March 30, 2025
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Love Horoscope:  31 March – 6 April 2025

Your love horoscope for next week, when it comes to love, romance, and dating, based on your astrology sign. Select your sign to discover more about your love horoscope:

Aries Love Horoscope

Aries weekly love horoscope

Cosmically speaking, it’s a quiet week ahead, Aries. Your ruler, Mars, does seem to be dabbling with most of the planets, including a sextile to freedom-loving Uranus, a trine to grounded Saturn, and a trine with romantic Venus.

Although none of these aspects unfold in your love sectors, they’re still bound to bring some level of excitement and passion in your connections. The sextile to Uranus might be particularly fun, especially if you’re eager to break out of a domestic routine and try something new and different. Whatever gets the two of you out of the house is likely to bring a sense of freshness to your relationship. The Venus-Mars trine is also yummy, bringing you right back into your home and stoking the fires of romance in your very own doorstep. So for this weekend, Aries, just be together, snuggled up in a cozy nest. If you’re single, make this a time for self-love.

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Taurus Love Horoscope

Taurus weekly love horoscope

This could be a very exciting week, Taurus. The multiple links to Uranus in your sign indicate a great balance between freedom and connection. In fact, one might even say that the love you’re receiving at the moment is giving you the wings you need to fly. When we have that wonderful safety, we create the perfect atmosphere for exploration. Remember to be grateful for what your partner offers, Taurus. They’re there to support you, encourage you, and enjoy your flight. Never take them for granted.

What’s more, Venus, your ruler, is connecting to Mars this week in a very passionate trine aspect. This highlights the pleasure you gain from clear communication around your shared dream and vision for the future. Uniting with your sweetheart in this way feeds your soul, Taurus. You both seem to be very excited about what’s ahead of you, which only serves to stoke the fire of your passion even more.

Gemini Love Horoscope

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Gemini weekly love horoscope

Most of the cosmic action this week isn’t unfolding in any of your relationship sectors, Gemini. How does this feel for you? At first, it may read as disappointing, but as you get more comfortable with the idea, you realize that this could be very freeing for you. Sometimes, we need to take the focus off love so that we can bring that focus back toward ourselves. Not only towards ourselves, but also towards our work and purpose.

With this in mind, Gemini, what is the work that you are here to do, and how can you pour more of yourself into that? Because you know what? The more you focus on filling your own cup, the better it’ll work out for you in terms of love and relationships. People will find you that much more attractive, more desirable, more magnetic, when you are doing what you love best. It’s a win-win situation, Gemini.

Cancer Love Horoscope

Cancer weekly love horoscope

This week feels yummy, Cancer. As you know, Mars is currently in your very own sign, reflecting a high-energy, sexy, warrior-esque attitude. Sure you’ve had your moments of being confrontational and perhaps downright sulky, but at the same time, your magnetism is stronger than ever. With this week’s Mars aspects – a sextile to Uranus, a trine to Saturn, and to Venus – you’re all systems go.

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The sextile to Uranus lends you the ability to enjoy a certain sense of freedom in your relationships. A desire to perhaps take a chance or explore new ways of connecting, new avenues. The trine to Saturn and Venus – seeing as they’re both in the same spiritual sector – allows you to deepen your connections and perhaps bring a more soulful energy to your bond. Maybe you’re even determined to make a travel dream happen – together. Go for it, Cancer. The stars are fully on your side. The Universe is geared for you to make more meaning out of love.

Leo Love Horoscope

Leo weekly love horoscope

This week sees a deep dive into your inner world, Leo. Yes, you love being on a stage and prancing around. You love to be seen. You love to show your lovers off. You’ll come back to this energy, so don’t fret. For now, focus on what’s going on for you behind the scenes. What’s on your heart? What patterns are you striving to break that are beginning to finally come to light? You have the power to break these patterns, Leo, if you give it your best shot, that is. It’s imperative that you don’t bury your desires and needs, only taking care of others’, and thus becoming resentful and sulky. This isn’t a good look on you, and you know it.

Now, it’s not all doom and gloom, Leo. There’s definitely light on the horizon: the connection of Venus and Mars assures you of intimate moments. These intimate moments may develop as a result of you potentially letting down your guard and allowing yourself to be safe and supported – financially and in other ways.

Virgo Love Horoscope

Virgo weekly love horoscope

Saturn and Venus are currently co-present in your relationship sector, Virgo. This is a delightful mix of romance and commitment—just the ingredients you need to make a relationship feel successful and magical. Sure, Venus is retrograde, which does bring up some past patterns around love. If an ex is in the picture, Virgo, ask yourself what’s being played out. Be careful of self-sacrifice.

Nevertheless, the aspects seem pleasant enough for you to enjoy your relationships and even experience a deeper sense of passion. There’s certainly a lusty energy available, coupled with the desire to make things more solid, more explosive. Your conversations will pave the way, Virgo. So will your willingness to share a dream or vision close to your heart at the moment. Don’t be afraid to be a little vulnerable, Virgo. By doing so, you give permission for others to do the same thing, to open up and share what’s on their hearts, too. Once you’ve done that, the passion will build to a fiery inferno.

