April 26, 2024
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Astrology is a tool of time and space. As the Solar System runs through its cycles, astrologers follow the patterns the same way a meteorologist follows the weather. Each month different points in the sky form important relationships, which we call aspects, that indicate emerging, changing, and enduring patterns. Keep on reading to learn about the Monthly Astrological Report… This blog will look at the month ahead and discuss the most prominent and powerful aspects, and how they impact life on earth. These impacts will connect to both personal and current events to show how the astrological weather report can help you “weather” your life and navigate each month successfully.

What is Ongoing?  Transits, Ingresses, and Retrogrades



Transits occur when two Points form a certain type of angular relationship with one another. The most powerful among the transits are the conjunction, square, and opposition. Points that conjunct merge together by sharing the same sign and degree. Points that square align by the degree in signs that are 90 degrees (or four signs) apart. Take the sequence Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn – Libra and Capricorn are four signs apart and square one another. Points oppose one another when they are 180 degrees apart. Conjunct Points merge energy. Points squaring challenge one another. And Points opposing one another try to harmonize and attain balance.


Ingress occurs when a Point changes signs, causing the Point to change its tone. If a Point is in Aries, the tone is active, aggressive, and ready for action. But when the Point ingresses into Taurus, the tone becomes slow, steady, and settling.


The term retrograde describes forward motion that “appears” as backward motion. Since astrology views the Solar System from an earth-centric rather than sun-centric point of reference, there are times of the year when Points in the sky “look” like they are going backwards. The effect is known as retrograde motion, which occurs when a faster moving body passes a slower moving body and the observer is on the faster moving body watching the slower moving body “go backwards” as they pass each other.



The Sun

The Sun changes signs on April 19th. As the Sun transitions from Aries to Taurus, we move from the bold and assertive energy of Aries into the grounded and steadfast realm of Taurus. Aries, a cardinal fire sign ruled by Mars, inspires courage, initiative, and independence. Now, Taurus beckons us to embrace stability, determination, and sensual pleasures. This shift signals a time of building solid foundations, nurturing growth, and cultivating resilience as we prioritize practicality and comfort in our pursuits.


Mercury starts the month in Aries and immediately goes retrograde on the 2nd at 27 degrees. Therefore, Mercury will remain in Aries for the entire month. Mercury in Aries, as it transits, signifies a period of direct, assertive communication where thoughts are expressed impulsively and decisively. This placement encourages taking quick action on ideas and embracing a bold, pioneering approach to problem-solving.


Venus will ingress twice in April. As Venus moves from Pisces to Aries on April 5th, we shift from a compassionate and dreamy approach to love to a more assertive and passionate demeanor. Social interactions become infused with boldness and spontaneity, prioritizing excitement and adventure in relationships. This astrological transition prompts us to embrace our desires with courage, ignite passion in our connections, and pursue what truly excites us romantically.

Transitioning from Aries to Taurus on April 29th, Venus’s journey signifies a shift from assertive and passionate expressions of love to a more grounded and sensual approach. Social interactions become characterized by stability and loyalty, emphasizing comfort and security in relationships. This astrological change encourages us to appreciate the beauty of simplicity, deepen our connections through patience and devotion, and cultivate lasting, harmonious partnerships built on trust and mutual respect.


Mars will spend most of April in Pisces, ingressing on the last day of the month, the 30th. Meanwhile, in Pisces, energy is directed towards spiritual and creative endeavors, with an emphasis on intuition and empathy. This astrological transit encourages us to channel our enthusiasm into imaginative and soulful pursuits, embracing intuition and empathy as guiding forces in our actions.

As Mars shifts from Pisces to Aries, we transition from a period of introspection and passive energy to one of assertiveness and action. This astrological change prompts a surge of motivation and courage, empowering us to pursue our goals with renewed vigor and determination.



Mercury retrograde in Aries triggers impulsive communication, potentially leading to misunderstandings and conflicts. Conversations may lack tact and escalate into heated debates, urging caution and patience in interactions. Use this period for introspection and reflection, revisiting past ideas or projects needing reassessment. Be mindful of impulsive reactions and practice active listening to navigate misunderstandings, fostering understanding amidst the retrograde’s challenges.

Major Planetary Interaction

The week to week interactions only take into account aspects involving Mars to Pluto because their duration is long enough to make a noticeable impact on global affairs. There will be only one major aspect between the outer points (Jupiter through Pluto) continuing from March 20th, a conjunction between Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus. All the rest of the activity will be generated by Mars, and last roughly 5 days at a time.

There will be a Super Storm event on April 8th due to the Solar Eclipse and the number of points in Aries, as well as conjunctions with Mars and Saturn in Pisces and Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus.

April 1st to April 7th

Jupiter in Taurus conjunct (merges with) Uranus in Taurus (March 20th to April 27th)

Jupiter in Taurus conjunct Uranus in Taurus heralds a time of expansive change and breakthroughs in practical matters. Taurus’ influence brings stability and material abundance, while Jupiter amplifies growth and opportunities. This alignment encourages embracing innovation and embracing new ideas for financial growth and personal development. It’s a period for taking calculated risks, seizing unexpected opportunities, and exploring new avenues for prosperity and progress.

Mars in Pisces conjunct (merged with) Saturn in Pisces (April 6th to April 11th)

Mars conjunct Saturn in Pisces suggests a period of disciplined action tempered by caution and patience. There’s a drive to pursue goals with methodical determination, but obstacles and delays may arise. This alignment encourages strategic planning and perseverance in overcoming challenges, emphasizing the need to confront limitations with resilience and adaptability. It’s a time for focused effort and pragmatic approaches to achieve long-term success despite potential setbacks.

April 8th to April 15th

Jupiter in Taurus conjunct (merges with) Uranus in Taurus (March 20th to April 27th) continues

Mars in Pisces conjunct (merged with) Saturn in Pisces (April 6th to April 11th) continues

Super Storm

On April 8th there will be total Solar Eclipse with the New Moon in Aries. Not only will the Sun, Moon, and North Node be Aries, but so will Venus, Chiron, and retrograde Mercury. The North Node will be at 15 degrees; the Sun, Moon, and Chiron will be at 19 degrees; and retrograde Mercury will be at 24 degrees, forming a tremendously powerful Stellium. Venus will be at 4 degrees, in the mix, but not close enough to be part of the Stellium.

The alignment of the Sun, Moon, North Node, Chiron, and retrograde Mercury in Aries, forming a stellium, heralds a significant period of collective transformation and renewal on a global scale. Aries’ assertive energy prompts bold action and initiatives, particularly in areas related to leadership, innovation, and conflict resolution. With the North Node guiding the collective towards growth and evolution, there’s a push for embracing new beginnings and asserting individual and collective identity with courage and determination.

The conjunction of the Sun and Moon, coinciding with a New Moon and total Solar Eclipse, amplifies the impact of this alignment, signifying a powerful moment for the world to set intentions and initiate change. This celestial event marks the beginning of a new chapter in global affairs, urging nations to release outdated systems and embrace progressive approaches to address challenges.

With Chiron’s influence in the stellium, there’s a focus on collective healing and reconciliation, emphasizing the need for empathy, understanding, and cooperation in navigating societal wounds. However, with retrograde Mercury’s presence, there may be delays and revisions in communication and decision-making processes, requiring a reassessment of strategies before moving forward collectively.

Overall, this alignment signifies a pivotal moment for the global community to harness the energy of Aries, unite in purpose, and embark on a journey of collective growth and transformation.

April 16th to April 23rd

Jupiter in Taurus conjunct (merges with) Uranus in Taurus (March 20th to April 27th) continues

Mars in Pisces sextile (compliments) Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus (April 16th to April 22nd)

Mars in Pisces sextile Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus indicates a harmonious alignment fostering opportunities for inspired action and innovation. This aspect encourages bold ventures grounded in intuition and practicality, leading to breakthroughs and expansion. It’s a time to embrace creative endeavors with confidence and explore unconventional approaches to achieve personal and collective goals, capitalizing on the supportive energy for growth and progress.

April 24th to April 30th 

Jupiter in Taurus conjunct (merges with) Uranus in Taurus (March 20th to April 27th) continues

Mars in Pisces conjunct (merges with) Neptune in Pisces (April 24th to April 30th)

Mars conjunct Neptune in Pisces symbolizes a blend of assertive energy with spiritual insight and imagination. This alignment encourages actions guided by intuition and compassion, fostering creativity and empathy. However, there’s a risk of confusion or disillusionment, so it’s essential to channel this energy wisely and avoid escapism. Use this time for artistic pursuits, spiritual practices, or humanitarian efforts that align with your highest ideals and values.