October 27, 2024
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Signs of the Zodiac

Astrology Today – Get Familiar with the Different Signs of the Zodiac

The Zodiac signs act as like the characters and archetypes to demonstrate why we see things the way we do.

Think of your perception as an office full of people doing things.

You have different departments; one for your ego, your feelings, the way you show yourself to the world. The way you care for people, the way you are with money, tendencies and habits, reactions, etc. (These departments are called houses, but we will go into that later.)

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People who work in these offices are represented by zodiac signs. The zodiac signs have their own little personalities which are put into these departments to make you the way you are.  

For example, if the money department is ruled by Capricorn, this may mean the person has a very hardworking approach when it comes to money and they like to feel as though they have earned it. If the money department is ruled by Gemini however, this person may be very impulsive when it comes to spending money which may not always be such a convenient thing.

I will talk more about how the houses affect things later, but for now, let’s just get familiar with the different signs of the Zodiac. 

All signs have qualities which can be either a strength or a weakness. No trait is an excuse for bullshit behaviors that hurt people. Use what you have as a power for good, not a lazy reason for a toxic trait.


Aries will get shit done in an instant if they’re passionate about it or feels that it needs to be done. The whole attitude is “act now, think later” and if something is of importance and relevance to an Aries, they will feel no fear about doing what needs to be done, and will rarely feel remorse if something that needed to be done caused change or disturbance. Despite the impulsivity, there is often logic behind the madness. Aries are natural born leaders. Aries will not always explain things because if they want something done, they will do it themselves, despite what people may think and regardless of judgment. This is because action and movement are so important to Aries, it feels like an obligation to just get it done for the greater good of everyone involved. Aries have an understanding that what they do will either be understood by others eventually and therefore will not need explanation, or that if an explanation is necessary, they can do it when they have the capacity to explain it eloquently after they’ve done the thing. Things don’t make sense to an Aries when it is too much still.


Being a fire sign, they can also be quite childish in nature by the intensity of their emotion and passion in life. Aries are misunderstood a lot as being cold, bratty and selfish because they get stuff done and lead, but really Aries care so deeply about people and the good of humanity that they feel as though it’s their duty to do what they feel is right despite how it may seem to other people. Aries are usually willing to sacrifice their reputation for what they feel is right, they do everything they do in order to take care of others and lead the pack by example. They have a TEMPER and can be very hot-headed, and they’re usually very creative either in the art sense or in their approach. A sense of humor is very important to an Aries and they look for a person they’re able to laugh and have a good time with, to relieve the intensity of the responsibility they naturally feel (but don’t show to others). If you don’t get on with them, they’ll generally leave you alone, but you’re in their space pissing them off their anger will be explosive. They rarely listen to advice, and instead learn by experience- but if an Aries seeks advice and resonates in it they will be eternally grateful and carry it out with no reluctance. They want excitement, and fire, and fun. If they feel threatened by you, they may go overboard and will struggle to not ‘crush’ you with their fire. If they overreact, they go hard, but it’s usually out of defense. Despite being bold, they are not always extraverted. It’s more a matter of ‘switching it on’ than having it come naturally.


People with Taurus placements have an incredible amount of integrity for their values. If a Taurus values chivalry, or honor, or kindness; they will remain chivalrous, or honorable or kind (at their core) for the rest of their lives- regardless of how they try to act at times. It takes a huge blow to get a Taurus to reconsider their values or change their perception. Taurus can sometimes have a hard time getting their heads around how other people think because their way just makes so much sense to them. Integrity is a very good quality but sometimes when this comes out as stubbornness it can work against a Taurus because they can become stuck in their ways even when their ways no longer serve them. They would rather try to make old ways work than to try something new because the thought of something going wrong scares them to death. Taurus people really love having a safety blanket, they love having a level of security and they need to feel protected because a lot of times Taurus struggle to come to terms with the idea of being vulnerable.


They are incredibly grounded and practical, they seek logic before they go along with things. Taurus love being surrounded by aesthetically pleasing things as it gives them a sense of satisfaction and helps make them feel comfortable. Taurus people will only care about the opinions/beliefs of others if they feel as though it may threaten their safety and security. They can be very guarded, they don’t like showing their emotion too much because it makes them feel vulnerable. They particularly dislike showing anger, so they can tend to bottle up their emotion until one day they are pushed so hard that they just see red. Like the bull, they put their heads down and just charge, they can be incredibly forceful when they feel they need to be.

When a Taurus is committed to something, they will give it their all, which can be one of their best qualities if they are coming from a balanced place with good intentions, doing something for the right reasons. They get very attached to things/people they have somewhat invested themselves in, they are attracted to the values of other people. Though they may not necessarily show it, they find it very hard to let go of things that they have been fond of.

