January 4, 2025
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Love Horoscope:  30 December 2024 – 5 January 2025

Your love horoscope for next week, when it comes to love, romance, and dating, based on your astrology sign. Select your sign to discover more about your love horoscope:

Aries Love Horoscope

Aries weekly love horoscope

It’s a whole new year, Aries. As the first sign of the zodiac, there’s really nothing more you love than a brand-new beginning. Whether it’s in love or in some other area, you’re ready—charged up and firing! So, what does the last day of 2024 and the first few days of 2025 say about your love life?

Well, Aries, firstly, you can celebrate the move of Venus, the planet of love and relationships, into a sector of your chart connected to spirituality. This means that your current connections are likely to take on a very soft, gentle, transcendent feel. You’re more inclined than usual, Aries, to sacrifice anything and everything for your sweetheart. For those of you who are single, this transit may bring about unrequited love, which could be sweetly painful for the next few weeks. On Thursday, Mars, your ruler, meets Pluto in opposition, warning of power struggles and drama. Aries, don’t be a bully—and don’t give into bullying, either.

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Taurus Love Horoscope

Taurus weekly love horoscope

This week sees the move of your ruler, Venus, into a whole new sector of your astrology chart, Taurus. The focus leaves your professional relationships (and any flirting that’s happened there) and shifts to the love you feel toward your community and friends. Whether you’re single or in a relationship, you might find, Taurus, that your people—your tribe—are the ones who are going to fill your cup of love. Lean into them, Taurus. This is even more welcome if you’re single, of course. A mild word of warning: if you find yourself falling in love with a friend over the next few weeks, well, that may be what’s meant to be. Just don’t idealize them too much, Taurus. You may find that once the fantasy wears off, you’re left with disappointment.

Now, this sector of your chart is also connected to the love you receive from others. So, Taurus, if your honey is showering adoration and love on you, accept it with all your heart. Luxuriate in their love and passion.

Gemini Love Horoscope

Gemini weekly love horoscope

The second-to-last day of the year offers a beautiful new beginning when it comes to love and relationships, Gemini. The New Moon in your intimacy and sharing sector paves the way for you and your sweetie to get even closer in the months to come. What’s more, you seem to be working together in a way that’s very practical, down-to-earth, and even materially focused. Maybe it’s a case of you and your honey enjoying starting a business together or finally getting to a point where you’re merging your finances and resources. It’s been a journey to get here, Gemini. It’s required you to drop your fears and shed your armor. And it will still be a journey going forward, so keep this in mind. The deeper you dive into your material situation, together, the deeper your emotional connection will get.

For those who are single, the move of Venus into the most visible sector of your chart allows you to enjoy a time when everyone wants a piece of you, Gemini. Enjoy the attention.

Cancer Love Horoscope

Cancer weekly love horoscope

This is a really important week for you when it comes to love, dating, and romance, Cancer. There’s a New Moon in your relationship sector, setting you up for a period of deeper connection over the next several months. Now, obviously, this applies if you’re already in a relationship—it’s the type of energy that could see you becoming even more deeply committed to one another in the next few months. Maybe you’re starting a professional partnership. Maybe you’re getting engaged. Maybe you’re just becoming exclusive. Whatever way this unfolds for you, Cancer, it’s bound to go very well indeed.

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Now, for those of you who might be single, this is even better news. The next few months seem to open up opportunities for you to meet someone who could have long-term potential, Cancer. The energy right now is highly supportive of the right connection coming along. What’s more, you seem to be very oriented at the moment towards meeting someone on the same spiritual level as you.

Leo Love Horoscope

Leo weekly love horoscope

There’s a little bit of challenge lying ahead of you this week when it comes to love and relationships, Leo. You see, the planet Mars is still sitting in your connection sector, revealing a period of tension and conflict, as well as passion. Now, this Mars happens to oppose Pluto this week, opening up a window of time where there’s intense anger, frustration, and even power struggles, Leo. Your sweetie may not mean to come off this strongly, but they are, and it’s a problem for you. You’re not someone who can be pushed around or dominated easily, making it important to stand your ground.

Yet, Leo, there’s also some room for compromise and meeting in the middle. Really listening to your partner now will work wonders. Maybe they’re trying to control you due to a deep fear of losing you, or perhaps they’re triggered in some way. See if you can open up space for deeper vulnerability and sharing, and then, perhaps, you can negotiate. It’s not going to be easy, Leo, but it will be rewarding.

Virgo Love Horoscope

Virgo weekly love horoscope

This is a sweet week ahead for you, Virgo. You have the move of Venus, planet of love and relationships, into your romance sector, where she’ll be staying for a few weeks. This is a once-a-year visit, making it essential for you to enjoy her gifts to the absolute fullest. Being someone not inclined to fairytales and romance, this transit is probably going to make you wonder if, maybe—just maybe—the fairytales and romance are exactly the route to take. Suddenly, you’re seeing your honey in a whole new light. Nothing they can do is wrong. In fact, everything they do is just perfect. They’re undoubtedly going to love your newfound unconditional acceptance and pure love.

In other news, Virgo, there’s also a brilliant New Moon in your romance sector, an energy bound to generate a wonderful new chapter in your love life. If you’re single and hoping to meet someone, this may well be the signal from the Universe that you’re ready—more than ready. If you’re already with someone, this is also going to ignite a wonderful new journey together.

Libra Love Horoscope

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Libra weekly love horoscope

Love is full of ups and downs this week, Libra. Firstly, your ruler, Venus, moves into a new sector of your chart on Wednesday, shifting the focus from all-out romance and dating to how you navigate each and every day together. From the phone calls to the texts, to the way you tackle household tasks and duties—these and more are likely to take on greater importance and meaning. The good news is, Libra, that these little things are going to feel absolutely wonderful. Washing the dishes with your honey has never felt so meaningful.

Now, on the other side, there’s also a Mars-Pluto opposition unfolding in your relationship sector—in your dating sector, more specifically. This does, unfortunately, ignite a kind of war, possibly even abuse, as you and your honey go at it with each other. Be extremely careful of surrendering your power, Libra. People-pleasing is not going to serve you. Find a way to compromise.

Scorpio Love Horoscope

Scorpio weekly love horoscope

You’re in for a lovely week, Scorpio, as the planet of love, Venus, glides into your romance and dating sector. This is her first visit in about a year, igniting all kinds of fluffy feelings inside of you. You wouldn’t call yourself someone easily swept away, yet under her influence, in the sign that she’s in, Venus is going to ignite inside of you all the mushiness that you can possibly hold, Scorpio. Love truly is a delicious blend of fantasy and reality over these next few weeks. You’re willing to savor more than usual, in a way that doesn’t seem at all toxic. It’s beauty, Scorpio.

Single Scorpios, this week and beyond offer a wonderful opportunity for you to connect with people who resonate with you on a soul and spiritual level. There’s opportunity to really get up close and personal, even in a casual situation. Sure, you may be projecting a dream onto this person, but it’s not necessarily a negative thing. Just keep one foot in reality, and you’ll do just fine.

Sagittarius Love Horoscope

Sagittarius weekly love horoscope

Watch your words this week, Sagittarius; they have enormous power to heal or harm your relationship. If you say something, make sure you really mean it. Don’t use your words to control a situation. Not that you usually like this, being the honest, open, and direct sign you are.

Yet, the cosmic influences suggest that even you may be tempted to underhandedly shift the narrative to suit yourself. Yes, this may sound harsh, but the reason for this is likely much less dark than you think. You’re not a bad person at all. In fact, you’re a very good human, Sagittarius. You may just be afraid of your power being stripped from you. We all tend to resort to harsh tactics to protect ourselves. When you realize this, Sagittarius, your energy softens. You attempt to reach a compromise instead of wanting to have all the power. After all, winning isn’t always what it’s cracked up to be. The New Moon on Monday does help you build a stronger sense of self-worth and confidence for these next few months, Sagittarius.

Capricorn Love Horoscope

Capricorn weekly love horoscope

There’s a New Moon in your sign this week, Capricorn. How exciting! What does this mean for you? Well, it means there’s a wonderful new journey ahead of you. A personal journey of deeper self-development and growth. It’s time to put yourself first, Capricorn. Your relationships can wait for a change. The emphasis is on ensuring you are feeling strong, confident, and capable in the coming months. If that means going on your journey solo and letting a relationship fall by the wayside, Capricorn, then so be it.

There are certain aspects suggesting that a power struggle may be at play this week, particularly when it comes to money. Yet, this power struggle may reveal deeper issues, Capricorn. The way you handle this—the way you repair conflict—is going to be the key to your success later down the line, relationship-wise. If you can find a way to meet in the middle and be deeply vulnerable, your relationship will emerge all the stronger for your efforts, Capricorn.

Aquarius Love Horoscope

Aquarius weekly love horoscope

This week may prove a little challenging, Aquarius, as planet Pluto, currently in your sign, aligns to Mars in a powerful, intense opposition aspect. Being a free spirit yourself, your motto is usually ‘live and let live.’ With this motto, you grant yourself and others the freedom and acceptance to be who they are. You seldom bother to control anyone.

Yet, for some reason, you may feel a deeper urge to control a relationship, to impose your will on someone. Why? Well, perhaps you feel bullied, Aquarius. Maybe you’re feeling as if you’re not seen enough. Yet, fighting fire with fire may not be the best way to go about this. Maybe the best way to handle the crisis brought about by this alignment is to angle yourself towards creating a situation in which you can both compromise. It’s possible, but it will take seriously letting both of your defenses down, whether with an existing lover or an ex.

Pisces Love Horoscope

Pisces weekly love horoscope

Pisces, this is the week that Venus enters your sign, and this improves your life in ways that you could never have anticipated—including your love life. Under her influence, you’re even more loving than ever. You’re open, eager to please, eager to love and be loved. Your energy is magnetic, sensual, and soft, making you feel and appear even more attractive. Single or involved, love impulses for you over the next few weeks make it easy to attract it toward you.

The only warning with this alignment, Pisces, is not to fall into patterns of over-pleasing or dependence on love. Love can also be an addiction, so make sure you’re still honoring your own needs and boundaries, not letting down your entire guard just for the sake of being adored. Fill your own cup with self-love, and the rest will naturally fall into place. There are lovely new beginnings for those of you who are partnered—new goals, a new direction, new ways of falling in love.



By Margarita

Margarita Celeste is a passionate, practicing Astrology & Tarot Teacher and Consultant living in sunny Cape Town, South Africa. She has been interested in the deep symbolism of the stars and planets ever since she can remember and specializes in Relationship and Psychological Astrology. You can reach Margarita via her website: margaritaceleste.com.