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The 19th of December is the 353rd day of the year (354th in a leap year) in the Gregorian Calendar and the 28th day of the Sagittarius Season. You’re celebrating your birthday today!

December 19 Sagittarius zodiac calendar infographics

Key Phrase: “I master”
Energy: Yang (Masculine)
Lucky Day: Thursday
Lucky Numbers: 4, 5, 9, 22, 23, and 45
Birth Stones: Turquoise (primary) – additional stones
Tarot Cards: The Temperance and Knight of Wands
Compatibility: Aries, Leo, Libra, Aquarius

Sagittarius is the ninth sign in the Zodiac and is ruled by the planet Jupiter. It covers the Ninth House symbolizing wisdom, belief, and worldliness.

Sagittarius is a symbol of movement, nomadic instincts, independence and quick reflexes. People born under this sign are typically idealistic, open and frank by nature. They can be sensitive but may also lack realism and tact in some situations due to their impulsive nature.

Sagittarians are known for their joy of living. They love to travel and meet new people. However, they also tend to avoid conflict or anything that is too complicated.

This large planet, Jupiter, is part of the universe. The impulsive side of Jupiterian people is associated with the Fire element representing how each person has potential for luck and enthusiasm. They integrate into society and develop their consciousness by expanding their wisdom.

Next after this publicity

If you were born today, you have a special distinction from others, for being born on the cusp of two signs. Your soul chose to sign up for a Life Path that merges the energy of two signs, making you a powerful individual. If you are born on the cusp, be sure to read about both signs that influence your life to make the most of your potential: Sagittarius and Capricorn Cusp.

Personalities: Jake Gyllenhaal, Karim Benzema, Alyssa Milano

Zodiac signs compatibility