April 1, 2025
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What is Your Astrological Work Style

What is Your Astrological Work Style?

They always say you have to find the right fit when seeking employment. We might not even realize why we work well with the people we do, but there is something to be considered about Astrology and the workplace.

Different star signs have stronger abilities to work well together, while other energies have the potential of clashing. When recruiting it might be wise to note the expectations of each sign and how they produce in the workplace.

*If you are born on the cusp of another sign read both horoscopes

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Aries (March 21-April 19)

A true Aries is happiest in charge. Aries likes to be the boss. They are good at calling the shots, managing people, events, brands, and projects. Aries is often very hard-working and gifted at what they do. Aries has the ability to really lead teams and inspire individuals with their unique approach. Aries will always want the best so they will seek out the best jobs and the best teams. Aries likes to win so they will push towards creating advantages for your corporation. Aries will often put career before love. Their jobs can often be demanding and a huge part of their existence. Aries makes for excellent managers, entertainers, CEOS, project managers, and architects. Aries knows how to build things up to greatness, and as long as they can keep their anger and stress levels in control, Aries has the capability to be very successful in the workforce. 

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

There is something in the outgoing nature of fire signs that makes them natural-born leaders. Sagittarius is also a bit bossy by nature, like Aries, they strive to make big moves, and excel at being in charge. Sagittarius needs to own what they do, they need to feel passionate about coming to work. Sagittarius can really flourish in the business world and is often successful at becoming a credible businesswoman or man. Sagittarius doesn’t like to take orders; they prefer to give them. They have an idea about how everything should go and are excellent at overseeing matters and putting in their final input. Sagittarius also loves to play and make gambles. They aren’t afraid to take big risks in their career. They have to be careful of who they trust and who they associate with. Certain partnerships can prove foul for the Sagittarius, but Sagittarius is a hustler and is constantly making moves. 

Leo (July 23-August 22)

I’ve always said that Leo is sometimes the best when they can be their own boss. Leo is a golden leader. They rule the jungle and need a strong following. Though they often have one by nature. A true Leo is pretty popular, and certainly hard-working, but Leo needs to love what they do in order to stay engaged. Leo will be loyal forever, but they have to love the work. Their work has to speak to who they are, and Leo will shout it loud and proud when it does. When Leo follows their dreams almost nothing can go wrong. When Leo wants to shine, they will. People can’t seem to ignore them or refrain from loving them. Leo is very talented and charming, when they find what they love, they touch people, they thrive, they soar. Leo is in many lights the hero at work, the person who helps you and saves you. The person that makes a difference because they stand out and make the workplace more enjoyable. Leo will be that knowing person who you trust that you can come to for the best answer and the best help possible. When Leo wants to, they make for excellent teachers and working mentors. 

Capricorn (December 22-Jan 19)

I always say that your dreams will come true, that everything you want in your life will come to you- because you work for it. Capricorn is the definition of work, they are rarely at rest. Capricorn wants things out of life and goes after them. Capricorn is often that manager by the book, who sets their own tone, which can be desired or resented. Capricorn has their own traditions that they live by. They can’t help but project their expectations and guidelines onto you. Capricorn is often the first man in and the last man out, they work very hard, but they are not often satisfied. Capricorn has very big expectations of things, people, and projects. They will have high standards and hold you to them. Capricorn does give second chances, but it will take them a long time to forget and see you in a new light. You really will have to prove yourself to your Capricorn coworker or boss. Capricorn also responds well to validation, they like being told that they are implementing good change. Capricorn is not the type to do good without credit. If they get a promotion or a new sense of power, you will know about it.  

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Taurus is a sign of control. Unlike fire signs, earth signs make for good bosses in different ways. Taurus is very hard-working. They have a lazy side, for sure, but they often don’t show it at work. Taurus shows people how it is done. Taurus will give. Taurus will be trusted and given the keys in a very short period of time. Taurus can lose their cool on occasion and be a bit of a bully, but for the most part, they are tender at the root. I’ve met Taurus bosses who got off on being mean and orderly, but I knew they were good people at the center. Taurus will sometimes take being in charge too seriously, but their heart is always in the right place. Taurus is sensible and smart and makes good judgment calls. They can make hard tasks look effortless. They have good taste and a good sense of style, and things are often very safe in their hands. Taurus might enjoy working with their hands. Taurus will embrace manual labor or long hours; they are very durable and hard to break. When Taurus is at work, they are usually very focused and dedicated. 

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

As another earth sign, it would be a lie to say Virgo doesn’t like to be in control. Virgo has their way of seeing things, and it will be hard for them not to weigh in. Instead of talking back to the boss, Virgo is better at being the boss. Virgo is highly intelligent and immensely hard-working. They are the sign of service and are constantly giving as much of themselves and more to their jobs. Virgo is highly critical so when they pay you a compliment at work, they really mean it. Virgo can be stubborn, but they really care about their jobs and strive towards professionalism. Sometimes Virgo thinks they have a better way, but they will work hard to prove to you that they are right. The Virgo at home is not the Virgo at work, and Virgo will always keep it this way. Unless they trust you, in which case, Virgo might let you in, but not entirely. The Virgo tends to love privacy and morality–at work, they do things by the book. Virgo will be great at solving problems and putting the pieces of the puzzle together. Virgo is prone to being good at numbers and organizing data. They see things in a special way. They have knowing instincts that can rarely be questioned. Their level of dedication to their job is commendable. There is something quite admirable about Virgo’s sense of focus. 

Libra (September 23-October 22)

There are many Libra people in positions of power, however, I dispute they are likely cusp signs. Either part Virgo or part Scorpio in conjunction with being part Libra. A true Libra doesn’t really enjoy telling people what to do. Libra likes to be liked, and they like to keep cool. They might have a craft that they are the master of and do it well for a company that loves them. They might be really unmotivated and working in the hospitality industry, even though they have bigger talents and dreams–Libra isn’t always the first to move. Many Libra people do not want to grow up, and a part of growing up is getting your career together. Libras need to find the motivation within in order to achieve their goals and fulfill their potential. Libra is full of promise and opportunity so when they desire, they make things happen and get what they want. A Libra can have a variety of talents, which when executed properly are usually rather brilliant. Libra has to learn how to demand more for themselves in the workplace, acknowledging that they are especially talented and have a lot of value to offer, which isn’t expendable. 

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Gemini is the communications master. There isn’t anything a Gemini couldn’t do; Gemini is highly capable. As a visionary, Gemini will often have a niche, a place of work in which they truly flourish at. Prone to detail and aesthetics, Gemini is great in Merchandising, the Arts, and excellent at communication, Gemini can make for great Salesmen, Lawyers, and Interior Designers. Gemini is also great in Hospitality. They love to take care of others and provide the ultimate guest experience. Whatever Gemini does, it can’t be boring. A lot of Gemini people have short attention spans and operate at a high pace. They need to be stimulated by what they do–and constantly. They need to love what they do, otherwise, Gemini will up and leave it. Gemini isn’t afraid to take a leap of faith or say goodbye. While they get over things quickly, they also are prone to making life changes and holding a resume of diverse experience. 

Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

Aquarius is the genius of the Zodiac. They are highly gifted and can really make it at whatever they do. Aquarius is the type to inspire others and change the world – or at least, change the face of the workplace. Aquarius is a mastermind, and in the right position, with the right team, they really excel. They are constantly heading their own projects and taking part in multiple things. It is not rare to meet an Aquarius with multiple jobs. Many Aquarius people are like mini-celebrities as they live rich, full lives that other people envy. Aquarius has to acknowledge that not everyone is on their page, and once they learn to teach their skills to others, they will become truly valuable. Aquarius is best in the mentor role, as they often possess qualities, which others look up to. It is important that Aquarius uses their gifts to do good. Aquarius has high expectations and needs to ensure that work satisfies their desires. Aquarius has the tendency to get stuck somewhere, working at the same place for years or the complex of moving from one place to the other. Aquarius needs to find a sense of home in their occupation, and once they do Aquarius will be happy. It is important to keep the Aquarius motivated and challenged. Aquarius doesn’t want to feel like they could do their job in their sleep–they want more. If Aquarius can get everything that they want from one place, then they will be in a good position.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Cancer simply has to find their craft in order to be successful. They can’t pretend for too long in a job they don’t love. They won’t do well with authority figures and they won’t love being the authority figure. Cancer needs to work with the right people. They are highly creative and empathic people, but they are emotional and don’t get along with just anyone. When Cancer finds the right support in the workplace, they can do great things. Cancer is the solutions specialist. They are crafty and domestic; they know how to solve a project management problem and bake a pie at the same time. Cancer might pick the simple life over the crazy career because they crave comfort and will often put love and family before work. Cancer is an excellent provider, but their happiness is crucial, and if work isn’t making Cancer happy, Cancer will have to move on. Cancer is skilled, and while they might seem reserved at first, once you crack them, they will open you up to a world full of possibility and intellect. 

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Scorpio is the type to bring the office home with them. Scorpios will work above and beyond their means. Scorpio is constantly putting in and giving back. Scorpio is great in charge, and if they are not the boss at work, they are certainly the boss of something in their life. Scorpio is a sign of control; they too can set a perfect working example. Scorpio women are known to take on the world, they have tons of girl boss energy. Scorpio is highly intelligent, trust is important to them, which is why that you can trust that they will do an excellent job. Scorpio doesn’t always verbally communicate properly, but you can read a lot about them from their body language. Scorpio will earn your respect in an instant. If you work for a Scorpio, you will be impressed and want to impress them back. Sometimes Scorpio bites off more than they can chew, but they always manage to swallow. Scorpio is the work superhero. Sometimes they are silent, but they are always deadly and extremely effective. A Scorpio really knows how to work their way up the ladder and create that “wow factor.”

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Pisces (Feb 19-March 20)

There is plenty of fish in the sea and therefore plenty of different working fish. Some Pisces don’t have big career motivations. Pisces can embrace their child-like essence and hate the idea of getting older or setting real, long-term goals in the real world. On the other hand, Einstein was a Pisces and greatness is really possible in this sign. Pisces can be gifted in intellect and perception. They have really good ideas and strong intuitions that can be trusted. Usually blessed with a creative passion, Pisces is diverse and capable of bringing great energy to the work environment. It is important for Pisces to find the right fit, and the right job, not just any job. Pisces needs to like the people that they work with and feel inspired. As Pisces is written as the sign that has aspects of every sign in it, anything is possible. World leaders, CEOs, celebrities, lawyers, artists, the sky is really the limit when it comes to Pisces. You never know what you are going to get, but you should expect honesty. A good fish will bring brilliance to the table. A good fish will be popular in the workplace and set a unique, and one-of-a-kind example. A good fish will leave a memorable mark.