Libra Love Horoscope

Libra weekly love horoscope

This week’s astrology, Libra, is all about the daily grind. But not in a negative sense—not at all. In fact, the daily grind may be precisely what’s needed to ground and stabilize your relationship. Tend to the small things together, Libra—make lovely dinners, do the washing up together, have a glass of wine at the end of the day. This is what will bring you the greatest connection and pleasure as a team. You’ll probably find that doing all of these little things will bring you closer than ever, possibly even stirring up passion and a deeper sense of romance, believe it or not.

For single Librans, work may be the perfect hunting ground this week. At the very least, you seem to be sending all kinds of sexy signals to the world out there. And it’s working, whether or not you’re actually trying. Enjoy the limelight, Libra. You don’t have to pursue anything—unless you want to.

Scorpio Love Horoscope

Scorpio weekly love horoscope

This week’s aspects are great for your love life, Scorpio.They all fall in your romance sector, igniting all kinds of possible experiences for you—from excitement to a deeper emotional connection to stability. It seems as though you’re striking the difficult balance between freedom and commitment, which is not easy to do, Scorpio. It’s taken quite some time. Years, perhaps. You’re beginning to now (finally) see the results of your extra hard work. Now, you get to reap the rewards, Scorpio.

What’s more, the link of Mars and Venus this week also goes a long way toward improving the physical side of your bond. You may experience greater passion than ever, Scorpio, especially as a result of you leaning that your relationships are not just about self-satisfaction—they’re about growth and spiritual connection. When you realize this, everything grows a hundred times sweeter and deeper. Just the way you like it.

Sagittarius Love Horoscope

Sagittarius weekly love horoscope

This week’s energy is somewhat about endings, Sagittarius—the ending of a pattern, perhaps, the ending of a long romance chapter that could have been holding you back. The end of tumultuous, intense emotions, where you can finally be at peace. Maybe your ex is finally moving out. Maybe you’re eventually getting that settlement you’ve been waiting for. Perhaps you’re selling your old marital home.

These things can stir up grief, of course, but they can also bring a much-needed sense of closure. Besides, Sagittarius, you’re not one to wallow in the muck for very long, are you? You always manage to see the silver lining, no matter what. But even so, make sure to feel your feelings. When you feel, you heal. You let go and make space for better things to come. And if this is not at all your experience this week, Sagittarius, maybe for you, it’s just about being alone and falling in love with yourself for a hot minute.

Capricorn Love Horoscope

Capricorn weekly love horoscope

The link of Mars in your relationship sector to both Saturn and Venus feels very, very good for you, Capricorn. It feels like passion. It feels like the dissolution of tension. It feels like letting go, just a little. If things have been quite emotional in these last few months—which it seems that they have been—then this is a great time to make some peace. Not only will you make peace, Capricorn, but it seems you will make love, too—in the literal sense and in the heart sense. The kinds of conversations you’re going to have can only lead to good things. You’re working as a team, and it shows.

If you’ve been looking for a deeper commitment, this is a good time to make it happen and to have ‘that’ talk, Capricorn. If you’re wanting to work on a long-term project, it’s a perfect moment for that too. The sense of both freedom and stability feels oh-so-good.

Aquarius Love Horoscope

Aquarius weekly love horoscope

This week has almost nothing to do with love, Aquarius. Some weeks are just like that. So for you, it’s best to focus on your own happiness, joy, and ease. What fills your cup at the moment? Are you getting your daily needs met? Could you reach out and ask your sweetheart for a cup of tea to support you while you get your finances in order and your projects lined up? Remember, Aquarius—if you don’t ask, you don’t get. Simple as that. Resentment isn’t a good look on you, so don’t be passive-aggressive or expect others to be mind-readers.

For single Aquarians, you seem to be drawn towards those who you might work alongside or those who you’re sharing a project with. This could have been building for quite some time already. You’ve seen their skills, Aquarius, and you like it. There could be something here for you.

Pisces Love Horoscope

Pisces weekly love horoscope

Pisces, it seems as if you’re stepping up and taking responsibility for your relationship. This is very good for you—to take charge, that is. You know what you want, and you’re creating the right kinds of boundaries in order to get your desires met. Relationships will therefore become so much more solid, not to mention passionate. When you feel safe, Pisces, all kinds of delightful explorations might happen.

Plus, you have the ongoing transit of Venus in your sign, which can only do you good. It makes you more attractive, more desirable, more lovable, more yummy. Everyone wants a little piece of you at the moment, so make the most of it. Feel free to be picky. Have a laundry list, if you like. You deserve only the very best—the one who steps up and shows you how much they’re willing to go the extra mile to be with you, Pisces. That’s how much you’re worth.



By Margarita

Margarita Celeste is a passionate, practicing Astrology & Tarot Teacher and Consultant living in sunny Cape Town, South Africa. She has been interested in the deep symbolism of the stars and planets ever since she can remember and specializes in Relationship and Psychological Astrology. You can reach Margarita via her website: