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The Buck Moon Illuminates the Night on July 21, 2024

The phases of the moon captivate observers with their fascinating astronomical behaviors and serve as rich sources of thought and interpretation in Astrology. Among the nine phases – New, Waxing Crescent, 1st Quarter Half, Waxing Gibbous, Full, Waning Gibbous, Last Quarter Half, Waning Crescent, and Balsamic – the New and Full Moons command the most attention. This article will examine the current Full Moon and discuss the emotional “harvest” you should gather during this lunar phase. Let’s have a look at this Full Buck Moon…

Full Buck Moon – Reap What You Have Sown!

The Full Buck Moon for July will occur on the 21st at 29 degree and 08 minutes in the sign of Capricorn. In my Eastern Standard Time zone it will happen at 6:17 am. This will be the second Full Moon in Capricorn this year.


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It takes 29.5 days from one Full Moon to the next, spending approximately 2 and ½ days in a sign. The day before and the day after comprise the peak time of the Full Moon energy. The Full Moon is the time of “the harvest”. What began with the New Moon reaches its full potential before waning, fading, and preparing for a new cycle.

This Full Moon is the “Buck Moon,” named after male deer whose antlers are in full growth during this period. Alternative names include the “Thunder Moon,” due to frequent thunderstorms, and the “Hay Moon,” marking the hay harvesting season. These names reflect traditional observations tied to nature’s rhythms. Therefore, they honor agricultural cycles and seasonal changes that were crucial for early societies’ livelihoods.

Several special types of Full Moons exist: The Blood Moon occurs during a total lunar eclipse. A Supermoon occurs when the Moon is full and closest to the Earth. The Blue Moon, often referred to as “once in a blue moon,” is the second Full Moon in a calendar month. It occurs once every 2 and ½ years. Or, the Blue Moon is the second Full Moon in the same astrological sign.


Full Buck Moon in Capricorn – Attaining Your Emotional Goals

This Full Moon will take place in the 3rd decan (last 10 degrees) of Capricorn, making it a Capricorn/Virgo Moon. Therefore, the planetary influence involves Saturn, the ruler for Capricorn, and Mercury, the ruler of Virgo. During the Full Moon in Capricorn/Virgo, the desire to explore and expand in matters of the heart gains intensity. Capricorn’s influence encourages disciplined growth, ambition, and practicality. Virgo’s influence encourages taking practical steps, being of service, and using precise communication.

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We strive for emotional maturity, seeking stability and long-term fulfillment. This lunar phase prompts us to navigate through emotional challenges with resilience and emerge stronger. As we embrace Capricorn’s energy, we open ourselves to commitment and responsibility in love. We need to embark on a journey toward self-mastery and understanding.

With this Full Moon at 29d08m, the Sabian Symbol is 30 Capricorn, “A secret business conference.” Marc Edmund Jones says, “This is a symbol of the momentary background in human relations as essentially the product of current activities and attitudes, and of a determination to capitalize on any given situation through effective allegiances among the principal personalities involved. The emphasis here is on man’s desire for an inner circle of associates through whom he may exercise a real control over immediate eventualities, and on his realization that in this fashion he may monopolize the resources of his fellows.” The key word is: OPPORTUNITY.

The Number of This Full Moon

This Full Moon will occur on 07/21/2024, which totals 18, which reduces to 9. In numerology, the number 9 represents completion, wisdom, and humanitarianism. It embodies a synthesis of all previous numbers’ experiences and energies, symbolizing spiritual enlightenment and compassion. Under the number 9, we possess a strong desire to help others. We want to achieve personal growth and contribute to the greater good, reflecting a deep understanding of life’s interconnectedness.

In numerology, when a Full Moon occurs on the 21st day, it reduces to the number 3. Three symbolizes creativity, communication, and growth. Hence, the number 3 urges us to express ourselves creatively, communicate openly, and embrace personal expansion. This energy inspires us to tap into our imagination, share our ideas, and pursue a journey of self-discovery. It’s a time to cultivate innovation and connect with our inner vision.


The Full Moon and Your Sun Sign

During a Full Moon, the energy aligns with the zodiac sign it occurs in, influencing individuals of each sign emotionally. This alignment triggers a range of feelings, from a sense of culmination to heightened emotions and a call to action. Therefore, it prompts reflection on the sign’s associated areas of life, fostering self-awareness, release, and initiation of new endeavors. How the Full Moon aspects natal planets in a birth chart influence individual feelings for each of us.

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  1. Aries: The Capricorn Full Moon enhances ambition, prompting Aries to set strategic goals for personal growth.
  2. Taurus: This Full Buck Moon focuses Taurus’ ambition, inspiring them to make wise decisions regarding personal finances.
  3. Gemini: The Capricorn Full Moon urges Gemini to strive for new intellectual goals, fostering a desire higher professional development.
  4. Cancer: This Full Moon energizes Cancer’s ambition, concentrating on strategic family and home-related goals.
  5. Leo: The Capricorn Full Moon sparks creative ambition, motivating Leo to set bold performance goals.
  6. Virgo: This Full Buck Moon drives Virgo to work on important practical outcomes, focusing on health and routine.
  7. Libra: The Capricorn Full Moon encourages Libra to re-balance relationship goals, where needed, prioritizing fairness and stability.
  8. Scorpio: This Full Moon pushes Scorpio to disrupt stagnant relationships, driving deep emotional growth and healing.
  9. Sagittarius: The Capricorn Full Moon inspires Sagittarius to act on beliefs that push personal growth and expansion.
  10. Capricorn: This Full Moon amplifies Capricorn’s ambitious career and personal achievement goals.
  11. Aquarius: The Capricorn Full Moon challenges Aquarius to be even more innovative with social goals for collective progress.
  12. Pisces: This Full Moon in Capricorn prompts Pisces to push spiritual and creative goals for greater intuitive growth.

If you were born during a Full Buck Moon, you will feel every Full Moon in some significant way. Because, it aligns with your birth Moon phase. It’s worthwhile to find out the Moon phase at your birth. Learning your birth Moon phase will reveal that the same phase each month strongly impacts your emotional state.