What You Do When You’re Alone At Home, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
November 16, 2024 | Miriam Rachel
You love your friends, and you love spending time with your partner, but sometimes you need to have that time alone in your home to be free. You need that time to be at home by yourself, so you do not have to answer to anyone. And you may enjoy doing silly things such as pretending to sing karaoke while you are in your pajamas, or you can be the one to eat an entire bag of cookies. No one will tell you what you can and cannot do. So what do you do when you are home alone? Let’s find that out based on your zodiac sign.
Aries – You Have Your Own Party
Aries, you are the one that never wants to be bored as you are highly energetic. You do like being with others, but you are also independent. Therefore, you will have your own party when you are home alone. That means you will put up the music on full blast (you can get away with this easier if you do not live in an apartment), you will eat what you want, and you will even have a virtual party if you’re going to invite others to your house party from a distance.
Taurus – Eat In Bed
Taurus, you are the one that loves a slow-paced life as you love your material possessions and food. Therefore, when you are home alone where you do not have anyone to answer to, you will be the one to bring your snacks to your bedroom, watch TV, and lie in bed as you eat. You may also scroll through TikTok or YouTube videos as you do that if you do not have a TV in your room. You will also keep your phone on do not disturb as you do not want anyone bothering you as you spend this precious time alone.
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Gemini – You Stay Busy With The Music On
Gemini, you are the one that needs constant stimulation as you will not be the one who will stay home and do nothing. If you are home alone, you will put the music up, and at the same time, you will do what you can to tackle different chores. You will clean the house with the music on loudly. You will also catch up with reading and sending emails when you are alone. Or, if you don’t have any chores to do, you may lie around and daydream. Either way, you will keep yourself busy.
Cancer – Binge-Watch Shows On Netflix And Do A Lot Of Cooking
Cancer, you love being at home as your sign revolves around your home, and you also love it when you are home alone. Even though you need your family and loved ones around, you relish your privacy. Therefore, you will do a lot of binge-watching Netflix documentaries and shows. You also will be the one to cook up a storm when no one is home, and you will freeze a lot of the food you make. You may also eat a lot and regret doing so because you won’t feel so good.
Leo, you are the King or Queen of the jungle, and that title is accurate for your house. When no one is around, you will be happy that you have the place all to yourself. You not only will take a long nap, but once you are awake, you will watch plenty of shows and plenty of movies. Another thing you will do is put your phone or tablet in the “do not disturb” setting because you do not want anyone disturbing your precious time alone.
Virgo – Your Sass Will Come Out
Virgo, you are the one that takes everything seriously, and you are highly responsible. However, when you are home by yourself, that is when your inner sass comes out. You will dress up and take plenty of selfies, but you have no intention of posting them on social media. Also you are known to be a health nut, but you will enjoy some junk food when you are alone. You have a stash of junk food for that purpose. And if you are in the mood, you will host a Zoom party, but you may not. On the other hand, you may enjoy the time alone.
Libra – Lie In Bed While Stalking People On Social Media
Libra, you are the one that loves to be with others, and you do not like to be alone most of the time. However, sometimes you don’t mind if that means you can lie in bed all day, and when you do, you will go on social media and stalk your friends or even those you don’t like because you are curious about what they are up to. For example, you will want to know if your worst high school bully ruined their lives from back in the day. Or, you will want to know if an old friend with who you lost touch is still in town, so you may decide to connect with them again.
Scorpio – You Do Some Research And Online Shopping
Scorpio, you are very secretive, and you will not want anyone to know what you do when you are home alone. And you prefer to be alone often. What do you do in private? You are researching topics that you may not want anyone to know. They may be taboo or not, depending on your curiosity level for that day. However, that is not all you do. You will also be the one to do some online shopping and secretly drop items into your cart online. You are good with money, but sometimes you like to splurge.
Sagittarius – You Listen To Sad Songs And Cry
Sagittarius, everyone knows you as the optimist, and you are the adventurous one. But there are times when you need to stay home alone to recharge. And that also means your deepest feelings come out when you are alone. So what you will do is listen to sad songs and cry. You may also watch tear-jerkers and do the same. That is the way to purge those painful feelings you do not want others to see. It is a case of what stays in your house, stays in your house!
Capricorn – You Take A Warm Bath Or Shower To Cleanse Your Mind
Capricorn, you are the one who is always at work and always doing something productive even when you are not. You need a lot of time for R&R, so you will take that opportunity to ensure that you have plenty when you are home alone. You will take a very long shower to decompress or take a long bath. And you may even take a bubble bath. You will do whatever you choose, as long as it helps you cleanse your mind and soul to be productive again when you need to be.
Aquarius – Overthink Or Watch TV, Or Decide To Leave
Aquarius, you are the independent type and very progressive. That is why you will not want to stay home for very long. If you are home for too long, you will firstly watch TV until your mind wanders to the point of overthinking. Then you will know it is time to get out for a while. Therefore, you will leave the house and go for a walk or go to the store to grab a few items or groceries only so you can distract yourself from overthinking.
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Pisces – Organize Yourself And May Snoop Through Your Partner’s Belongings
Pisces, you are the one who is known to be the dreamy type that does not like to be in reality. However, when you are home alone, that is not how you are. Your logical side comes through, but you may also be somewhat paranoid. Your rational side comes through, so you will organize your closet or other belongings when you are home alone.
However, your irrational side shows again when you overthink and wonder if your partner is up to no good. That is why you will have the temptation to snoop through their belongings, and you may even do it. Just hope they don’t come home and catch you in the act, as you will have plenty of explaining to do.
The bottom line is when you are home alone. Your true self comes out, which is not the side to you that others will see or know. You may still express your zodiac sign’s nature when you are alone at home, but you will exhibit some of the opposites of what you are known for. But who will know anyway since you are home, alone, and in private so no one can see what you are up to? Only you know that, and you would rather keep it that way.
I am a Canadian mom, writer, astrologer, tarot reader, and evidential medium who enjoys traveling, loves to unravel mysteries, and is passionate about metaphysics and spirituality. I am also a mental health advocate and a podcaster, as I have my show, The Tarot Table. You can connect with me at https://creativetarot.net.