March 28, 2025
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Halloween Rune Reading

Halloween Special: Real Rune Reading for Each Zodiac Sign

The word ‘rune’ comes from an old Norse word ‘runa’ meaning a secret. The runes were the 24 letters of the ancient Norse alphabet, known as the Elder Futhark, but the runes were also used for psychic divination and in magical work.  Many words in modern English (eg: Fee, Day, Answer, Need, Lake, Hail, Ice) derive from these ancient letters, which in turn came from language roots shared with ancient Greek.

A rune reading can be done to answer questions related to zodiac signs and their natural elements.

Norse Mythology

The Elder Futhark Alphabet

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Public Domain: The Elder Futhark Alphabet

What we know of Norse Mythology comes largely from the Eddas, two collections of writings from assorted anonymous writers, dating around 1250 CE.

According to the elder of these, the Poetic Edda, the greatest god, Odin, obtained the secrets of the runes via Yggrasil the Great Ash Tree which connected the Nine Worlds of the Cosmos. Odin hung upside down nine days and nights on Yggrasil, not eating and drinking, tormented by thirst and a self-inflicted wound in his side, until at last he received a vision of the runes, and reached inwards to seize them.

He studied further with his wife, the goddess Freya, pictured here driving her chariot drawn by cats. Freya was the most powerful practitioner and teacher of shamanic Norse magic, just as in real life Norse society, a war chieftain’s wife was given the job of being a veleda – prophesying the outcome of any military action, and performing magic to help her husband succeed.


Public Domain: Freya

All Hallows Eve, Halloween or Samhain is a Gaelic custom, not Norse.  The Norse peoples did mark this time of year although in a different way, with Álfblót – the Elf Ritual.

Elves were associated with burial mounds (also known as barrows) as it was believed that they lived in or around them, and more than this, elves were associated with the souls of the dead. Since the dead were sometimes referred to as ‘elves,’ Álfblót was rather like a pagan Day of the Dead.

Like the modern Halloween, Álfblót originally marked the general end of autumn, although it may technically be celebrated on any day around this time. However, in recent years, it has been predominantly practiced on or close to 31st October (Halloween/Samhain).

Traditionally, Álfblót almost certainly involved animal sacrifice, (blood) Records suggest this may even have been a (highly valuable) bull. It was intended as a sacrifice to the elves, asking for protection from the ancestors. Connected with this, the elves were also associated with fertility.

A chief difference here is, unlike Halloween/Samhain, Álfblót was not a community celebration. It was a private ritual performed at the homesteads. Only local people were welcome, and strangers were not permitted to take part or even watch.

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How Is A Rune Reading Done?

There are various ways of reading the runes, but our reader has used one of the oldest known methods. The reader has drawn a small circle on a piece of black cloth. The runes (pieces of polished, engraved haematite) are placed in their protective pouch and shaken. The reader asks her question, “what is the message from the runes for the subjects of the cardinal Fire Sign, Aries?’ and so on, repeating this process for each sign of the zodiac. Then she scatters the runes across the cloth. Which rune or runes have fallen within the circle? If more than one has landed there, which has landed most centrally? These are the runes containing your message for this mysterious time of year, All Hallows Eve – Halloween when the veil is thinnest between worlds.

It is important to note, as a matter of historical accuracy, the Norse rune seers did not work with the signs of the zodiac. They thought in terms of natural forces and creatures, the mystic power of the natural elements: Earth, Air, Fire, and Water, but our modern rune reader will here do both.

Runes for the Earth Signs

Taurus – your rune is Ehwaz (Horse)


Advice:  This is a positive rune of steady, if gradual progress, and indicates changes for the better coming up around the end of October if not actual travel.  Ehwaz urges physical movement. Go walking or running or dancing. Whatever you like, but move that body. The horse represents a vehicle, and that vehicle is you but may refer to your means of transport, a car, bus, motorbike. Pay all due proper care and attention to vehicle maintenance. This is a time for teamwork, pulling together as one at work and at home, but you may also feel a need to start something new on your own, to expand your horizons and make new contacts.

Virgo – your rune is Uruz (The Auroch)


Advice: The Auroch is an ancestor of the first domesticated cattle, a fearsome animal known for its courage and great physical power. Here, the Auroch is you.  You must take action if you want to turn cherished hopes into reality. Do not underestimate yourself, and your power to forge ahead and overcome obstacles. Show you really mean business, a way is cleared. An extra application of willpower will pay off dividends, and you also excel in detail. But- there is a ‘but’…you need to pace yourself. Coughs and sneezes spread diseases. Avoid crowds. Take proper care of yourself this month.

Capricorn – your rune is Kenaz (Beacon)


Advice:  Seize the day, set the alarm a little earlier, be a morning person if you aren’t already, and see how that works out for you. Kenaz is a fire rune and the rune of sunrise. It brings a steady light and heat to bear, with change for the better. Kenaz shines a new light on things and is THE rune of study and learning. Learn something new. This is the rune of artists and craftspeople, welding inspiration and skill, and regarding romance. Kenaz is a masculine rune with charisma. You may meet a new man or make a fresh start with an ‘old’ one. Kenaz is a positive, protecting rune.