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Gemini placements are usually perceived as being chaotic, or two-faced. They are often judged as being an inauthentic character wearing masks and playing roles to tailor to who they’re around at that moment. Gemini’s change their minds quickly, and they’re constantly reevaluating their standpoints on things and altering their perception. In reality, Gemini placements by nature are so complex and considerate of the way things work both logistically and creatively, that it can sometimes throw them into a state of imbalance and indecision. They have an incredible amount of duality and they pick up on mannerisms/styles of speaking quickly depending on who they’re around. They have a lot of room for character alteration, but this isn’t to say that they’re incapable of being authentic- it just means they’re keen to explore. They are usually the best students (in a conventional or non-conventional sense) because of their keenness to learn and gather information which they deem to be of relevance or interest to them. This being said, a Gemini’s downfall may be overwhelming themselves with options or possible outcomes of scenarios before beginning, meaning they end up just procrastinating and can run the risk of ending up stuck.


Gemini placements tend to get caught up in a chase rather than a step by step mission. Gemini placements are incredibly skilled at being the best and most knowledgeable at what they’re focused on, but it takes a lot to commit to just one focus. It’s not necessarily the idea of commitment that scares them, but rather the idea of being stuck. The idea of mundane routine scares a Gemini, there is a real thirst for adventure and richness of life to some extent with Gemini placements. They’re also incredibly gifted when it comes to sniffing out the finer things in life, but once again this can be a bit of a downfall since if creativity and logistics are out of balance- Gemini’s can be inclined to overindulging in certain aspects of life. A setting or the influence of a person can be incredibly impactful on which side of a Gemini you will see, they can be easily swayed in opinion because of how naturally open they are to possibilities. Then again, in certain areas of life, a Gemini can be incredibly closed off- this is usually due to fears and an instinctual need to protect themselves. Gemini placements do care for others very much, but circumstance sways them more than attachments do for the most part of their lifestyles. A balanced Gemini is usually incredibly intelligent and charismatic.


Cancer is probably the most sensitive out of all the signs, not necessarily in the way that they are fragile but more so in the way that they process and feel things so intensely- and they care so much about things/people. Cancer placements will either be very expressive in their emotion or very protective and guarded of it. A balanced cancer is arguably the most emotionally strong sign in the zodiac because of the way they learn to manage and process such intensity. Cancer will invest all of them into things they commit to, so it’s important for a Cancer to make sure that they are placing their energy in the right place and for the right reasons. Self-care is incredibly important for this sign because it is so easy for them to forget why they’re doing things and end up just sacrificing their own time and energy for the sake of other people’s approval/ happiness.


Cancers can react in impulsive ways based on emotion is thrown off balance and hurt, which can be like an explosion of unpredictable expression. It’s never good to bottle up emotion, so learning how to channel it productively is a big part of a cancer placement’s purpose. Cancers tend to be the best nurturers and teachers because they kind of must get a hold of themselves at some point down the line. When they do, they tend to have incredible amounts of compassion and empathy for those who feel pain because they know exactly what it is like to feel it, and they wouldn’t wish it upon anybody else. If you cross a Cancer, it will take a lot to make it up to them once they’ve realized their worth. Once they’re healed and have overcome their hurt, cancers tend to not hold grudges- but if they see no place for you in their life, they will just end the chapter and move on to the next. Cancers tend to be loyal, and incredibly devoted to their loved ones.


Leos are debatably the most extraverted of all signs in the zodiac, not always in a social sense but in the sense that they are wanting to at least appear like a very attractive, unique and unmissable presence. Appearance is very important to a Leo and it often fuels them; a good appearance/reputation gives them a boost and makes them feel better. Packed with energy, Leos are usually quite light-hearted and like to keep things upbeat. This is not to say they shy away from the darker aspects of life, they will cause a stir if necessary, but Leos usually tend to lean towards humor in most circumstances. Leos have a confidence about them that isn’t always visible but is always noticed, they are self-motivated and usually sure of themselves at the core- hence their desire to convey this so strongly to other people. Leos especially have a hard time being misunderstood.


Leos are constantly needing a project, something which brings them fun and some kind of buzz. I would say they are the life and soul of the party, but although many Leos are very social there are some introverts. Leos are the life and soul of whichever party they choose to be a part of, whichever party they feel as though will give them the most happiness. Wherever they are though, there is a prominent desire to be the best/most visible in the room. Leo cares so deeply for other people that they are willing to go above and beyond any boundary to ensure their loved ones’ wellbeing. Leos make such good friends because of their loyalty, and how much they naturally value those around them. Leos are very grateful for ay genuine, real connection and you’ll rarely have to doubt what you mean to them.


For the most part, when in a good place Virgos give off the most comforting, caregiving and welcoming energy. Virgos are often incredibly hard on themselves because they want to do right by people and do things that they’re proud of. Virgos usually have a lot of integrity for things that they really believe in and are passionate about, they will stand by people and beliefs through thick and thin if they’re truly invested. Virgos are incredibly loving and tend to work better in monogamous situations, with a stable environment. Virgo can develop a habit of putting others before themselves because of how much they want to do things right. They will take others under their wing immediately once they’re convinced that you’re somebody they want in their life. Virgo is usually very private and enjoys keeping to themselves, but they almost need a close-knit circle of people who they trust and love dearly.


They can sometimes lose themselves in wanting to do something to the high standard they hold themselves to. When set on a goal Virgo will not give up unless they’re forced to in one way or another and failure does not sit comfortably with them. They are usually very calm, but their anger and intensity does come out in a subtle way when it can’t be held in any longer. Their negativity is almost always directed at themselves before it is inflicted on other people. Virgo has a gentleness about them and can attract and manifest their desires in an instant, although they like to feel as though they’ve earned something (despite how stressed they can get). When a blessing comes out of nowhere, Virgos have a hard time trying to figure out what to do with it. They’re very very very empathetic regardless of whether they show it or not, so learning to value themselves above all can be quite a challenge.


Libra placements are generally incredibly people oriented. Though not always necessarily a people person, Libras are naturally centered around the buzz of relationships, networking, socializing, learning about/from people. Libra’s are so invested in people because it helps them relate back to themselves. This being said, if a Libra relates to other people in an unhealthy way they can not only be draining and intense on the other person, they can also begin disliking their image/themselves as a result. Libra placements do care about the way they are perceived by others, but perhaps the most important lesson for them to learn would be that other people’s opinions can teach them about themselves without defining them. Libras must perfect the art of not getting so lost in people that they fail to relate back to self.


For the most part, Libras love beauty- or at least what they perceive to be beautiful, and they feel passion towards what they love in a calm way.

Libras value connection very highly. In relationships, be it friendships/ family or romantic, Libras will have a hard time not showing you that they care about you or telling you what they think. A lot of times they will hold back to be diplomatic, although at times they can play up and exaggerate certain aspects of themselves to alter their image. In work, Libras excel at paying attention to detail; although this can sometimes mean they have bad time management or generally procrastinate a lot. They are real perfectionists and can get hard on themselves if things aren’t done in a way that matches up to how they saw it in their heads.


Scorpio is incredibly skilled in the art of transforming things. Scorpio placements will take rock bottom, come from nothing, and turn it all around into having everything and making all their dreams come true. They will see an empty cup, find a way to fill it, and then somehow, they will make enough to share with their loved ones so that nobody will have to go without. Likewise, if you test a Scorpio and make them feel unappreciated, they can (and will) take everything they’ve given you away. It is hard to forget a Scorpio’s impact. You cannot bullshit or lie to a Scorpio placement, they see things for what they are (whether they want to or not) and will learn to embrace both the good and the bad. Scorpio can feel out the truth, and they seek the truth because the truth can be worked with to create.


They wish to make the best out of what they have and though Scorpios feel intensely, they won’t be knocked down for too long before they push themselves to get back up again. It comes naturally to a Scorpio to kind of just know what to do, they are arguably the most innately intuitive sign of the zodiac. Scorpio placements are extremely protective over themselves, and their loved ones- so they tend to not give too much information away. They have an element of mystery to them without even really meaning to, they can be a completely open book, but the mystery lies in the way they think. You always get the feeling that a Scorpio has a plan of action up their sleeve for whenever things go wrong. They often don’t, but things do just come to them. Their mind and their thought process’ are usually incredibly unique, which comes across as captivating to others. They can be incredibly cutting and cold- even over the top and spiteful if you hit insecurity of theirs or if they feel threatened. It’s a Scorpio’s biggest mission to be balanced and fair, they are incredibly powerful but channeling their energy into the right place is something which comes with experience. When a Scorpio unnecessarily hurts others, they’ll reflect on it eventually and realize that they only hurt themselves. Scorpio handle pain like no other, they embrace it in order to heal it and they do this with great strength. They will work for their goals with great logic and intelligence (in their own ways). They are very open to new ways of doing things if they feel it is worth their time. They have an understanding that their desire is already theirs if they just allow it, so although they work, they tend not to go into overkill.


