March 26, 2025
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Twin Flame Truth When Your Husband Isn’t the One

Twin Flame Truth: When Your Husband Isn’t the One

Are you aware of the twin flame truth? Twin flames are deemed the most romantic of connections and the concept has gained popularity in recent years. However, although uniting with a twin flame is the ultimate spiritual love, it is frequently one of the most painful. The twin flame relationship calls upon us to demonstrate unconditional love, in the face of the most challenging circumstances.

The history of twin flames truth

“And when one of them meets with his other half, the actual half of himself, the pair are lost in an amazement of love and friendship and intimacy and one will not be out of the other’s sight even for a moment.” ~Plato (around 400BC)

The notion of twin flames is not recent and is spoken of in many cultures throughout history. The recent resurge of interest in the subject is largely due to the availability of information on the internet. I first read of of ‘twin flames’ as either ‘twin souls’ or ‘twin rays’ around 2001, and it was fairly unknown by others. The term used now is standardised as twin flames.

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This refers to two souls which have been split apart and forever search for the other to reunite. We all have a perfect half to our soul that we long for throughout our lives and incarnations ~the twin flame.

Twin flame truth, the meaning of twin flames…

Despite the romance of meeting ones ‘other half’ the twin flame relationship is often a troubled one. It is rare to arrange to reunite with a twin flame and similarly rare to meet at all. In most cases when twins arrange to incarnate together they will do so as their souls are ready to learn and experience unconditional love.

Unconditional love can be challenging, as one needs to transcend the material world to truly experience it. It’s easy to love when there are no obstacles, and so we are often called upon to show love under pressurised circumstances. We are tested and pulled apart to refine our hearts.

A twin flame journey is not supposed to be smooth, or fit the earthly relationship templates. It will be a unique bond and it will feel like two souls communing and connecting deeply. Earthly expectations and norms will be challenged and tested. This relationship will not be like any others that either party has ever experienced before.

How to recognise a twin flame

“The eyes are the windows to the soul and the hands, the gateway.”

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Twin flames are two halves of the same soul, they split in two to learn different experiences. When they meet their souls will feel identical and yet their human characters will be complimentary. There will be an innate understanding and bond between the two of them. Their vulnerabilities will be the same, as will their deepest passions, and yet they will express these differently.

When you observe a pair of twin flames reunited, you will be able to see that they ‘act as one’. That they fully understand and support one another’s life goals and needs. The love will be subtle and calm and yet steady and infinite.

Meeting a twin flame feels like coming home and will be harmonious and soothing at the start. However, all of the ego’s blocks and lifetime traumas will rise to the surface for healing when twin flames find one another. This is why they are so often forced to be apart for a time after their first earthly meeting.

What if you are married?

In the spiritual world marriage doesn’t really register, our souls are free. However the vows we profess and the promises we make as part of the marriage ceremony, are deeply powerful.

If, in our vows, we have promised our lives to another, this is a difficult contract to sever on a spiritual level. It is the ultimately sacrifice and so the husband is a sacred partner on some level.

Those of us who plan to meet our twin flame in this lifetime will often have a sense of this and will rarely take commitment lightly.

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When twin flames meet and one is married, it could be that they didn’t plan to have a romantic relationship. Perhaps the test of unconditional love is part of the planned journey.

Maybe the twin flame has a soul connection to the husband and the wife and can become close to both.

Ending the marriage is not the initial answer to this circumstance…

Ending a marriage

The spiritual choice will never be to leave a marriage for another partner. A marriage can only be ended because the relationship has run it’s course.

There are often soulmate and karmic connections in marriages and in these more enlightened times healing and resolving these bonds quickly is frequent. Naturally, stepping away from a marriage which has been outgrown may be the spiritual choice. Good, open, honest communication has to form part of this process however.

Without openness new karma may be created and cause a repeat in the next life. To be ready for the twin flame relationship one will have already demonstrated respect, kindness and consideration towards others.

Twin flames usually meet to lead loving, creative and spiritual lives together. Treating your husband ‘as if’ he is your twin flame, will show you the next stage in your evolution on a soul level.

Twin flame truth, unconditional love is different to passion

Passion is the expression of ‘need’ and physical lust for another. This is not the same as love, although it can occur within a loving relationship. Passion is connected to the ego and an earthly need to ‘possess’ another.

This is very different from unconditional love which is free and seeks to see the other shine and vibrate at their most joyous level.

The love that our cat or dog expresses to us may often help us to learn and understand unconditional love. Animals want for nothing than to celebrate and experience the other’s proximity, safety, warmth and pure energy.

Embracing the twin flame feels like the perfect transcendence and the physical act of love can be euphoric. However this can also be experienced in a dream, astral travel and through energy connections whilst apart.

Our bodies are our life’s vehicles, but our souls are our true selves and the merging of the twin flame souls can occur fully without touch.

To conclude about twin flame truth…

Rarely will twin flames meet in order to break a marriage. Twin flames may encounter one another briefly to remind their soul partner how to love.

A marriage will come to a natural end if this is the spiritual path and the reuniting with the twin flame will occur naturally.

A twin flame reunion does not need to be consummated, the greatest expression of love is full acceptance and celebration of the other’s existence.

Most marriages contain lessons or karmic experiences, these can be completed quickly when one practises unconditional love with the spouse.

In order to reunite with the twin flame then embrace and learn how to see the beauty of each person’s soul and lavish your own partner with unconditional love.

For a passionate relationship, embrace your body, your hormones and your physical world. This may not be the lifetime for you to focus upon the soul’s journey or to merge with your true soul counterpart. Enjoy and celebrate the journey you are on, carpe diem!!

“Love is always the answer” ~Rik Mayall