March 26, 2025
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Love Horoscope:  24 – 30 March 2025

Your love horoscope for next week, when it comes to love, romance, and dating, based on your astrology sign. Select your sign to discover more about your love horoscope:

Aries Love Horoscope

Aries weekly love horoscope

What a week you have ahead of you, Aries. The Eclipse on the weekend is probably one of the biggest cosmic events for you, marking a profound and important new beginning. It’s one that emphasizes how important you are—not your relationships. It’s a time where you, Aries, have to make your mark on the world.

Now, keep in mind that Eclipses, as big as they are, don’t necessarily always unfold on the exact day. Their effects are usually around three months before or after, sometimes with years of aftereffects. So, before you go charging in enthusiastically (and impatiently), wait, Aries. Both Venus and Mercury leave your sign this week, sliding back into a sector of your chart connected to closure and endings. So, as much as you’re raring to go—maybe even quite eager to be single—this is also a time to assess what needs to be cleared so that you can have this new beginning you’ve been waiting for.

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Taurus Love Horoscope

Taurus weekly love horoscope

Your ruler, Venus, heads back into your love-received zone this week, Taurus, perhaps igniting feelings of being truly cherished once again. You’ve probably been a little lonely recently with her transit through the sector of your chart connected to isolation and unrequited love. You’re more than ready for a break, Taurus. Now, open your arms wide and get ready to receive the admiration you’ve been waiting for—that you’ve been yearning for.

If there’s no romantic love in your world at this moment, Taurus—well—then lean on your wonderful friends to fill your cup. Make a special effort to connect to your community this week, Taurus—you need them more than you might think. There may even be an unexpected connection that arises out of your community—something that’s more than friendship, something that shimmers with promise, Taurus. Not that this should be your agenda, of course.

Gemini Love Horoscope

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Gemini weekly love horoscope

This week’s focus, Gemini, is more about the love that you receive—your love language, in other words. Have you ever stopped to consider what makes you feel truly adored, truly seen, truly cherished? Maybe you have, but it’s also possible that it’s all changed now. Honor that change.Don’t be afraid to ask for a new way for your sweetheart to show their care and regard. Maybe them telling you in words isn’t enough anymore—maybe you need something a little meatier, like a gesture or more time together. This isn’t selfish, Gemini—it’s natural and human.

For those of you who are single, this week’s energy brings long, powerful visions, dreams, and goals for the future. This future of yours looks very bright and exciting, Gemini, so step forward and claim it with both hands. Don’t forget to also surrender into what the Universe seems to have in store for you. This weekend’s Eclipse seems to have some tricks up its sleeve, making it important to apply surrender—with or without a partner at your side.

Cancer Love Horoscope

Cancer weekly love horoscope

The week ahead for you, Cancer, is all about what your beliefs are around relationships. What have you been taught to believe? In happily ever after, perhaps? In the magical fairytale? Or, perhaps you’ve been taught the opposite—that love never lasts and that it’s a complete fallacy. Either extreme is not true, Cancer, and you know it. Now’s the time to question everything, and to perhaps forgive any teachers that modeled to you their own wounds and issues in love. You get to change the narrative, Cancer—you alone have that power.

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It may be conducive for you to open your heart to forgiveness and compassion—not only towards these teachers but also towards any ex-partner, anyone who’s ever done you wrong or broken your heart. You’re seeking a higher kind of love this week, Cancer—a spiritual sort of love. The kind of love that fills your cup from the inside out and never runs dry—because it’s all inside of you.

Leo Love Horoscope

Leo weekly love horoscope

Both Venus and Mercury shift back into the realm of your chart connected to intimacy and vulnerability this week, Leo. You’ve been here before. This is why it could feel a little familiar to you. It’s a golden opportunity from the cosmos to come back and finish what you started. This could also be quite literal, Leo. If there is an ending to be negotiated, this would be the time to reflect on that ending even more deeply than before. Is this something that your heart and soul truly desire, Leo? Don’t make any rash moves yet. The combined retrogrades of these planets do speak of caution and possible confusion.

The best way that you can use this energy is to talk openly—from the heart, from the soul. To maybe even shed a tear and show your vulnerability, show your true feelings. Being open in this way encourages the other party—gives them permission, in fact—to open up too.

Virgo Love Horoscope

Virgo weekly love horoscope

Two planets shift into your relationship sector this week, Virgo. One of them is Venus planet of love, and their other is your ruler, Mercury. They’ve visited here before, due to their shared retrograde. What does this mean? Well, Virgo, it means that you’re likely to be the king of an important story. Maybe an ex is coming back into your life. Maybe you’re reconsidering a breakup or perhaps it’s simply a case of revisiting a optic that needs polishing.

The important thing to keep in mind here, Virgo, is not to make the same mistakes as before, and certainly not to think that this is the final decision. Not by a long shot. These planets need to move direct before you can make any choice in the right direction. Treat this as a time to reflect, connect, and maybe even open your heart a little more, Virgo. Forgiveness is possible, you know.

