March 13, 2025
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Is Hyper Jealousy A Scar from a Past Life?

Jealousy is an emotion that most of us have experienced at some point in our lives.  Usually, we are told that jealousy means that we are ‘insecure’ or indicates we do not feel ‘worthy’ in some way.  However, this simplification is often far from the real truth.  Past life scars deeply affect us, whether we recall the lives or not and powerful jealousy can be an indicator of past life trauma.

This article explores how past life trauma feels when it manifests as jealousy in this life.  

Simple jealousy and envy

Sometimes jealousy really is insecurity, most of us have confidence dips at some point in life.  In a society where beauty is depicted in every movie, advert, billboard, and social media platform it’s easy to start to compare the self.  Many magazine articles encourage us to compare ourselves to an unnatural level of attractiveness.

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For more than a century beauty has been the commodity used most in advertising.  We’ve become accustomed to a certain level of aestheticism in our movie stars and none of us end up matching up to this representation.  Not even the movie stars themselves who are cleverly lit, made up and airbrushed.

This kind of jealousy is normal, however if one learns to stop comparing the self to others, it may also dissipate surprisingly quickly.  Genuine attraction is actually more to do with pheromones, smells, and past life recognition than visual perfection.

Feeling jealousy through work and status

There are many people who feel a sense of identity from their work.  Societally we may often be judged on the status we have attained in the workplace, or financially.  Hence, it’s easy to feel rivalry with others when our status is emphasised by culture.

Some may feel envy for a well paid sports star or entrepreneur.   Most of the time people will have a sense of rivalry for somebody who has very different talents and abilities.  This is illogical, as actually it matters more that we are doing what we enjoy and feel connected to.

Other people’s paths are none of our business and often what looks like success can be inner distress.  Fame and fortune are very stressful and most of us enjoy being around those we love more than we actually enjoy having 4 more bedrooms in our house than we require.

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The key to this type of jealousy is to get more in touch with the inner child and true find your calling.  Meditating, recalling childhood interests and taking time for reflection will help.  It is important we live our lives to our own values, joys and passions.  We rarely envy others when we are aligned with our soul purpose.

Displacement with society and the class system

Now, if the jealousy we feel is to do with class and social standing this is more likely to be connected to a past life scenario.  In previous eras class and family status were far more connected to identity and expectations.  (Indeed there are cultures who still strongly identify with ancestors and their status).

We will all have experiences of being rich and poor, and many other religions, nationalities and lifestyles.  It is through these differing experiences that we learn love, compassion, understanding and the balance our old karma.

Hence, where we feel a hankering for a way of life, or a particular lifestyle, it can often be a hint into a previous life and we may well envy those who are experiencing a life similar to one that we remember from before.  Often there will be particular past lives that directly link to the theme of this life.  This may create a subconscious pull to how we lived before, it will also help us be drawn to kindred spirits.

Feelings of jealousy or envy for others’ lifestyle can be a clue to your own past life memories.  Embrace what you are drawn to and consider researching it a little.  Step into historic houses you are drawn to, travel to where your heart hankers.  Jealousy in this case is resistance of the self.  It’s easy to envy others who are living freely when we are not allowing ourselves to live as we truly wish.

Jealousy in a relationships

Relationship jealousy is probably the most prevalent and again, often due comparing ourselves to others.  Compatibility is based on pheromonal awareness (faint scent), comfort, to some degree aesthetics and to a large degree, recognition.  Whether this is two souls reuniting from another life, or the familiar traits which remind us of our parents.  Most of us are drawn to what we know and recognise.

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Viewed this way, our level of attractiveness and perceived perfection isn’t as important as modern culture would have us believe.  Nonetheless we assume that a more attractive mate poses a threat, or that most people search for unrealistic beauty.

This can be the case with younger individuals who are not ready to have a long-term relationship.  It is wiser to recognise this, than to allow ourselves to be scarred and closed off to love because of our own unrealistic expectations of another.

It can be that we have thwarted in a past life and so over and over again we attract the same scenario by expecting it.  Jealousy because of a past life experience, can be eased by working with manifestation and developing the self-concept.

Many of us have experienced big trauma in past lives.  Working to uncover the subconscious pains from before can help.  When we are wounded we often carry limiting beliefs to protect ourselves from the same outcome. It can take a while to reprogramme trauma, especially buried trauma, but it change your life for the better!

Jealousy between soulmates

Sometimes we meet a soulmate who we have loved before.  Many of us dream of this in our pursuit of the ideal mate.  It truly can be one of the most beautiful and fulfilling relationships, but often there is karma to work through at the beginning.

Chance are, if we’ve arranged to meet up with a soul again, we have karma to balance with one another.  Or we may have come back together with a joint mission.  Our lives on earth are full karmic plans and we usually reunite with souls we have known before.  Amazing soulmate relationships often begin with pain, jealousy, and fear, as old memories begin to surface.

The kind of jealousy you feel when a soulmate has left you before can be physically painful and crippling.  Sometimes we come back in this life to heal this pain and to separate again.  Other soulmates may reunite with the plan to stay together this time around.  These relationships may often begin with great jealousy and pain.  Working with your partner to understand the feelings and fears will help.  It’s important that we work towards healing and love, rather than becoming stuck in fear.

The path through this is learning unconditional love, whilst ensuring that self respect and self love stays central to this.  Unconditional love can also be about understanding when to let go. Letting go is the opposite of jealousy, trusting in love can help us to work through old traumas.

Jealousy within families

Families are very karmic and usually we incarnate together over and over again.  This includes soul families and friend groups too of course, but we have to find them ourselves.  Often families are right there, living in the same home and/or using the same name!

It’s not uncommon for people to be reborn into the same family line also and this will occur to rebalance an issue, or to provide love and support.

Jealousy will tend to come in with either a sibling or a same sex parent, but it can come from any angle.  Many siblings will resent a new younger sibling and this will often be a replay from a past life where they were rivals.

This is a complex form a jealous as tends to begin in our formative years (up to age 7) and this can form a template for the way we live our adult lives.  Therapy or working through our childhood memories with thoughts and meditation are so valuable when this type of jealous affects us.  We may be the person who is jealous or the recipient, either can imprint our lives in a very toxic way.

Familial bonds are usually the most complicated ones we will experience.  Again the final lesson is conditional love, but this isn’t easy when jealousy can lead to destructive behaviour.

There is no better enforcement for growth than the family unit.  The absence of a family or loss of a family member can be the most painful lessons of all.  Jealousy is natural in all of these circumstances, as jealousy is symptom of unresolved trauma.  If the trauma source is not obvious, then it’s very likely it is from a past life.


We can all benefit from trying out some past life regression meditations when we feel that a love or family issue is plaguing us.  Stepping outside of a current scenario can help us to gain more understanding and compassion for the situation.

Working through memories from childhood to unravel old pains and help us to stop repeating patterns can be very helpful also.  Therapy is a wonderful choice also, whether working with an astrologer, counsellor, cognitive or holistic worker.  All, can help us to heal the pain from our current and previous lives.

Remember we all find life difficult.  We all have karma and have all come here to learn and rebalance issues from previous lives.  Even those who say they have no incarnated on earth before will have come here with a mission.

We are all magical, spiritual, unique special beings with a chosen path and difficult human emotions!  We are all the same and we are all connected.

Jealous is the perception of separation, but the soul knows we are all one.

Jealousy is the fear of loss, but unconditional love knows we are always connected!

Love is the answer.


If you would like to work with me on a past life issue or current soulmate relationship then can be contacted via my Facebook  or Instagram.

Reiki Blessings~~~