Probably the best thing about a Sagittarius is the way they’re just so pure and honest. They’re filled with intense fire and have an abundance of it, which when channeled positively is the most fun, electric energy to be around- but when it’s negative, it’s all-consuming cynical darkness that makes the Sagittarius depressed and pisses those around them off. If a Sagittarius sun/moon/rising is stuck in a rut and not channeling their energy into getting out of it, you do not want to be around that fucking Sagittarius. When they decide to focus on the good, however, they are fighters and don’t just give up. They may have ups and downs, but they don’t burn out in a hurry. They’re courageous like that but in a subtle way. It may be impossible to be around them when they’re down in the dumps, but this is difficult for those close to them because they are so deeply loved for their pure, childlike and wonderful energy.


Sagittarius’ can be like the sunshine in everyone’s life if they choose to be. They have a go-getter nature when passionate about something and feeling good enough within themselves to commit to it. They’re usually very self-critical but only those who know them deeply will see that side to them. Because of their childlike nature, they can easily be led astray when they aren’t sure of themselves. They feel with great intensity in a burning way, filled with passion. They’re very easily tempted by things which look ‘fun’ at the surface and rarely spare time to investigate the implications or the consequences of their actions. This being said, when they do realize that something may have hurt others feelings, they will take this to heart very strongly because they care so deeply for others and have a lot of empathy- regardless of whether they show it or not. Sagittarius wants to be liked, which may be surprising because of how they act. They are always thinking about that/those which mean the most to them.


Capricorns naturally carry an admirable level of dedication and will remain stubbornly devoted to a concept once attached. The work ethic of a Capricorn is the first thing that springs to mind when I think of this sign, not even always in a conventional sense but just when it comes to matters which they see reason in. It takes a lot to convince a Capricorn and they have to make a conscious decision to let you in and listen to you. Capricorn is incredibly sure of themselves and very protective over themselves/those they care about/ who they listen to and let in. That being said, Capricorn can be very detached because they are so logical, and their main strength is productivity. Most of their energy is channeled into what they can be doing. When a Capricorn cares about something or someone, they will care so deeply for them.


Capricorn gets very attached to projects and seeing the result of what they have started. Despite their protectiveness, Capricorn is very kind- especially when they have no reason to doubt your intentions. Their main attitude is “Let’s get this done” and will think things through and carry out the action in that order every step of the way. Punctuality is just as valuable as quality to them. When sensitive, or when insecurity is hit, Capricorn will cut you off in an instant and can sometimes shoot themselves in the foot by cutting their mouth off to spite their face. Capricorn can sometimes lose sight of the bigger picture and struggle to see all sides of a situation because of their logical and methodical nature. They are far more attracted to rawness, honesty, and realness than elaborate decoration and eye-catching decor.


Aquarius placements are the most eccentric and unique of the zodiac- all in their own way. The way an Aquarius mind works is very curious. In work, an Aquarius needs to really care and be captivated by something to commit to it. It fuels an Aquarius to concentrate on something that they’re good at or feel a sense of purpose doing. When they do eventually commit to an idea, they can excel at it because of how intelligent they are and how knowledgeable they are of this one thing. Aquarius placements are naturally inquisitive, they will think of questions that will rarely cross another’s mind, and because of this, they find it easy to become incredibly knowledgeable of that which they are invested in.


Aquarius are detached humanitarians. They need their space to be able to function at their best and process their thoughts/ be at peace with themselves- but they care deeply for others and usually always have a deep-seated desire to better things and make those they care for happy.

The ability to remain grounded and balance practicality with their wild ideas is perhaps an Aquarius’ biggest challenge. Complying to the ways of the world and not unnecessarily rebelling is a lesson needed to be learned by many Aquarians, as usually, they will only become their own worst enemy by standing in their own way. Networking, asking for help and getting caught up in their own little bubble can also be a challenge, but Aquarians are usually fiercely independent and self-sufficient when balanced.


Pisces have a unique approach to everything they do; their mind is usually very creative, and Pisces is naturally very good at organizing the chaos of their thoughts. Sometimes all they need is some guidance. They are naturally very imaginative, which can help them envision goals and make their wild, dreamy ideas tangible. Pisces placements are usually the epitome of an organized mess.


They have a lot of interest in what they deem to be art, and they excel creatively in a way that is specific to them. Things need to be of interest to a Pisces for them to invest in it. A big challenge for Pisces placements is striking the balance between reality and ideals. A lot of Pisces are more drawn to escapism rather than confronting issues head-on. When a Pisces is balanced, they manifest things without a problem nor a second thought because of their innate knowledge of how to use the conscious and subconscious in harmony. A lot of times they are oblivious to the part they play in their life and the fact that they do manifest and create things so easily, so the ability to examine thought patterns and cycles is particularly important for Pisces. In relationships, they are very committed once you win them over, they are charming and know how to win people over.