October 18, 2024
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Retrograde Planets in Your Natal Chart and Past Life Karma

Retrograde Planets in Your Natal Chart and Past Life Karma

Whenever Mercury goes into retrograde, you are feeling dread because that is the time when things ‘go wrong’, but do they really? Whenever there are planetary retrogrades, there are lessons that they bring out to you. This is why it is always wise to slow down in an area of life that the retrograding planet rules.

The reason that many people are annoyed with Mercury going in retrograde is that our lives are based on communication, thoughts, using power and appliances, transportation, and just getting around. Mercury rules everything that is relevant to that which is why when it is in retrograde, that stuff becomes interrupted.

When that is interrupted then so are our lives. However, retrogrades are a time to slow down, evaluate, tie up loose ends, and make plans without executing them. Now that retrograding planets is the main focus, do planets really go in retrograde? Do they really go backward?

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No, but they appear that way and so does their energy. You also may have wondered if there were any retrograding planets during the time of your birth, and if so, what that means. Let’s talk more about that.

Retrograde Planets in Your Natal Chart and Past Life Karma

It is extremely rare for anyone to be born with no retrograding planets or all planets in retrograde. On average, people are born with anywhere between 2 to 3 planets in retrograde as can be seen in their natal chart. Those who don’t follow or believe in astrology wouldn’t give it a second thought for obvious reasons. However, those who do follow astrology or who are open to it will want to know more about why certain planets are retrograde in their charts.

There is an astrological significance as to why certain planets are in retrograde and others are not. Planets that are in retrograde at the time of your birth represent the energies that you need to focus on more due to the fact that they are felt within as opposed to influencing you externally.

Whenever energies are felt mostly within from birth (which you would remember feeling from your childhood), it can represent karma that is not resolved from previous lives. Planets in retrograde in your natal chart have that significance. They represent some of the past life karma that you are facing in this lifetime due to the fact that you had chosen to resolve them before your current incarnation.

The type of karma that you are having to face is represented by the planet that is retrograde. Let’s go over the planet or planets that were in retrograde during the time of your birth and learn about the type of issues you need to resolve from your previous lives.

Mercury in Retrograde

Mercury goes retrograde several times a year. If you were born during one of the times that Mercury was in retrograde, you may find that life is somewhat easier for you while it is challenging for others. That is because you understand the energy very well. You may also have a fear of saying the wrong thing and speaking up.

Speaking in public is not something you are comfortable at all doing. Many people have the fear of speaking in public but in your case, the idea of it makes you sick. There is a karmic reason to have Mercury in retrograde in your chart.

That is due to the fact that you may have misused your power of communication or analysis to cause problems for a large group of people. For instance, you may have told some lies that in the end hurt many people. However, in order to rebuild your belief in communication firstly believe in your communication skills. Write articles, start a blog, or do some vlogging. Focus on any type of creative outlet.

Venus in Retrograde

Anytime Venus goes into retrograde, the truth about your relationships comes to a head and it is never a good idea to start new relationships. If you were born with this planet in retrograde, maintaining relationships may be a big challenge for you. You desperately want to have a love life, but you also don’t know what you are looking for in that.

The karmic reason is that in a previous life, you and your lover were separated by forces that were not within your control. Therefore, you never were able to move forward and develop any new relationships. Therefore, this is a painful area of focus. It may have been a Romeo and Juliet type of situation, for example.

You may also be struggling a lot with self-love. The way to help work with this is by making a list of what you really want in a relationship and don’t rush into it until you know exactly what you are looking for. And make a vow not to bow out of commitments either if a relationship you are in becomes serious.

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Mars in Retrograde

Whenever Mars is in retrograde there is an imbalance between anger and not being forceful enough. You can get overly aggressive and at the same time not be assertive enough. This is something you struggle with throughout life. You struggle with anger that you have a difficult time controlling, then you feel very guilty about losing control of your anger. In fact, you feel a lot of shame.

Perhaps in a previous life, you were either a slave that was full of resentment but never spoke up due to fear. Maybe you were a soldier or someone who was expected to commit physical atrocities by a master or the government against your will. You were never able to forgive yourself for that.

The way to help resolve this is by actively getting involved in charities by doing physical work which will help you channel your energy in a positive way.

Jupiter in Retrograde

Whenever Jupiter goes retrograde, money may be tighter, and you may be questioning your beliefs and knowledge. If you were born with this planet in retrograde, then you may have struggled to believe anything that you were taught in school. You also may be the type to follow beliefs that are not conventional, but you are also afraid to talk much about them. You sense they will not be well-received.

It is possible that in a previous life you were either shunned by society or left yourself due to the fact that you held beliefs that were not popular. Maybe you were a mystic and also kept your beliefs inside due to the fear of being alienated or persecuted.

The lesson in this life is to trust your own beliefs and talk about them. You never know who really could benefit from what you have to tell them. Write a blog about it. Expect some criticism but also you could help a reader out a lot!

Saturn in Retrograde

Whenever Saturn is in retrograde, you are feeling as if old projects don’t get finished easily and you are working hard without accomplishing much. When you have this retrograde in your chart, you struggle with anyone who has an authority position such as a boss or your father. You resent being given orders, but you reluctantly abide by what they say.

In a previous life, you may have been a slave, or you may have been abused and even tortured by those who held you captive. Or any type of authority figure did terrible things to you and you did not speak up and allowed to be bullied and dominated. You worked and worked without any reward. Therefore, you do not have any respect for authority figures, but you are afraid to go against them.

Being assertive is a lesson to be learned and also realize that your accomplishments and hard work are something you must be proud of. If you are being bullied by a boss, be assertive but in a respectful way and make it clear by not tolerating it. Go to upper management to speak up as well.

Uranus in Retrograde

Whenever Uranus is in retrograde you feel big unexpected changes happening within. If you were born with this planet in retrograde, you struggle to conform in any way, and you are extremely high-strung. You refuse to follow any type of familial tradition.

As much as it is a good idea to be yourself and do what is right for you, you need to conform to a degree in order to have some structure. A lack of structure that is of your doing has wreaked havoc in your life.

In a previous life, you may have rebelled against the rules and risked your life by doing so. Maybe the reason was altruistic such as hiding Jewish civilians in your home during WW2, for example. But regardless of the reason, you had gone against whatever rules were set by the government or by your family.

You purposely rebelled. You may have also led rebellions that involved a large group of people that ended up failing. What you need to focus on is that you should always be yourself and be proud of who you are and what you have become, force yourself to compromise, and follow some rules.

Neptune in Retrograde

Neptune in retrograde may help bring out some extra creativity but can hamper your ability to function in the real world. Those who have this retrograde in their birth charts may be the type to daydream to the point it is maladaptive. This can cause them to struggle in the real world.

Some may have struggled with drugs and alcohol but not all. However, those with this retrograde can be quite eccentric and do not like society’s expectations. In a previous life, running away from responsibilities is something that those with this retrograde have done.

Maybe one married someone rich and lived a decadent life without working as a result, for example. The best thing to do is to harness the power of creativity while applying it to living in the real world.

Pluto In Retrograde

Pluto in retrograde is a time when inner transformations take place, and if they don’t, then they are forced upon you once the planet goes direct. If you were born with this retrograde, then you struggle when it comes to trusting the world and even yourself. You alienate yourself as a result.

Perhaps in a previous life, you were ostracized and blamed for something you did not do, and no one supported you. You had to live with the percussions of the community being against you. You may have been wrongly convicted of a crime and only you were the one who knew you were innocent whereas no one else believed you were.

It is important to trust yourself and those who you know for a fact have your back because someone out there does! Retrograde Planets in Your Natal Chart and Past Life Karma are significant. Therefore, that does not mean that if you have no planets in retrograde you are free of karma.

If you are here, you have karma. The Sun and Moon never are in retrograde and have their own significance when it comes to past life karma as well.