March 26, 2025
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Your ascendant, or rising sign, represents the mask you present to the world and the initial impression you give to others. It influences your appearance, attitude, and how you approach new situations. Learn more about the Ascendant/Rising Sign in Taurus.

Chart Ruler: Venus
Element: Earth
Tarot Cards: The Queen of Pentacles and the Empress
Zodiac Sign Symbol:


The First House is the House of the Self. It is “home” to your personality, character, manners, style, temperament, and (in classical astrology) physical characteristics. Since this House leads the chart, it has a special designation and is also known as the Ascendant and/or Rising Sign. If your Ascendant/Rising Sign is Taurus, then you have an Earth Sign overlaying a Fire House. Below is the chart layout showing how you will be influenced on your twelve quests based on the Signs that rule each House, as determined by your Ascendant/Rising Sign.

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A Blank Chart Modified 02 Taurus 1st

The Chart Ruler

Each sign has a ruling point. The planet Venus rules Taurus. Because of the special nature of the Ascendant/Rising Sign, the point ruling the Sign that overlays the 1st House becomes the ruler of the entire chart. Someone with Taurus on the Ascendant/Rising Sign will have their identity guided by the energy of Venus, wherever it appears in the chart.

As an example, consider a person who has a Taurus Ascendant/Rising Sign and Venus in Gemini, which would put Venus in the 2nd House of Resources. This individual will work to get his or her needs met through communication, most likely teaching, counseling, or managing information for others. This person will work to build a comprehensive network of friends, co-workers, repairmen/women, neighbors, and “known associates” to establish and maintain his or her security.

The Quest for Identity

Taurus Rising individuals prefer security and safety, so they present as steadfast and are perceived as reliable.

According to Jodie Forrest in her book, The Ascendant:

This man or woman has reached an evolutionary stage where he or she must present an earthy, solid, commonsensical, and centered face to the world. (96)

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Once they establish themselves, they are hard to move and prefer to put roots deep into the ground, the family, and the community. They are naturally conservative regarding money, time, and life philosophy, preferring tradition as a foundation for their beliefs and guiding principles. Routine and consistent expectations give them considerable joy.

Present Positively As: Steadfast | Negatively As: Stubborn

Perceived Positively As: Reliable | Negatively As: Stubborn

Creativity and Mastership

The Signs ruling the creative (5th) and mastery of knowledge (9th) Houses are Earth Signs also, so this individual will be practical, ambitious, and steadfast when it comes to their own performance (Virgo on the 5th House) and authority (Capricorn on the 9th House). If they have any points in these Houses, there will be an increased emphasis on creativity, travel, scholarship, and worldly experience, which they will achieve with a stable, persistent identity (Taurus).

The need to see and produce results about what interests them is paramount. If there is no way to get their inspiration out into the world, they will not have any energy for work, the pursuit of knowledge, or relationships.

Finances, Work, and Career

The Signs ruling the finances (2nd), work (6th), and career (10th) Houses are Air Signs, so this individual will be thoughtful and strategic about what they need to feel secure at home (Gemini on the 2nd House), skillful and helpful (Libra on the 6th House), and ambitious and successful (Aquarius on the 10th House). If they have points in any of these Houses, there will be an increased emphasis on material success, which they will achieve with reliability and consistency in their thinking (Taurus).

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They need to be employed in marketing and social cohesion roles in an organization, where they can be the “glue” that keeps everyone connected. This chart layout is excellent for a human resources manager or security manager; after all, what better way to succeed than to make sure the company is secure and stable.

Communication, Relationships, and Community

The Signs ruling the communication (3rd), relationship (7th), and community (11th) Houses are Water Signs, so this individual will have empathy and intuition as a communicator who loves learning (Cancer on the 3rd House), easily understands the motivations of others (Scorpio on the 7th House), and wants to know where he or she can best fit into community and society (Pisces on the 11th House). If they have any points in these Houses, there will be an increased emphasis on intellectual development and the pursuit of wisdom, which they will seek with a conservative, traditional identity (Taurus).

They need to have emotional and vulnerable relationships with caring and compassionate people. They are cautious and strong-willed, valuing feelings above all else in communication situations. If you want a safe harbor to be vulnerable, these individuals will take care of you.

Feelings, Intimacy, and Spirituality

The Signs ruling the feelings and family (4th), intimate partner (8th), and spirituality (11th) Houses are Fire Signs, so this individual will have inspiration and creativity regarding family and emotional development (Leo on the 4th House), transformation with an intimate partner (Sagittarius on the 8th House), and his or her search for purpose and faith (Aries on the 12th House). If they have any points in these Houses, there will be an increased emphasis on emotional development, intuition, empathy, and sympathy, which they will pursue with a practical, steady identity (Taurus).

They need creative, romantic emotional relationships with equally romantic and creative people. Their stable and reliable personality can help them navigate and overcome emotional struggles because they are willing to outlast any problem or difficulty. If you want someone with emotional passion and excitement, these individuals will “light you up” if they commit to you.

Archetypes for this Ascendant/Rising Sign

(From – The Ascendant: Your Rising Sign by Jodie Forrest)

This person has come into the world wearing the mask of the Earth Mother/Earth Father, the Indigenous Tribesperson, the Pagan, the Sensualist, the Farmer, or Salt of the Earth. Other images might include the Ecologist, the “Totem Animal”, the Granola Person, or the Field Hippie. Lower-level manifestations of this Sign’s energy might include the Stubborn Mule, the Arch-Conservative, the Lazy-Bones, and the Materialist. (96)

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