October 4, 2024
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The Luckiest Days in October 2024

The Luckiest Days in October 2024

The mist is settling in and the days are growing shorter here in the northern hemisphere. Halloween approaches and with it comes all the excitement of autumnal celebrations. Find out which days are best for pumpkin carving and which days you’ll need to put on a mask and hide from the world. Using the tool of numerology, and a bit of astrology, you’ll discover what the month of October has in store. We’ll be looking into the global month number and certain global day numbers. These numbers set the vibe of the day. Let’s have a look at luckiest days in October.

October is an 18/9 month

October is a month for self reflection and the tying of loose ends.

9 is the number of endings and completion. Imagine you are at the top of a mountain after an arduous hike. The sense of accomplishment is mingled with the beauty of the horizon. Lingering beyond that sense of wonder is the daunting task of having to now hike down the mountain. So, you may find that this month feels like a liminal space between endings and beginnings. This is not so unusual since the month of October always brings us closer to the veil between worlds, where the land of the living and the realm of the dead meet.

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There is a shadowy darkness that encompasses this month with the detail number 18. Linked to the Moon card in tarot, this month is sure to reveal some long hidden truths.

The Luckiest days in October: 8, 26, 3

How To Improve Your Luck Based on Your Jupiter Sign

The 8th is a 26/8 day

Optimism is easier to grasp onto today, and with a positive attitude anything is possible! 8 is also the number of manifestation, so use your good vibe to bring more good into the world.

The 26th is a 44 day

44 is the number of the Master Manifestor, meaning that this day is the absolute best day of the month for manifestation. Tell the universe what you want, it’s listening!

The 31st is a 49/4 day

This day is peppered with a sense of contentment and personal satisfaction. You will find that your life is good, just as it is. Happy Halloween!

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Happy Woman

The Luckiest Days in October for Dates: 4, 6, 16, 24

The 4th is a 22 day

The number 22 is the Master Builder, meaning that this day is a great day for laying the foundations for things to grow in your life. With a Venus trine to Mars happening on this day as well, foundations for love and partnership are especially auspicious.

The 6th is a 24/6 day

This is a horny vibe, so if you can schedule a date with a someone special today I would highly recommend it. Just don’t text your toxic ex, it’s honestly not worth it.

The 16th is a 34/7 day

Hold firmly onto your standards today in love and life. Venus trines Neptune, which will remind you of what your dreams and wishes are for romantic love. Today is a reminder not to settle.

The 24th is a 42/6 day

Dates that take place on this day are blessed. Emotional bonds of all types (even platonic and familial ones) grow stronger when you spend one on one time with someone today.

The Worst Days for Heartbreak: 27, 30

6 Signs Most Likely To Break Your Heart

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The 27th is a 45/9 day

This day has heart break energy. However, the lesson of the day is to not hold your emotions in and instead let them flow through you. Cry if you need to cry, scream if you need to scream!

The 30th is a 48/3 day

This day also has break up energy. You may find that the ball is now in your court and you have to make the final decision to walk away from something that is good in the hopes of finding something better.

The Luckiest Days in October for Socializing: 12, 21, 25

The 12th is a 30/3 day

3 is the number of socializing, so any day that vibrates to the number 3 is going to be good for group activities. This is a particularly creative vibe, so get the group together to do a paint and sip, have a pottery night, or have a dress up party!

The 21st is a 39/3 day

It’s the last day of Libra season, so be sure to get all your favorite people together! This day is particularly good for practicing your active listening. Try your best to really hear what your friends are saying. Ask follow up questions and be their shoulder to cry on if need be. 

The 25th is a 43/7 day

This is a good day for having big conversations, philosophical debates, spiritual talks, etc. Things feel both bigger and less daunting today, so talk it out with your best mates.

The Hardest days This Month: 11, 15, 18, 20

The 11th is a 29/11 day

Jupiter will have just started its retrograde in Gemini, so you may feel like your luck has taken a turn for the worst today. The future suddenly seems foggy and indistinguishable. Just know that you may need to release some expectations around where you assumed your life was heading in the near future.

The 15th is a 33 day

33 is the number of Master Healing, which means that some old wounds may pop up today. The phrase “you gotta feel it to heal it” is especially pertinent today. If you don’t acknowledge your pain, how can you hope to soothe it? So, don’t be afraid of what pops up, be present and open to it.

The 18th is a 36/9 day

I will scream this from the mountain tops until my face is blue, always prioritize rest on the 36/9 day!! Rest is not something you earn, it’s something you need like water or air. The full moon is on the 17th, making it a big day energy-wise, so leave work early and take a nap if you can.

The 20th is a 38/11 day

Relationship troubles come into focus–that is, if you have any. So, pay attention to where there is some friction in your personal life and ask yourself, “what is the real issue here?”