March 29, 2025
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Psychic Archetypes Father

Psychic Archetypes: The Father

A psychic archetype represents a core energy expression that we feel defines our psychological and spiritual journey, in this, previous, and future lifetimes.  While we may engage in various forms of life practice, like being a soldier or a doctor, we are one particular archetype, which could be the Warrior or the Healer.

This article will explore the psychic archetype of the Father.

One Archetype, Many Guises

History is replete with warrior priests and soldier healers (medics).  Educators can be athletes and athletes can be educators.  We can wear many guises over the course of our lifetimes, but we most often operate from a single psychic archetype.

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Sometimes necessity and circumstance can force us into a guise that is far away from our spiritual purpose, or so it will seem.  If we look closely enough at our actions within any circumstance, we will be able to see the consistent psychic imprint of our representation.

I have a varied work history, which includes construction, website design/management, teaching (college English), and now spiritual advising.  Through each iteration of my work opportunities, I found myself in the same role repeatedly … as a spiritual and emotional advisor to the people around me.

The Father

I have had my fair share of experiences with women and men in parental roles, especially after I became a parent in 2005.  In our current age, more and more women represent or have the role of the Father archetype, and more and more men are choosing or finding themselves embracing Mother energy instead of Father energy. A Father archetype individual truly and deeply loves providing for their partner or child/children as the main purpose of their existence.

Fathers exist outside the family construct and can be found in any profession, just like all the archetypes.  Their ability to lead, produce, and teach applies to work, friendships, and family.  When we need any form of practical safety and support, Fathers provide the energy, knowledge, and action to help us.

Each archetype travels through lifetimes to gather experience inside and outside its ideal representation to enjoy and understand the full range of human experience while learning lessons associated with completing his or her work and/or being kept from being able to complete his or her work.  Lessons cut both ways, but they do not have to.

The Ideal Society (Utopian Vision)

It really is not hard to imagine an ideal society in which each person discovers their psychic or spiritual archetype and is given a way to express that archetype through work and interactions with the other archetypes in the world.  Bringing such a world into existence would require a large-scale and comprehensive acceptance of balance between science and spirituality, between creativity and necessity, and between compassion and integrity.

Reality is an ebb and flow of balance, imbalance, and re-balancing, which is where all the learning for the spiritual soul occupying a human or animal body learns lessons that cannot be found in utopian visions or the spirit realm.  We choose to be here; and psychic or spiritual archetypes indicate that we choose a singular type of role so we can experience true mastership.

Are You a Father?

Each archetype has definable and distinguishable traits.

Drawn to Practical Needs

We all want to be able to be supported and know we will have what we need, practically (shelter and food) through our “Fathers”, the person who does the work to provide for our material needs.  The Father is the guide for how to go out into the world and be successful.  Fathers teach us how to navigate the necessary practical skills for survival and success in society.

Fathers “move” towards responsibility; they are not avoiding it or afraid of it.  They are drawn to and invite others to learn from their success and failures in order to find their own path to success.  Fathers act as role models for what must be done to “make it in the world”.  Mothers are there to help us understand our feelings, while Fathers are there to help us know how to earn what we need to one day pay our own bills.

Drawn to Teaching Lessons

Fathers represent our first “success in society” teachers, both with regard to what our society wants from us and how much we are worth doing what interests us or needs to be done to support society.  The Father moves through the world and “gets activated” because they have to contribute to society in order to provide for their family.  As a society or community, we want Fathers to “show us the way” to success.

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Protect and Prioritize the Family

Fathers, like all archetypes, work to master their craft, which is how they are distinguished from other archetypes who may perform the same practices, but not from the same place of soul and spirit.  A surgeon can be a Father, who sees disease or injury as something to heal that is valued in such a way that it gives him the ability to provide for himself and his family at a very high level.

The best Fathers master teaching knowledge: they study the needs of the world as a way to teach the children, encourage the children, and help the children find their calling and purpose.  Fathers are “protective” people, who want to help souls’ transition from childhood to adulthood.

The “need to impart practical skills” part of the Father is the defining quality that separates him or her from other archetypes that perform the same roles.  The motivations are different and unique to each archetype, more so than the practices.  All archetypes can learn how to care for and raise children, but their motivations will be different.

The Father is motivated to connect with the necessities that come with the life transitions of childhood: learning to walk and talk, caring for your possessions, and developing a role that will make you a helpful member of society.  Fathers understand the important timing and quality of teaching a child practical life lessons in the right way to help that child be part of the world in a healthy and productive way, both for the child’s sake and the sake of the world.

Are Leaders

Outcomes matter to the Father archetype; they work best when resolving practical problems.  They know they are the most important teacher in situations of increasing responsibility as part of life development.  In their highest manifestation, they can be understood as the providers of all societies. 

The Fathers show others what is necessary and how to act when trying to address and understand one’s practical needs and role as a producer in society.  This way through the world is fundamental to helping them understand their place in the scheme of the community of archetypes.