Your love horoscope for next week, when it comes to love, romance, and dating, based on your astrology sign. Select your sign to discover more about your love horoscope:
Take advantage of the sweeter, more romantic energies unfolding in the earlier part of this week, Aries. Venus and Mercury join up in your very own sign, and even though Venus is retrograde, it’s still an energy that’s likely to have you enjoying flirty moments and sexy, saucy banter. The words you use now are likely to lure in anyone who has caught your eye. They won’t be able to resist your advance—and nor do they want to. Even if you’re in a long-term relationship, the energy between you should be hot and spicy, as if it was the first time you met. Your ability to take the lead is the most attractive thing about this entire alignment. Your hunter’s side is here to stay, at least for now.
Now, by the latter part of the week, things might go a little awry, what with the retrograde of Mercury in your sign. Because you’ve been feeling so confident, you’re likely to potentially overreach yourself and say something you perhaps shouldn’t have. Watch those words, Aries.
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Taurus Love Horoscope
The connection of your ruler, Venus, with Mercury this week may invite all kinds of delicious thoughts and conversation, particularly those conducted behind closed doors. Now, careful, Taurus.This retrograde may end up in tears if you follow your lust rather than your heart and intuition. The retrograde of Mercury in this sector at the end of the week also speaks to secrets unspoken and words unsaid. It may be better to wait on your relationship decisions for a hot minute, Taurus. After all, you are renowned for your patience.
Now, the Lunar Eclipse is an especially important one for you. It unfolds in your romance sector, perhaps ringing an end to a particular relationship cycle that’s been ongoing for a little too long. You might even be asked to choose between friendship and dating, Taurus. This should be an easy choice for you, being one of the signs ruled by Venus, lady of love. Nevertheless, be prepared to make a sacrifice. Eclipses have a way of giving with one hand whilst taking with the other.
Gemini Love Horoscope
This week’s Lunar Eclipse shines a light on your personal life, Gemini. It may mark a climax in terms of your living situation—maybe you and your honey will be moving in together, for example, or buying your very first home. Or, it could signify the final ending of a certain situation, where you’re moving out or selling your home together. Either way, Gemini, this is a release. It’s a period of letting go of what used to be and embracing what is. Even if positive developments are unfolding, it seems as though you’ll be called to release something—whether it’s traits, independence, or something else. Staying open, flexible, and willing to surrender is what will help you make the most of this period.
Single Geminis, this is a week where an old friend may come back into your life—someone whom you perhaps never saw as anything more than a good buddy. Yet, there could be something slightly different about them now. Should you go there? Perhaps. But don’t buy into anything until the end of this month.
Cancer Love Horoscope
Eclipses are always a huge time for you, seeing as they are connected to your ruler, the Moon. This particular Eclipse seems to revolve around the way you’re communicating and thinking, which, of course, is a big component of any healthy relationship. You may be bouncing between choices right now, which may or may not involve your sweetheart. In any case, remember to talk. Share what’s going on for you. You tend to withdraw into your shell and lock people out, expecting them to approach you. This may not be the case, so say something. It will prevent a whole lot of heartache.
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If you’re single, then this is a great week, Cancer. — there’s an opportunity to perhaps travel or study something that’s close to your heart. If you were in a relationship, maybe you wouldn’t have the opportunity to do this. There’s always a silver lining, as they say. Embrace the growth that’s waiting for you.
Leo Love Horoscope
This week seems to be focused on personal freedom,Leo. As one of the signs that rules romance, it may be sometimes hard to accept that this is the phase of your life right now, especially if you happen to be single. Yet, the more you allow yourself to grow and expand, the readier you’ll be for
the right relationship when it does arrive. And, if you’re already in a relationship — well — you’ll just end up being that much more attractive to the person who is already in your life.
In fact, if there’s a way you could plan an adventure together, such as some travels, for example, this could be the week to begin. Mercury’s retrograde may put a spanner in the works, so remember to check and double-check all details. Try not to steal the entire show, Leo. It’s great that you’re such a leader, but remember to give other people airtime, too.
Virgo Love Horoscope
This week’s Lunar Eclipse is in your very own sign, Virgo. What might this mean for you? Well, it’s almost certainly going to be concentrated on your relationships. See, the Sun is falling in your relationship sector, highlighting a possible push and pull effect on your connections. At ‘worst,’ this may indicate a split, yet one that is fated, that is meant to be. If you find that your relationship ends, Virgo, keep in mind that this is meant to be and that it’s creating space for someone else to come into your life. Maybe not right away, but at some point.
This Eclipse may also bring along a deeper commitment, especially seeing as Saturn, the planet that creates the ‘glue’ needed for people to stay together, is involved with the Sun. As such, you could end up moving in together, getting engaged, or even trying for a family, Virgo. Big things are happening, that’s for sure.