Runes for the Air Signs

Aquarius – your rune is Laguz (Water, Lake)


Advice:  Change is happening in you, deep down and hidden, maybe even from yourself, though you may remember vivid dreams and feel these contain a meaningful message, and probably, they do. Notice your rhythms and moods, and work with your own natural flow as far as you practically can.  Try not to over-think things. Do what you need to do, but without over-working, and for optimum performance, stay adequately hydrated. Nutrients in sea salts, bath salts, and sea-foods may be especially beneficial to you at this time.

Gemini – your rune is Perthro (Sanctuary)


Advice:  This rune is about mysteries and secrets, occult abilities, and sometimes a religious or spiritual belief. You may have vivid dreams or psychic experiences. There may be some strange experiences this month. Hidden things may come to light, which you may not entirely welcome.  Your home is your sanctuary, a place in which only trusted friends should be invited. Guard and protect its security, comfort, happiness, and privacy. But don’t hide in there. No hiding from an inconvenient truth, either. If something isn’t working, then it hasn’t been working for a long time. Face it. What have you been refusing to face? How can you make it work better?

Libra – your rune is Eiwaz (The Yew)


Advice:  The rune of the Yew tree is a symbol of age, endurance, death, and eternal life. The path is hard at times, but do not fear the future. You are strong and adaptable, and an honest man can be relied on for help. The Yew is about transformation and testing, stripping away that which is worn out, making way for strong new growth. This is a good time to review what is nourishing to you and what is not. Aches and pains? Investigate, hydrate, perhaps adding bath salts to your bath, adding good oils to the diet, fish oils, culinary argan oil, olive oil, flaxseed oil, etc. But above all this month, get rid of junk, review and renew.

Runes for the Fire Signs

Aries- your rune is Gyfu (Partnership, Gift)


Advice:  This rune is about give and take, sometimes love and romance leading to marriage, or a conversation leading to the signing of a contract. X marks the spot. We get the sign of the kiss from this rune. You honor your obligations and tend to be generous. But you too, are owed obligations. Watch those who don’t keep their end of the bargain, and if they give less, then you give less. People depend on you, and it is not lazy or selfish to keep up your own strength and rest when you need to.

Leo –your rune is Ingwaz (Earth God)


Advice:  This is the rune of all things masculine and also the warmth of the home and the hearth fire. Stay close to your roots. It is a good idea to keep things simple as possible this month, avoiding any unnecessary complications, and no upping the ante. This is a good time to tie up a few loose ends on something and get ready to move on. There’s a lot on your plate, and a lot of work to do, but you need to put your feet up at home, and in the longer run that is a necessity, not a luxury.

Sagittarius – your rune is Dagaz (Dawn or Day)


Advice:  A new day dawns. Look and you will see opportunities as well as hurdles. This month looks like a good time to embark on a new enterprise or a journey. There may be a major shift or breakthrough of some kind, and it is almost certainly for the better, especially if you have been stuck in a rut, or unwell, or struggling with a stubborn problem that just won’t go away. It can be resolved. Research brings new and useful information to light. Dagaz promises brighter times not far ahead.

Runes for the Water Signs

Pisces – your rune is Mannaz (Mankind)


Advice: Mannaz is the rune of human intelligence and the rational mind. This rune is particularly beneficial if you are contemplating academic studies, skills-based tests and any contests of an intellectual nature. This is a powerful rune of law and order. Proceed in an orderly, organized fashion, keeping others on board. This is a great rune for networking and getting support and co-operation on shared tasks. You behave well towards others and are well-liked in return, and the runes are holding you protected.

Cancer – your rune is Thurisaz (Thorn, Giant)


Advice:  Change is afoot, and this may mean some tricky moments. It is best not to start fights, but if you do, then you had better finish them properly.  This is a challenging rune of attack and defense but is also a lucky rune for some, especially anyone about to sit exams. For couples trying for babies, it may be of interest to note that this rune is particularly associated with male fertility and an increased chance of fertilization. For many Cancerians there will be some kind of good harvest coming soon, the delivery, birth or arrival of something longed for – but you worked for this. It has been earned, not simply given.

Scorpio –Your rune is Berkano (Birch)


Advice:  This is the rune of the family home, all things feminine, and birth, and it bodes well for your happiness, prosperity, and the blossoming of a creative endeavor. It may also suggest a new love coming into your life, sometimes foreshadowing birth literally, and motherhood. Beyond this, it speaks of personal growth. A child becomes a ‘mother’. Even if your own home life growing up was not always easy or happy, you can ‘mother’ whatever in life you most deeply care about. You can be the birch tree. You can be the start of something happy, and that is also happiness. Home is where the heart is, but you can be your own best friend, and right at home with yourself, wherever you are.

The rune crone calls down upon all readers the blessing and protection of the mighty protection rune Elhaz, the Elk or Sedge.
