March 26, 2025
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The Powers of Dowsing

The Powers of Dowsing

Dowsing is the art of reading energetic information through a physical implement like a pendulum. We have used dowsing for many centuries to find underground water veins. Water dowsers use simple instruments to identify the optimal location for drilling a well. Even in modern times, with all the technology available to us, many still rely upon the ancient technique of dowsing to source their supply of life-giving water. When it comes to sensing the unseen, certain esoteric techniques still prove more effective than machines. Some consider dowsing to be a gift which an individual is born with or without. While some seem to have an intuitive knack for dowsing, anyone can learn this art, much in the way that we can cultivate musical talent.

Pendulum Power and Dowsing

The most common form of dowsing is done with a pendulum. A pendulum is a simple tool, typically made out of a 2 inch piece of stone, metal, crystal or wood, although it can be made out of any material which can be centered to dangle on a chain.

A pendulum is held over people, animals, plants or objects, and its movements reveal energetic information about the condition of the subject. We can also ask yes/no questions to a pendulum, or hold the pendulum over specialized charts for gleaning more detailed and nuanced information.

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A pendulum is not magical and the actual instrument itself has no power. The power is in the human mind and the pendulum merely helps to focus the mind and provide a physical vessel through which energetic information may be expressed and registered.

The pendulum is a physical locale which manifests information which you already know but may not know that you know. The pendulum indicates in a physical way what you are already perceiving energetically but are perhaps unsure or indeed totally unconscious of. Most of us are not practiced at using our intuitive faculties, and have even repressed them; yet if we extend faith and trust to these parts of our consciousness, we will be amazed at how reliable and far-reaching its information is.

Testing Your Intuition

To become aware of the intuitive faculty which is at work in pendulum dowsing, you can begin to use a simple technique of coin-flipping. As an experiment throughout your day, perform coin tosses about simple choices. Make them actual choices you have to make. You can do this with small things, like where to go for lunch, and bigger things, like steps to take with your clients. Ask a yes/no question, or take two potential courses of action, represent one with heads and the other with tails.

The point of this experiment is not to hand your decision-making over to anything outside of yourself, but to become aware of your own intuitive faculty. Do this by asking a question about a choice and then monitor your reaction to the result of the coin toss.

If you get heads, and you feel disappointed that you didn’t get tails, this is a sign that your intuition is leaning more towards the tails choice.

If you get heads and you feel happy about it, this is a confirmation of your intuition.

It is up to you to decide whether to go with the answer indicated or not; either way, take note of what actually happens. The coin toss method is an excellent way of becoming aware of the energetic information that you are subconsciously registering about your environment and the timelines ahead.

Dowsing: Working with a Pendulum

Just as you build up relationships with people to the degree that you can understand each other perfectly while speaking very few words— or sometimes none at all— so can you can build a relationship with a pendulum such that communication flows seamlessly.

This is, in fact, necessary, if it is to be a trustworthy medium; once you understand one another, it will reveal all kinds of information, the veracity of which will be obvious and provable to you by the results you produce with it. However, if you leave your pendulum in a drawer for months, and then pull it out for the first time to deal with an emergency, you have waited too long to develop your relationship with the pendulum to be able to count on what it tells you.

As you work with your pendulum frequently, you build up an energetic alliance with it. It is as though the two of you live within a field of energy that is accumulating around you; the denser this energetic field is, the more fluently you and the pendulum communicate with one another.

Prepare to work with your pendulum by releasing expectations and rational judgments. Especially when you are starting out, it is good to have a playful and experimental attitude toward your pendulum, remaining open to whatever it has to say.

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How To?

Hold the chain of the pendulum between the thumb and index finger of your non-dominant hand and let the pendulum hang straight down beneath your hand. Hold the pendulum as close to the body or object as possible without touching it.

To calibrate your pendulum, say to it “show me: yes”. Your pendulum will begin to move in a straight line back and forth toward you and away from you.

Cease this movement and let the pendulum hang straight down again. Then say, “show me: no”. The pendulum will begin to move in a circular pattern.

When first beginning your work with the pendulum, frequently ask it to show you yes and no. This is mostly for the purposes of orienting your own rational mind properly to the work you are doing. The conscious mind likes empirical evidence; the more convinced your mind is by concrete, visible proof, the more harmony will prevail within your mind. This state of ease and coherence allows energy to flow more easily, thus revealing the truth more accurately.

Ask your pendulum yes/no questions throughout your day, or hold it over objects like food or books to find the most beneficial influences for you in the current moment. Formulate your question clearly, so that it feels highly charged and active in your mind as you pose it to the pendulum. This will help the clarity and accuracy of your answer.

Make note of what happens when you heed the advice of the pendulum, and when you go against it. Also make note of any erratic movements of the pendulum, and see if you can register what they mean, without searching rationally for the explanation. Let the information reveal itself to you organically.