April 1, 2025
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The Astrological Associations with the Pentacles Suit

The Astrological Associations with the Pentacles Suit of the Minor Arcana

The last suit of the Minor Arcana of the tarot that will be looked at along with its astrological associations is the Pentacle suit, which is sometimes called the disks suit. This suit is what governs the physical and material aspects of life such as physical health, finances, large or small purchases, and any type of materials. It can also represent ego and self-esteem.

With that said, it is not a hard guess that the Pentacles would be associated with the earth element. The signs that are associated with this suit are Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. Now let’s look at the astrological associations with each of the cards in this suit.

Ace of Pentacles

This card is associated with all of the earth signs, Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. It rules new financial, business, or career opportunities, or manifesting abundance. This means if this card comes up and you have been saving up for a new home or car, for instance, that is a good sign.

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When this card comes up in reverse, it can indicate an opportunity that was lost or something that was poorly planned.

Two of Pentacles

The Two of Pentacles is associated with Capricorn in its first decan, Jupiter. When you see this card in a reading, it can indicate that you need to prioritize your tasks and need to work on time management skills. It definitely shows that there are several things to juggle and if you need to delegate, then do so.

When this card shows up in reverse, it can mean that you are committed to too many things and are not organized.

Three of Pentacles

The Three of Pentacles is associated with Capricorn in the second decan, Mars. This card shows up in a reading when there are teamwork and collaboration involved, as well as learning something new, or implementing something new. Creating a joint venture is a good example of what this card represents.

When it shows up in reverse, it is a sign that there is disharmony, not being aligned properly, and working by yourself.

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Four of Pentacles

The Four of Pentacles is associated with Capricorn in the third decan, the Sun. And when this card shows up, it is an indication of saving money, being frugal, and being secure. It sometimes shows up as a warning not to be cheap.

When it shows up in reverse, it can indicate being cheap or overspending which depends on the spread.

Five of Pentacles

The Five of Pentacles is associated with Taurus in the first decan, Mercury. This card shows up when there has been financial loss, debt, or it can even indicate poverty. It can also indicate that someone is thinking in a lack mindset and there is worry over money,

When it shows up in reverse, it can either indicate that someone has recovered from financial loss or that a debt has been paid off, or it can also indicate that there is no spiritual connection. That will depend on the spread.

Six of Pentacles

The Six of Pentacles is associated with Taurus in the second decan, the Moon. This card shows up when you are either giving generously to a charity or you are having money coming to you through a donation. It is all about sharing the wealth regardless of you are the recipient or the one who is donating.

When this card shows up, it can indicate giving to a ‘charity’ that may be a scam or you have debts that have not been paid up. It can also show someone who owes you money that has not paid you back yet.

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Seven of Pentacles

The Seven of Pentacles is associated with Taurus in the third decan, Saturn. This card shows up when there is a long-term gain for finances such as investment or perseverance. For instance, if you have just started a business, it will take time for you to see the fruits of your labor, but the message is to not give up even if you don’t see a financial gain yet.

When this card shows up in reverse, it is an indication of not seeing the big picture when it comes to investing or establishing a new business. This can cause someone to want to give up. Or it may indicate that you had invested in something that will not serve you in the end.

Eight of Pentacles

The Eight of Pentacles is associated with Virgo in the first decan, the Sun. This card shows up whenever there is an apprenticeship involved, and you are honing your skills to improve them, so you become a master. You may have to do tasks that are repetitive, but practice creates excellence.

When this card shows up in reverse, you may be having unrealistic expectations of yourself and are expecting perfection. Excellence is possible, perfection is not and that is important to remember.

Nine of Pentacles

The Nine of Pentacles is associated with Virgo in the second decan, Venus. This card shows up whenever financial abundance has been achieved which is always good to see. It can be a card that indicates luxury or financial independence.

When it comes up in reverse, it can indicate getting lost in work or workaholism.

Ten of Pentacles

The Ten of Pentacles is associated with Virgo in the third decan, Mercury. This is a card that represents wealth and being financially secure. It is a card that also shows that success has resulted in long-term contributions and dedication.

When this card shows up in reverse, it can represent greed or financial loss, similar to the Five of Pentacles.

Page of Pentacles

The Page of Pentacles is associated with the earth element, and this card comes up whenever there is a financial opportunity, an opportunity to develop skills, or manifesting abundance. This can also represent youth with these qualities or that has an earth sign.

When it is in reverse, it can indicate procrastination, no progress or learning from failure.

Knight of Pentacles

The Knight of Pentacles is associated with fire and earth and represents productivity, hard work, and keeping a productive routine. It can also represent a young adult or a teen with these qualities or that has an earth sign.

When this card shows up in reverse, it may represent the feeling of stagnation, boredom, and being a perfectionist, which is never good.

Queen of Pentacles

The Queen of Pentacles is associated with fire and earth and represents being a working mom, nurturing, and contributing to the family financially. This can also represent a woman with these qualities or that has an earth sign.

When this card shows in reverse, it can indicate a conflict that involves work and home. Perhaps it is a stay at home mom that wants to go back to work but is stuck due to the high cost of daycare. That is one example.

King of Pentacles

The King of Pentacles is associated with fire and earth and represents a business leader, wealth, being secure, discipline, and the manifestation of abundance. It can also represent a man with these qualities or that has an earth sign.

When this card is in reverse, it can indicate stubbornness and someone who is obsessed with wealth for the wrong reasons.

This sums up the pentacles, as the previous articles do as well of the astrological associations with the other suits of the Minor Arcana. When you think of each of the cards in the Major and Minor Arcana, you can then understand how the astrological associations do match with the meanings.