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What Are the Luckiest Days in January 2025?

Winter can seem like a tough time for goal setting, regardless of whether those goals are magickal or mundane. Luckily, January 2025 is filled with plenty of beginner’s luck! The start of the year is a great time to get the ball rolling towards a successful 2025. So, hurry up and read on if you want to see which days are the best for money, love and more, based on numerology and astrology. Let’s discover the luckiest days in January 2025.

January 2025 is a 10/1 month

1 is the number of the self, new beginnings, and masculine energy (no, not masculine as in men, masculine as in our outward expression and interaction with life). 0 is the number of Spirit and good luck. So, January is sure to be a lucky month!

The best thing you can do is focus on yourself this month. No, this is not a selfish act if done correctly. Think of the concept of “putting on your oxygen mask before helping others with theirs.” If you’ve ever been on an airplane you’ve probably heard this advice regarding an emergency when oxygen on the airplane may be running low. Despite the phrase coming from very literal instructions, thinking of it in a more metaphorical sense can be very beneficial. You have to help yourself first, that way you have enough energy to actually share with others.

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So, if you’ve been giving giving giving this past holiday season, know that it is time to give back to yourself.

The Luckiest Days in January 2025 are the 13th, 18th, 20th, and 30th

January 13th is a 23/5 day

This is arguably the best day to take a leap of faith this month. You’ll be feeling rebellious and just at touch reckless under the full moon in Cancer on this night. Sure, it might get a bit messy, but there is room for a lot of growth and change!

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January 18th is a 28/1 day

There’s double the energy of the number 1 on this day since it’s a 10/1 month and a 28/1 day! You’ll definitely want to make sure you do something nice for yourself, especially if it’s something you’ve been wanting to do, try, or start for a while now.

January 20th is a 30/3 day

3 is the number of growth, curiosity and socializing. 30/3 in particular is about creativity. This is the kind of day where you feel as though there is something beneficial that you can add to your life and/or the lives of others.

January 30th is a 40/4 day

4 is the number of stability, security and foundations. This is a good day for family events or home projects (especially if those projects could use a little bit of luck). You can lean on your support system for even more good luck on this day.

The Toughest Days in January are the 6th, 21st, 23rd and 29th

January 6th is a 16/7 day

16/7 is the number most closely associated with the Tower card, card number XVI, in tarot. Like the Tower card, this number denotes harsh truths which beget shocking revelations. Listen more to your feelings than your logic minded brain on this day. Trust that you have what it takes to handle these changes.

January 21st is a 31/4 day

You will likely be feeling insecure about yourself on this 31/4 day, with Mercury square Chiron. 31/4 is a number which asks us to take up space and be our biggest selves, but that’s easier said than done. Don’t push down the self doubt, instead ask yourself who benefits most from it?

January 23rd is a 33 day

This day will feel tough, but I promise it’s worth it. 33 is the number of master healing, so old wounds usually resurface. The wounds of this particular 33 day have to do with “fitting in.” Stick to your truth and stay curious about what you can discover about yourself on this day.

January 29th is a 39/3 day

This 39/3 day coincides with the Aquarius new moon. The nodes of fate will also move into Pisces and Virgo on this day. 39/3 is a good day to practice active listening, however not everyone will be able to. Confrontations and power struggles are likely!

The Luckiest Days for Money in January are the 8th, 19th, and 25th

January 8th is an 18/9 day

Traditionally, 18/9 is a number that denotes self reflection, shadow work and the dark night of the soul… Not exactly a vibe that screams money, money, money! However, Venus will move into Capricorn on this day, so it is the perfect time to reflect upon your holiday spending and make a game plan for the new year.

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January 19th is a 29/11 day

An aspect of your financial future will come into better focus on this day. In fact, this is a good day to make a big investment into your future. Whether that looks like applying for a loan for school or opening a high yield savings account, ask yourself, “how can I invest in the future me today?”

January 25th is a 35/8 day

8 is the number of manifestation, so this is a great day to practice gratitude and abundance. Work might be very busy, but in a good way today. You may also find an unexpected boost to your finances.

The Luckiest Days for Love in January are the 5th, 14th, and 28th

January 5th is a 15/6 day

6 is the number of love, balance and caregiving. Any day that vibrates to the number 6 is going to be a day for lovers. 15/6 in particular is sexy and kinky. Whether you have a partner or prefer flying solo, sex magick is encouraged on this day!

January 14th is a 24/6 day

24/6 is horny energy! There is an intense lust and desire that will drive your actions on this day, so don’t be surprised if you’re feeling extra flirty. In fact, don’t even try to get things done on this day, you’ll be better off indulging and having fun.

January 28th is a 38/11 day

38/11 is less sexy than the previous two dates. On this day you’ll find that a relationship issue will move into the foreground (you gotta see it to heal it). Luckily, talking about said wound will come very easily today. All in all, your relationships will grow much stronger when you communicate today… and every day!

Ready to make the most of the luckiest days in January 2025?