won’t be the reliable type to help you if it gets into their way of a new adventure that they want to have.

Pisces – Struggles to Follow Through

It may be surprising to read that Pisces is the least trustworthy sign of the zodiac. However, it has nothing to do with their self-interests. Instead, they are not trustworthy because they are scattered and dreamy. You may tell them a secret and if you are lucky, they will forget you told them anything. However, if they do remember your secret, they may forget that you told them it was a secret and will accidentally spill it for that reason. They will be incredibly guilt-ridden after because they are highly emotional. The same will go for making plans with them. They won’t remember to even put it into their phones to remind them!


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But here is the thing. You could have a Pisces who is excellent at keeping secrets and excellent at following through on plans and commitments. Does that mean they have their moon sign in Capricorn or have heavy Capricorn energies? That could be! Because once again, the horoscope as a whole will be what shows whether or not someone is trustworthy. That also means you could have a Capricorn friend who has been known to spill secrets by accident and has forgotten to follow through on plans! Mayne their moon sign is in Pisces! That could be why!