Libra Love Horoscope

Libra weekly love horoscope

There’s just so much action happening in your love sector this week, Libra, that it can feel a little impossible to keep up with. Nevertheless, keep up you must. First up is the New Moon Solar Eclipse, which just so happens to unfold in your relationship sector. This is momentous, Libra. It indicates that there’s something very important about to happen in your love life. If you’re single and yearning, this may be the sign you’ve been waiting for.

Don’t be too impatient, Libra—it could take some time to unfold. Maybe you even have to make space beforehand, clear out a past relationship, or perhaps initiate a split with someone you know isn’t good for you. Only you have those answers, Libra. Trust yourself and don’t waste too much time in indecision. Otherwise, the Universe may just move in and do it all for you. You also have Neptune heading into this same sector on Sunday, revealing who is your true soulmate—and who’s taking you for a ride. Stay awake. Cultivate boundaries.

Scorpio Love Horoscope

Scorpio weekly love horoscope

The arrival of both Venus and Mercury in your romance sector this week takes you back to a precious moment in time, Scorpio. Just a few weeks ago, these two planets were in this sector, perhaps reflecting a deeper kind of love—a more selfless love, a forgiving love, a gentle, sweet love. A vulnerable love. There may have also been confusion, vagueness, and maybe even an element of over-sacrificing.

Now, with these planets arriving again, there’s the opportunity to go right back to the drawing board, Scorpio. To rehash these feelings, these conversations. Yes, an ex may come back. Does it mean you need to go there? Not exactly. What it seems to mean is that you need to forgive, let go, surrender, and remember your boundaries. Only give your heart to those who deserve it the most. Your love is so precious—deep, loyal, and everlasting. It’s a gift. Be discerning.

Sagittarius Love Horoscope

Sagittarius weekly love horoscope

There’s a powerful New Moon Eclipse unfolding in your romance sector this week, Sagittarius, so mark your diary and get ready. It’s going to be a wild one. Those of you who are already in a relationship—well—this is bound to bring along some wonderful surprises. Maybe you’re finally ready to start that family you’ve always dreamed of. Maybe you’re about to embark on a passion project of some kind. Maybe your heart is just going to explode with pure, deep love.

On the other side, for single Sagittarians, this could be the cosmic moment you’ve been waiting for. In the last few months or perhaps in the coming few months, you’re about to embark upon a whole new journey of the heart. Into the heart, so to speak. Yes, Sagittarius, this could certainly mean you are about to fall heedlessly, recklessly, madly in love. Neptune’s arrival here also tends to manifest the dream—as long as you’re sure to keep your feet on the ground.

Capricorn Love Horoscope

Capricorn weekly love horoscope

This week sees the foundations beneath you starting to move and groove, Capricorn. On a physical level, this could mean that you’re about to change your home, for example—you and your sweetie. If a relocation has been calling your names, this is the moment to make it happen. Well, in the next few months—there’s no rush, Capricorn. There is also the energy of endings present—whether that means the ending of a domestic chapter, the end of a relationship, or simply the end of a story you’ve been dying to get over and done with.

It may also be that your sweetheart is ready to move with you, start a family, or otherwise get a little deeper into your world and your life. Or perhaps you’re the one deciding to cohabit with them, Capricorn. It’s all very ‘fated,’ so don’t waste too much time thinking about this. Go with the flow. Surrender. Communicate how you’re feeling.

Aquarius Love Horoscope

Aquarius weekly love horoscope

The time has come for you to rest in your truth, Aquarius, whatever that truth might be. It’s all about honesty, you see. If there’s something you truly like, that your heart is speaking to—well, now’s the time to express yourself. Write a letter, sing a song, pen a poem. Or just pick up the phone and call them. Even better, go for a coffee date. Face-to-face is intimidating, yet at the same time, it’s also empowering.

If you’re already with someone, the same applies: communication, communication, communication. Just talk about it, Aquarius. It’s your love language, after all. It’s also important that you value yourself at the moment—the planets are arranging themselves in such a way that the more you prioritize yourself, your desires, your needs, the more partners will respond to that, and you’ll get the kind of relationship you deserve. Finally, Aquarius—remember your boundaries. You don’t have to bend over backwards to show your love.

Pisces Love Horoscope

Pisces weekly love horoscope

Venus and Mercury arrive back in your sign this week, Pisces, reflecting a return to feeling desirable, yummy, and eager to show your love through your words. You’ve been working hard on your self-esteem lately, and it shows. Now comes the time to exude that confidence and see what it does for your romantic world. You’re glittering, sparkling, and glowing. Your divine compassion and unconditional love are apparent for everyone to see. You’re in a space to love yourself harder and deeper than ever before. You are your own greatest love, Pisces. Can you see that?

Try not to please others to win their approval for you to feel validated. Earn your own admiration, and you’ll be all set, ready to go. Moving on, there seems to be some powerful energy gathering in your self-worth zone still—energies that should have your self-esteem growing enormously over these coming months.



By Margarita

Margarita Celeste is a passionate, practicing Astrology & Tarot Teacher and Consultant living in sunny Cape Town, South Africa. She has been interested in the deep symbolism of the stars and planets ever since she can remember and specializes in Relationship and Psychological Astrology. You can reach Margarita via her website: