Discovering Your Higher Self: Have You Connected Yet?
November 21, 2024 | Jasmine Clandestine
The higher self represents the best version of who we are—a timeless essence. It is the culmination of our past, present, and future, embodying all experiences and knowledge across time. This higher self includes our ego, which, while often misunderstood, holds desires and dreams that contribute to our journey. Our higher self integrates every part of us harmoniously, guiding us toward our unique path. Yet, many remain disconnected from this deeper essence, unable to fully tap into their soul and the spirit realm.
Higher selves often reveal themselves through visions, symbols, and colors, each with a unique story. For example, a person whose higher self appears golden with a radiant sun above may have an inclination toward creativity. This visual cue may indicate their role as someone who brings positivity to others, perhaps through expressive work. Similarly, a person whose higher self appears blue or as a mermaid, might work mostly with the water element. This vision suggests a calling to teach, or heal others, revealing a depth of knowledge connecting to their life purpose.
Today, we’ll explore the realm of higher selves and the journey to connect with them. As above, so below; as within, so without.
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1. Disconnect from the Material World
Connecting with the higher self requires a conscious detachment from the material world. This first step involves seeing physical possessions, roles, and societal definitions as influences, not the essence of who we are. When we stop identifying ourselves by what we think we own, we make space for the higher self to emerge. This shift allows us to live in the physical world while being rooted in a higher perspective, observing life without becoming entangled in it.
To connect with higher energies, we need to activate and nurture our higher chakras, particularly the third eye. By tuning into the third eye, we gain the ability to see beyond the physical realm. Keeping the crown chakra open, allows us to receive higher information, which is translated into visions or dreams. Many have disconnected from the crown chakra or keep it closed, often out of fear or denial of their creator. This disconnection creates a barrier between us and our higher self .
2. Eliminate all Fears
Detachment alone is insufficient if we still hold onto fear, particularly fears related to survival, resources, and death. The root and sacral chakras are often tied to these anxieties, as they connect us directly to our material existence. When these chakras are healed and balanced, our body feels safe and supported. Allow it to let go of its defensive instincts and open to spiritual guidance. Eliminating fear also means releasing old beliefs and realizing that change is not a threat to our well-being. This deeper trust is essential in connecting with the higher self, allowing us to embrace all experiences, knowing they hold purpose—even those we once feared most.
Knowing oneself goes beyond physical attributes; it is about recognizing your essence, as if looking in the mirror for the first time. Imagine being in a different body but instantly recognizing your soul—that essence remains consistent, regardless of external change. This process requires learning to separate what is truly “you” from outside influences. When this distinction is clear, we can recognize our higher self and live authentically, rooted in our unique energy.
4. When Signs don’t appear
If you’ve asked for signs but feel they aren’t coming, it may be time to shift your question. Instead of asking for signs, try asking, “How can I serve?”. Service doesn’t mean having to solve every problem in the world, but rather offering something meaningful back to the Creator. Service can be about connecting with your purpose in a way that benefits others or simply fulfills an inner calling. Some people serve through a high spiritual mission, while others serve through smaller acts that support life around them.
For instance, consider a farm worker who helps grow and nurture plants for a town. This person may not have asked deep, spiritual questions, but their work is undeniably a service. Without them, the land’s vitality could diminish, affecting everyone in the community. Serving isn’t about grandeur; it’s about fulfilling a role that’s instinctively needed and aligned with who you are. Through this approach, the signs we seek often reveal themselves in unexpected yet powerful ways.
Everyone has a specific purpose and calling, and the higher self often communicates this through symbols and talents. Seeing these symbols—whether it’s a pencil, a book, or a specific color—reveals aspects of your inner talents. These signs are not rigid constraints but guiding lights. For example, if your higher self holds a paintbrush or pencil, this could symbolize an artistic gift. Maybe you were Picasso in your past life and now need to continue the mission. Those with a blue or watery presence might be natural healers, mystics, or teachers, understanding the unseen layers of emotion. Sometimes even the best dancers start by being the worst, or blocked by different fears. What if your talent lies on the other side of your current weakness?
Connecting to the higher self is a lifelong journey. As we deepen our understanding, we move beyond surface awareness into true self-mastery. This process helps us integrate our higher self’s wisdom, allowing it to guide our decisions, perspectives, and relationships. This ongoing practice is not about escaping reality but about embracing it with a clear, aligned purpose—led by the wisdom and strength of our higher self.
Im a master in energy healing who likes to write about it and share, so that others become able to heal themselves. Connecting deeply with people's souls, even across different dimensions and past lives, is a gift I'm grateful for.
Moreover, I find it incredibly fulfilling to not only help others but also discover more about myself through the study of our nature and various spiritual patterns. Writing, crafting guided meditations, and building connections with you is what I do!