Libra Love Horoscope
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Tuesday sees the uniting of Venus, your ruler, with Mercury in your relationship sector, Libra. This brings a highly communicative and flirtatious energy into your connections in the coming week. It’s easy to fall under someone’s yummy spell — a current lover or maybe someone brand new. They know exactly what to say to ignite a fire in you. Just be mindful, Libra, that you’re not falling too deeply into them. That you’re not falling for what seems like face value — great packaging, but not much else underneath. Your greatest weakness, at times, Libra, is the tendency to look at people on the surface. Go a little deeper.
If an ex reappears in your world this week, Libra, be mindful of going back. There’s an impulsive energy going around at the moment, which could have you ending up feeling regretful. Instead, see what they’re trying to teach you. Notice the urges within yourself. You can always control how you react.
Scorpio Love Horoscope
The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse just so happens to touch on one of the sectors in your chart linked to romance. The effects may unfold in a number of ways: you could end up meeting someone significant in these next few months, or it’s a case of letting go of a partnership that’s not going anywhere. Remember, Scorpio— you’re someone that needs commitment and depth. If you don’t get this, you’ll lose interest.
Other decisions may also come to light — decisions such as, for example, wanting a child together. Or, perhaps you’re eager to solidify your connection and take it to a new level. There will be something to release, Scorpio — and maybe the Universe will do it for you. Maybe a dream, a goal, or a passion. This will make space for the love you truly want. Then, this doesn’t feel like a sacrifice anymore, Scorpio. Instead, it feels like an honor.
Sagittarius Love Horoscope
The alignment of Venus and Mercury in your romance sector this week is everything, Sagittarius. Unfolding on Tuesday, it’s exactly what anyone would want for a hot, spicy, fiery connection. It’s all going to be down to the language you use. How you speak, what you say, and how you say it. You’re probably going to be even more impulsive than usual, Sagittarius, which does make for some very interesting banter between you — whether that’s with a new partner, your existing love, or someone completely new.
Now, just keep in mind, Sagittarius, that because Venus is also still retrograde here, you’re probably dealing with issues connected to commitment, or you’re having experiences of exes coming back into your life. Maintaining a light, not too serious approach is what will get you through, as well as not leaping in or making promises too quickly. Mercury will soon be retrograde here too, which could end up complicating things.
Capricorn Love Horoscope
This week is all about your home life, Capricorn. It’s a period where, on one hand, you could be feeling way more loved up than usual with your sweetheart. Yet, there’s an edge too. Tuesday sees you being able to talk about it, to deal with it in a way that benefits you both, particularly if it’s related to a family issue.
However, come the weekend, Mercury’s retrograde here could put you in somewhat of a tailspin, so be warned, Capricorn. You can’t take back what you say in a moment of anger or rage. Don’t burn your bridge with your honey. Think carefully and be careful of dragging up the past to make your point. It won’t be worth it. Listen carefully. Pay heed. Ask to be heard. Don’t stand for attack. This doesn’t have to be a rehashing of your past — remember that, Capricorn. If you find a past pattern repeating, you have the power to change it by making a different choice.
Aquarius Love Horoscope
This week boils down to communication, Aquarius. Being someone quite detached and usually incredibly rational, you may surprise yourself by the words that emerge from you. Heated words. Sexy words. Staccato words. Defensive words. Impulsive words. You get the idea. Tuesday, at least, sees those words being used in love, spiciness, and flirtatiousness. This is the perfect time for a hot date or to reach out to someone you have a crush on. Use it well, because by Sunday, things go topsy-turvy with Mercury’s retrograde in your communication sector. That will probably have you saying all the right things at the wrong time, or the wrong things at the right time. Tame your tongue, just for these next three weeks, Aquarius. Use that famous rationality of yours. Be a little detached. It’ll serve you.
If you’re single, focus on building your sense of self-worth with this week’s Lunar Eclipse. This helps you get set up for the right sort of relationship. Maintain your financial independence too.
Pisces Love Horoscope
This week’s Lunar Eclipse is a big deal for you, Pisces. It illuminates your relationship area enormously, allowing for an old relationship to simply drop away so that a new one can arrive. This could be a long process, Pisces, so don’t expect everything to happen in a day or a week. If you’re single, you may find a new connection comes along, one that asks you to prioritize yourself while still maintaining a connection. Balancing self and others is never easy for anyone, Pisces, least of all you, being such a romantic, self-sacrificing sign. Yet, to fall into these patterns of self-service is simply not a healthy state for you. This might be what the Eclipse is trying to teach you.
The truth is, because of the Saturn-Sun connection, you’re very likely to stand by yourself, to choose yourself, to be in your truth. Your greatest commitment is to you, Pisces. You are the longest relationship you’ll ever have. Honor it.
Margarita Celeste is a passionate, practicing Astrology & Tarot Teacher and Consultant living in sunny Cape Town, South Africa. She has been interested in the deep symbolism of the stars and planets ever since she can remember and specializes in Relationship and Psychological Astrology. You can reach Margarita via her website: